Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 285: Entering the basement warehouse again

The wedding banquet lasted until the night. Although Nydia really hoped that Draco could stay for a while like Michelle, she had to let Draco leave with the Malfoys. They agreed to meet in Diagon Alley a week before school started, and Chrétien asked them to make time to go to Gringotts to find him.

At night, after guessing that everyone else had fallen asleep, Nidia walked out of the room alone with a portable lamp. She walked all the way towards the basement. However, when she passed the hall, she unexpectedly met someone else. Two people who sneaked out of the room in the middle of the night bumped into each other.

"Why are you here!" Blaise asked Nitya in a low voice, while Michelle stood on top of him with a red face.

Nidia looked at the hands of the two people clasped together and could basically guess the purpose of the two people coming out in the middle of the night. "I won't disturb your tryst. How about you pretend that you haven't seen me tonight?"

Blaise and Michelle looked at each other, and then they shook their heads in unison.

"What are you going to do? In the middle of the night!" Michelle asked, her eyes full of curiosity.

Nitya felt a headache, and she knew that once Michelle showed such an expression, she would not be able to get rid of her.

"Okay, come with me, but don't touch anything without my permission." Nidia warned.

"Sure enough, there is something interesting, isn't it!" Blaise said excitedly.

"This is your home anyway, so it's okay to let you know about the existence of this place." Nidia sighed, hoping that the two of them would really listen to her and not touch things they shouldn't. That's good.

Nidia took Brace and Michelle to the hidden warehouse in the basement. As soon as they walked in, they were attracted by the various items piled around.

"Father is not allowed to enter this place, because some things here contain black magic. You must not touch it casually. If it is just a skin injury, it can be treated easily, but if it is contaminated with a curse, it will be troublesome." Ni Tia warned the curious two again.

"Not allowed to enter?" Blaise looked at Nidia suspiciously, "But I think you seem to be familiar with the road, so you should come here!"

Blaise's words left Nydia speechless, but Michelle on the side suddenly said with great pride, "No warning can stop a Gryffindor from exploring."

"...You guys...just do what you want! Just don't touch them casually..." Nitya stopped talking to the two of them and walked towards her goal.

She picked up the ancestral book abandoned by her father from the dusty long table, patted the dust on it and slowly unfolded it. When she saw Olivia's name on the family tree, , her heart was filled with joy, and her father was finally no longer alone. Perhaps she should suggest to her father that this book should be put back in his study, because the names of their children would appear on it in the future.

"What is this? A mask? But why is it blank? And it's as thin as a piece of dough?"

Michelle's curious voice suddenly came over, and Nidia knew that they must not have listened to her and turned something over. She closed the clan book and turned around to find the other two people.

"Didn't I tell you not to touch things!" Nidia scolded.

"Nidia, do you know what this is?" When Michelle saw Nidia coming over, not only did she not feel that she had done something she shouldn't have done, but she excitedly asked Nidia.

"This is just a useless magic prop!" Nydia was relieved to see that what they were holding was not a dangerous item.

"Does it have some terrible black magic?" Blaise also asked curiously. He wanted to try to touch the thing that looked like a human face with his hands, but he was a little worried and dared not really touch it.

"That's not the case, it's more like a prank prop." Nidia replied.

"What about this one!" Michelle pointed to another silver box, "The pattern on its edge looks like a row of teeth!"

"If you don't want to lose a few fingers, don't touch it easily." Nitya said.

"What about this hourglass? What's so special about it?" Blaise asked, pointing to an hourglass whose gold paint had peeled off.

"It can control the speed of sand loss according to your thoughts..." Nidia was already getting a little impatient.

"Then this candle..."

"That's enough! I don't know everything!" When Michelle asked again, Nidia interrupted her rudely.

"Okay!" Michelle curled her lips, looking a little disappointed, "...it seems like I haven't seen any dangerous black magic props!"

"If you want to see black magic props so much, I suggest you go to Knockturn Alley. You won't be disappointed there." Nidia said angrily.

"Is this what you came here for in the middle of the night?" Blaise asked, pointing to the clan book in Nitya's hand.

"That's right!" Nitya sighed and opened the clan book again, "I always feel like I have to take a look at it to feel at ease."

"This is not the first time that my mother's name has appeared in the clan register, but I think this will be the last time!" Brace said, looking at the family tree in the clan register.

"Actually, I never asked you, when did you know my identity? Was it also because of Rita Skeeter's report?" Whether it was the last time Voldemort met him or the fact that he was not on this family tree. Blaise didn't show any surprise at the name.

"I swear, I definitely didn't tell him that!" Michelle on the side immediately said nervously.

"No one said it was you who said it, so why are you so nervous!" Blaise smiled and pinched Michelle's face, "You three are always sneaky and hesitate to speak. I got up early. I was suspicious, but it was Rita Skeeter’s report that confirmed my suspicion.”

"That bad woman is so abominable!" Michelle said angrily.

"I'm very grateful to her now. She helped me talk out the things that I couldn't talk about. Now I feel much more relaxed, and I don't have to hide it in the future." Nitya said nonchalantly, "Harry and Hermione already know it, and I guess they may have told Ron now. Oh, by the way, Sirius also knows it. In this case, maybe Lupine will know it too."

"Um...is this really good?" Michelle said worriedly, "So many people know..."

"It's better to let them know now than to let them know the truth from Voldemort in the future." Nidia shrugged, "Okay, I think we should go back to the room to rest, but if you want to continue the tryst, go ahead. ! I'm going back to sleep."

"...We just came out for a walk..." Michelle said shyly.

Nitya smiled and said nothing, and then the three of them quietly left the basement as if they had come, and each went back to their own rooms.

The next morning, Nydia came to Ward's study while Olivia was taking care of the garden. Yesterday, Draco was unable to find out Harry's specific situation from Lucius. Lucius Unwilling to let them get involved, he did reveal the news that Nydia's father, Ward, would attend Harry's trial at the Ministry of Magic.

"I never knew you were a member of the Wizengamot!" Nydia was very surprised when she learned the news, because Ward had always been unfavorable to the Ministry of Magic.

"Did you think that during the time you were at Hogwarts, I was just sitting at home drinking tea and reading newspapers?" Ward said with a smile, his expression revealing a sense of pride.

"Of course not, you're still accompanying Olivia, aren't you!" Nidia said jokingly, "To be honest, I haven't been able to wish you a happy wedding yet! I'm really happy for you."

"Needless to say polite words, I know you are here about Harry Potter." When Lucius told him yesterday that Draco went to ask him about this matter, he had guessed that Nydia must I will also ask myself.

"So can you tell me something? I promise I won't do anything. I just want to know something." Nidia asked cautiously.

"He used the Patronus Charm in front of Muggles because..."

"Dementors! He will only use the Patronus Curse when he encounters a dementor." Nidia suddenly remembered that when she met Voldemort that day, the news he received seemed to say that the dementors' operation failed, "Yes Voldemort did it right!"

Ward nodded.

"You will help Harry, right! I know that the final outcome of the trial is determined by the votes of the Wizengamot members." Nydia believed that at least her father's vote would be for Harry to be innocent.

Ward sighed and said helplessly, "I will find a way to give him some help, but Nydia, you have to know that Fudge now wants to suppress Dumbledore, so on the surface I can't go to him. But you can rest assured that he will be fine, and you have to believe in Dumbledore’s ability.”

"Okay..." Although Nydia was still a little worried, since both her father and Snape said that Harry would be fine, they must have had a solution to the problem.

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