Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 253: Lies discovered

When we came out of the cave where Sirius was, it was already half dark. When Nydia finally handed the candy she bought to Sirius, he was as happy as a child and kept talking about how he was studying at Hogwarts. How much you would love Honeydukes candy.

The location of the cave is very remote. To get back to school from here, you need to pass through the entire Hogsmeade village. At this point in time, the students have basically returned to school, and very few of them are still staying. This makes anyone A person wearing a Hogwarts uniform becomes particularly noticeable here, especially when this person is someone you are very familiar with.

The first time she saw Draco and Rita together, Nydia could still tell herself that this might just be a coincidence, but when this happened again, Nydia could no longer use this excuse. It was time to convince himself, especially since Draco had once again lied about his whereabouts.

Nydia didn't go directly to call Draco. She took out her double-sided mirror and started calling Draco.

Hearing the sound, Draco took out the double-sided mirror and took a look at it. After hesitating for a moment, he put the double-sided mirror back into his pocket, and then followed Rita's footsteps into the Three Broomsticks Tavern. .

Nydia, who stood in the distance and saw all this, stopped calling. She knew that even if she continued to call Draco, he would not respond to her. Why would Draco be in contact with Rita? He was Are you giving Rita any information? Was Hermione's previous report related to Draco? She stood there for a long time and hesitated for a long time, but in the end she chose to go back to school alone. It was not that she had not considered walking into the tavern directly to ask Draco for the reason, but she was afraid that Draco would not explain clearly or that the truth of the matter was something she did not want to see.

Passing through the Fat Lady's portrait, Harry and the three of them were sitting around the fire talking about something. Nydia's appearance immediately aroused their thoughts.

"Hey! Nidia, come here quickly, we have something to talk to you about." Ron greeted Nidia loudly.

"Sorry! I'm very tired. I want to go back to the dormitory to rest." Nidia said weakly.

"But it's about... Padfoot! I thought you'd want to hear about it," Harry said.

"Actually, I just came from Padfoot. I'm really sorry. I need to rest now." From the moment she walked into the lounge, Nydia's steps didn't stop for even a moment because of Harry's words. Stairs, heading towards the girls' dormitory.

"She went to see Big Foot!" Ron was surprised by Nidia's words. He said in an unhappy tone, "What does this mean? You don't have time to go with us, but you can go right behind us?"

"She doesn't look right! I'm going to check on her." Hermione followed worriedly.

"Am I being careless?" Ron said, "I think she is avoiding us on purpose!"

"Avoid it?" Ron's words made Harry start to think carefully about what happened during this period of time. It seemed that Nydia had been avoiding him intentionally or unintentionally since the end of the second project. "Have you ever told her about it?" What, about...those...thoughts I have about her!"

"You mean you like her?" said Ron. "Of course not, mate, that's for you to say."

"That's good." Harry just breathed a sigh of relief and immediately remembered something, "Hermione didn't say it either, right?"

"Oh! Then I'm not sure. You know, they are in the same dormitory." Ron shrugged, "Girls! Sometimes we can talk about anything when we get together."

"Oops." Harry said worriedly.

"Maybe it's not that bad. She will never know if you don't tell her. If Hermione tells you, she might give you a push!" Ron tried to comfort Harry and let him look on the bright side. think.

"She's starting to avoid me now. Isn't it bad enough?" Harry said with a headache.

"Oh... this... um..." Ron hesitated for a while, but in the end he still couldn't tell the reason.

When Hermione walked into the dormitory, Nydia was already lying on the bed with her clothes closed, and the quilt almost covered her whole body.

"What happened?" Hermione walked to Nydia's bedside and asked worriedly, "If you just saw Padfoot, why did you come back like this?"

"I'm fine, I'm just tired. I want to rest." Nidia retracted her head into the quilt. She really didn't want to look at Hermione now, because if the article about Hermione was really virtuous, With Laco's involvement, how could she have the face to face Hermione! "You don't have to worry about me, I'll be fine after I take a nap."

"Okay...I won't disturb you anymore, but if you want to find someone to talk to, I'll be here at any time." Seeing Nydia's appearance, Hermione thought that maybe it would be better to let her calm down for a while, and wait until she When you want to say something, you will say it yourself.

