Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 347 Harry and the Horcrux

After the course ended on the second day, the Christmas vacation officially began. Hermione took the Knight Bus overnight that day and went to the Order of the Phoenix headquarters in London, while Nydia and others took the Hogwarts Express back the next day. King's Cross station.

Nydia told Michelle, Draco and Blaise everything she knew. Michelle was relieved after learning that Mr. Weasley's injury had stabilized. Draco and Blaise said... They didn't care much about this matter, but they knew that Nydia must be very concerned about anything involving Voldemort.

This is indeed the case. Since learning about this incident, Nydia's mind has been filled with all kinds of questions. Why did Voldemort attack Mr. Weasley? Is he already planning to take action? And why did Harry know about Voldemort's actions? Is there any connection between him and Voldemort? What was Dumbledore hiding?

"Fortunately, the person you fell in love with was not that boy Potter!" Yiwan sighed after hearing what Nitya said.

After returning to Field Manor, Nidia told Yiwan everything. Because Yiwan always knew something that she didn't understand, Nidia thought that Yiwan might be able to solve her doubts.

"What do you mean by this? What does my liking of Harry have to do with this matter?" Nitya asked in confusion. She didn't understand why Yi Wan suddenly mentioned this.

"I think Dumbledore has probably guessed that it won't be long before he comes to you again, alone." Yi Wan said very firmly.

"What's going on? Can't you speak more clearly?" Nidia felt a little annoyed. She felt that Yiwan was deliberately being mysterious.

"Do you remember the Horcrux I told you about?" Yi Wan said.

"Of course I remember, a very evil black magic! But what does this have to do with Horcruxes?" If Yiwan didn't get to the point again, Nidia would lose her patience completely.

"Although I'm not 100% sure yet, I guess there's a good chance that the boy-who-lived became one of Voldemort's Horcruxes inadvertently," Yi Wan said.

"What are you talking about!" Nidia found it hard to believe, "Harry is a living person, how could he be a Horcrux!"

"I never said that Horcruxes can only be dead objects!" Yiwan said, "There will be a certain connection between Horcruxes and the body, so Potter can see what is happening on Voldemort's side."

"There is a connection! Does that mean Voldemort can also see the situation on Harry's side!" Nydia panicked. Doesn't it mean that everything Harry knows has been exposed to Voldemort, so Dumbledore Will Lido avoid Harry for this term? He already knew all this!

"It depends on whether Voldemort knows that Potter is his Horcrux. I guess Potter was just created by him unintentionally. He was counterattacked by Avada's Kedavra, although your mother's Sacrifice Curse saved him. Most of his soul, but some of his broken soul should still be attached to the only living thing at the time." Yi Wan expressed her guess.

"So Voldemort probably doesn't know that Harry is also a Horcrux of his?" Nydia asked.

"This is very possible, otherwise how could he let Potter see these scenes and let him ruin his plan!" Yi Wan said.

"Harry had some dreams about Voldemort last year... Could it be because Harry is a Horcrux?" Nidia still found it difficult to accept.

"Not only that, I think Potter's sudden irritability this semester may have been affected by Voldemort's mood swings." Yi Wan continued to recall various details, feeling more and more that her guess was correct.

"Is there any way to separate Voldemort's soul from Harry?" Nydia asked.

Yi Wan shook her head, "Currently, there is no way to separate the soul from the Horcrux, but if you want to destroy the split soul, you can only destroy the Horcrux."

"Does that mean that if you want to kill Voldemort, you must kill Harry first!" Nidia panicked at this conjecture. Harry's life and Voldemort's life were tied together.

"That's why I said, luckily the person you fall in love with is not Potter." Yiwan sighed, "If Dumbledore wanted to save Potter, he would probably want you to use the Sacrifice Charm on Harry. body! This will not only destroy Voldemort's soul fragments, but also save Potter's life."

"But, I can't cast the Sacrifice Curse for Harry!" Nidia was not as grateful for this situation as Iwan was.

"Yes! But Dumbledore doesn't understand. None of them really understand this spell! The more powerful the spell, the greater its limitations." Yi Wan lay lazily on the bed and stretched, as long as it would not hurt Nydia, she didn't care what happened to Harry Potter.

Nydia was sitting on the bed in a daze. The truth of the matter made her unable to accept it for a while. Did Dumbledore know about this a long time ago? What was he going to do? Could it be that she really wanted to cast the Sacrifice Curse for Harry as Iwan said? But he couldn't use this spell for Harry at all, so what should Harry do? He was the only one to escape from Voldemort. Maybe his own ability was not that powerful, but his existence was very important to those who persisted in fighting against Voldemort. It is a symbol of hope for people.

At this moment, Nitya hopes that all this is just Yiwan getting the situation wrong!

On Christmas Day, Nydia got up early and got ready to go to Malfoy Manor. Now another thing that worried her came to her mind.

"There will be a lot of people coming to this Christmas dinner, and they are all people who have joined the Dark Lord. I may not have that much time to take care of you two, so I hope you two and Draco will stay as far away as possible. Crowd, don’t interact with the people present.” On the carriage, Ward Field warned Nidia and Brace that he didn’t want other people to pay too much attention to Nidia.

"Since the people who come are all those who have chosen to be loyal to Voldemort, then... will he also come? Voldemort!" Nydia asked anxiously.

Ward Field was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "He has never attended such an occasion before."

Nidia breathed a sigh of relief, and the worries in her heart were finally put down. However, for a moment, a trace of invisible disappointment flashed through her heart.

The carriage arrived at Malfoy Manor, and when they got off the carriage, another carriage arrived at the same time as them, and a man with a somewhat ferocious face stepped out.

"Ward! It's been so long! I didn't expect you to come this time!" The man walked up to Ward and extended his hand to him.

"How could you miss the Malfoy family's banquet! Right! Yaxley." Ward held Yaxley's outstretched hand, and then cleverly blocked Nitya with his body.

Yaxley smiled inexplicably, and after glancing at Olivia, he raised his head high and walked towards the interior of Malfoy Manor with Ward, with Nydia and others following behind them. .

"Peacock..." As he passed by the garden, the white peacock kept in the garden caught Yaxley's attention. He said with a hint of ridicule, "Lucius just loves to play with these exaggerated things."

"They are beautiful, and they match this garden very well, don't they? Sir." Nidia said in a not too friendly tone.

Yaxley turned back to look at Nitya in surprise, as if he had just discovered her existence, "Are you...?"

"Nydia Field!" Nidia bowed politely, but her eyes did not linger on Yaxley, obviously not wanting to talk to him any more.

Yaxley felt Nidia's neglect towards him. He frowned and looked at Ward, but Ward simply said "This is my daughter" and then turned his head and ignored him. This made him Yaxley was very dissatisfied.

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