Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 135: Good luck will come later

Harry's Nimbus 2000 was unfortunately not repaired in the end. Although Professor Flitwick tried many times to use repair spells to repair it, the damage to the Nimbus 2000 was too serious.

At Madam Pomfrey's repeated request, Harry stayed in the hospital throughout the weekend. There was an endless stream of people coming to see him. Everyone tried to use various methods to make him happy and stop worrying about the results of the game. He blames himself. This is the only time in all the competitions he has participated in that he failed to catch the Golden Snitch. He cannot be too demanding on himself.

When Nydia went to the hospital, she happened to meet Fred and George coming out of it.

"Think of a way to make him happy." George shook his head helplessly.

"We have exhausted all methods, but he still looks depressed. He has been keeping the fragments of Nimbus 2000 and is unwilling to throw them away," Fred said. "That is indeed a good flying broomstick, but now it has become pieces. There is no use in keeping it anymore."

"Perhaps you can help him be happy in other ways." Nydia thought of what happened in Hogsmeade. "Harry's uncle failed to sign his Hogsmeade permission form. I miss you." It should be able to point him to another way to get there."

"Oh, this is so easy." George said excitedly, "In order to make our seeker happy, we are willing to tell him all the secret passages."

"Oh, I'm already envious of him." Nitya said with emotion, "I'm going to see him first. We'll see you later."

"Wait a minute." Fred stopped Nydia, who was about to open the door and enter the hospital. "Um, has Malfoy's hand fully recovered?"

"It's almost done. What's wrong?" Nydia didn't understand why Fred suddenly asked about Draco's hand injury. Could it be that he had the same thoughts as Ron?

"Don't get me wrong, it doesn't mean anything, it's just that we need Slytherin to defeat Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw now, so that we won't be eliminated early." Fred explained.

"I can't believe that these words will come out of our mouths one day," George shook his head in disbelief and said, "Tell that kid Malfoy to work hard."

"This feels really amazing." Nydia also didn't expect that one day the Gryffindor players would eagerly hope that the Slytherin team would win.

"Who says it isn't?" Fred and George shrugged helplessly, then turned and left.

When Nydia pushed the door open and entered the hospital, Harry was trying to hold down a get-well card that was emitting a shrill song with a bowl filled with fruit.

"What's going on?" Nydia stepped forward to check, "This is what Ginny did. Don't you like it?"

"No, it's not, it's just that it keeps barking and I can't make it stop." Harry reluctantly handed the recovery card to Nydia.

"I think there was something wrong when attaching the spell," Nidia took out the wand, "It was restored as before." The card's singing stopped, "Okay, so it won't sing anymore as long as you close it." Nydia handed the card back to Harry.

"Thank you." Harry took the card and placed it aside.

"You're welcome, Ginny spent a lot of effort to do this." Nydia looked at Harry, "How do you feel?"

"To be honest, I think I can be discharged from the hospital, but Madam Pomfrey insists on letting me live here." Harry didn't like the feeling of being visited by everyone in turn, as if it was reminding him repeatedly , like how he fell off his broomstick and caused the team to lose the game.

"Mrs. Pomfrey just thinks this will be safer. Believe me, it's not that bad. At least there are no other college students here."

Harry fell from a high altitude in front of all the teachers and students in the school. The situation of his injuries was widely spread. At first, there was even news that he had passed away. Now many people outside want to know what happened to him.

"Okay, maybe what you said is right." Harry's lost eyes touched the fragments of Nimbus 2000 placed beside his bed, "I heard from Ron and Hermione that it was you who went to help me find it. Come, thank you."

"It's nothing. If I could have noticed earlier that it went to the Whomping Willow, maybe it wouldn't be like this." Nidia expressed regret.

"I'm starting to believe in Professor Trelawney's divination now, about that unknown thing." Harry stared at the fragments of Nimbus 2000 in a daze. "I saw that big black dog twice, and both times it was associated with near-fatal danger."

Nydia knew that the big black dog Harry was talking about was actually Sirius. He could not have appeared in front of Harry because he wanted to see how his godson was doing, but it happened to be combined with Professor Trelawney's unknown divination. , making Harry mistakenly believe that he had really seen something unknown.

"This should be just a coincidence. Many animals are called ominous, such as crows. They can even be seen everywhere. If this really means something bad will happen, then Hagrid will encounter bad things every day. There are a lot of crows wandering around his pumpkin patch every day.”