Hermione turned to leave, but before she took a few steps, she heard several subtle voices calling Nydia's name, and the voice sounded very much like Malfoy's.

"Nidya, did you hear that?" Hermione turned around again and said, "Is it the sound made by your double-sided mirror?"

Nidia didn't speak. She wanted to wait until the calling of the double-sided mirror stopped, but she waited for a long time and Draco still didn't give up. In desperation, she handed the double-sided mirror out from the quilt.

"Hermione! Can you do me a favor?" Nydia poked her head out from under the quilt, "Tell Draco that I'm already asleep."

"Did you quarrel?" Hermione looked at Nitya in confusion. Is this the reason why she was unhappy?

"No, we didn't fight, I just...please, tell him I fell asleep, that's all." Nydia pleaded to Hermione.

"Okay..." Hermione took the double-sided mirror from Nydia, and Nydia immediately got back under the quilt.

"N...Granger?" Draco was very surprised when he saw that the person who appeared in the mirror was not Nydia. "Where is Nydia? What happened to her?"

"Hi... Malfoy... Well, Nydia is a little tired, so she has gone to bed." Hermione tried to keep her tone of voice steady.

"Sleeping? Now?" Draco felt a little unbelievable. It was just after dinner time.

"Yes! We walked around Hogsmeade for a long time in the afternoon. She felt tired when we came back, so she went to bed first," Hermione said.

"Okay!" Draco thought for a moment, "Please help me explain to her that I was talking to someone in the lounge, so I couldn't respond to her call in time."

lie! Lying on the bed, Nydia heard Draco's every word clearly. She couldn't understand why Draco did this. She thought that Draco would no longer trouble Harry and the others. She thought that if they could not be friends, they would at least not be enemies.

"Okay, no problem." After saying that, Hermione couldn't wait to cut off the link of the double-way mirror. She threw the double-way mirror back on Nydia's bed. "Now I at least know that you are here because of Malfoy." When you lose your temper, a little suggestion is to speak up directly if you have any problems. Don’t expect boys to guess it by themselves. A cold war will only make the situation worse.”

Nydia curled up in the quilt and said nothing. It wasn't that she didn't hear Hermione's suggestion, but she didn't know how to answer. She asked herself to go directly to Draco and ask, 'Hey! Did you go to Rita to betray my friend? ', Nydia could almost give a positive answer to this question, but she was still afraid that the answer would really come out of Draco's mouth.

If he really admitted it, what should he do?

Early the next morning, before the sky was almost completely bright, Nidia was already sitting alone in the common room. She was holding a book, but more than ten minutes had passed, and she had not even turned a page.

"Morning! Nidia." Harry walked down from the boys' dormitory. Today was the weekend, and everyone generally got up late. He originally thought there would be no one else. "It seems like you did go to bed early yesterday!"

"Morning! Harry." After Nydia glanced at Harry, her eyes returned to her book.

Harry sat next to Nitya. He didn't want the atmosphere between him and Nitya to be too awkward, and wanted to find something to talk about, "How about this book? Girls are all special about their looks. Do you care?"

Nidia was stunned for a moment, and then turned over the book in her hand, "The Secret of Witches' Ageless Appearances". She took the book casually, and she didn't even notice what she was reading, and this book was She had borrowed books from the library when she was confused about Yiwan's age. In retrospect, many of Yiwan's words seemed to reveal that she was actually older than she looked, so Nidia wanted to know if it really existed. What is the magic spell or potion that can make people look young.

"I'm a little curious...so I just browsed through it." Nidia wanted to throw the book aside, but now she had no other books in her hand.

"Oh, right..." Harry realized that this topic seemed a bit awkward for him, so he immediately wanted to change the subject, "I made an appointment with Ron and Hermione to send a letter to Percy later, and you should also get it from Padfoot. I heard it! Do you... want to go together? "

"No, I want to read a book quietly, you go ahead!" Nidia refused without hesitation, and the book in her hand finally turned a page.

"Okay!" Harry didn't continue. He decided to ask Hermione about what she told Nydia later.

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