"You sound so much like Hermione. I hope this is just a coincidence, otherwise I will have to be wary of this beast for the rest of my life."

"You are Harry Potter, the great savior who is not even afraid of Voldemort. Are you still afraid of a black dog?" Nydia said jokingly.

"I didn't wait, you just said his name and you said Voldemort." Harry looked at Nydia in surprise, "Aren't you scared?"

"It's just a name, are you afraid?" Nidia shrugged indifferently. Only in front of Harry did she dare to say this name.

"No, of course not, it's just that Ron and the others were never happy for me to say this name." Harry looked at Nydia and smiled happily.

"Michelle is the same. Every time I say it accidentally, she acts surprised. She looks at me as if I have made a big mistake." At this point, Nidia Very similar to Harry.

Madam Pomfrey opened the door and walked in. She told Nydia that the visiting hours had passed and Harry still needed a good rest.

Nidia stood up and left. When she walked to the door, she suddenly turned around and said to Harry, "I remember I once saw a sentence in a book, saying that if you survive a disaster, you will be blessed later. You see, you never It's okay to fall from such a high altitude. I think something happy will happen to you soon."

"I hope so." If anything could cheer him up, it would probably be winning Quidditch and getting his broomstick repaired.

After leaving the hospital, Nydia first returned to the dormitory, found Crookshanks and asked him to send a brief letter to Sirius telling him about Harry's situation. Then she headed towards the library.

"You're here," Ms. Pince, the librarian, greeted Nitya. "Would you like to continue checking out the potions books?"

During this period, Nidia came to the library very frequently, and she always looked for books on potion recipes. She often asked Ms. Pings about potion books, so she became familiar with her over time.

"Absolutely. I want to find some information about crocus. Do you know which book I can find it in?" If I can get Ms. Pingsi's guidance, the search time can be greatly reduced.

"What are you doing checking this? This is the contents of the forbidden book area." Ms. Pingsi looked at Nidia in surprise.

"Oh, I just heard Professor Snape mention this. It is said that it is good or bad in different ways. I think it is very magical, so I want to know more about it. So that I don't make mistakes in the future." Nidia She secretly screamed, "Oh no, if only the forbidden book area has introductions, then she still needs to find a teacher to sign for herself, but who would be willing to sign this?"

"You know that books in the restricted area need to be signed by a teacher. I think you need to go to Professor Snape to sign it for you first." Ms. Pince said calmly. Not only many students but also teachers knew that Nydia had been tutoring Snape. In their view, Nydia was Snape's favorite student and asked him to give Nydia It will definitely be no problem to sign and borrow a book.

"Actually, I don't need to borrow it, I just need to look through it here. If I go to the professor for such a trivial matter, I'm worried that he will be unhappy." Nydia knew in her heart that Snape would definitely not I will sign this for myself.

"This" Ms. Pince was a little embarrassed. Snape was famous for his bad temper. If Nydia just needed to browse here and go to him to sign, it seemed to be a bit of a fuss.

"Ms. Pince, please be accommodating. We all know Professor Snape's preference for Nydia. It will definitely not be a problem to sign for him, but this process is really time-consuming."

Not only did Daphne come over, Nidia was surprised that she was actually helping her convince Ms. Pince

"I'll go with you." Ms. Pingsi thought for a moment and said, "I don't doubt you, but I have to make sure that you really just read this book, because some of the books in it are really too dangerous. "

"No problem, thank you Ms. Pince." Nidia turned to look at Daphne. Although she didn't quite understand why she helped her, Nidia still thanked her.

Ms. Pingsi took Nidia to the restricted book area, took out a thick book from the high bookshelf and handed it to Nidia, "If I remember correctly, it should be in Chapter 34. It’s like seventeen pages.”

Nidia turned the book to page 347, and it was indeed here. She had to sincerely admire Ms. Pince's memory. At the same time, I am also glad that Ms. Pingsi has such a memory that helps her save a lot of time.

There is a relatively detailed description of crocus in the book. Nidia read it carefully. Briefly speaking, under normal circumstances, this plant has no harmful effects and can only be used as an ornamental plant. However, as long as it is cultivated through special The method of extracting saffron extract does not specifically mention the extraction method in the book. , this extract affects the mood of the animal, making it excited, irritable, and aggressive. The extract is colorless and odorless, but will glow with a blue glow under the bright light of fluorescent stones.

"Thank you." Nidia handed the book back to Ms. Pince. She had gotten the information she wanted.

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