Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 364: Team Training and Valentine’s Day

This major mistake by the Ministry of Magic did not make Umbridge restrain her behavior in the school. On the contrary, she began to use her rights more vigorously. She seemed to have decided to make a difference between Hagrid and Trelawney. One of them was expelled every time, so Umbridge would bring her clipboard to every class.

"I feel like she's driving Trelawney crazy!" Michelle said to Nydia after a divination class. "She would ask Trelawney a lot of questions in every class, and then she would Trelawney’s answer was scoffing! If there is a fight between Trelawney and Hagrid, I guess it will be Trelawney. At least Hagrid can answer some of Umbridge’s questions.”

"If you put aside Hagrid's blood, I would have the same idea as you, but Fudge hates half-humans like Hagrid very much. I think Umbridge will choose Hagrid in order to please Fudge." Nydia Michelle has the opposite opinion on this.

"That's not okay, she can't fire Hagrid! If Hagrid is fired, where can he go?" Michelle said excitedly.

"Umbridge can fire Hagrid as a teacher, but she can't fire Hagrid as a gamekeeper. Hagrid will still stay in the school." In fact, Nydia feels that Hagrid will temporarily put down his teaching job. Even better, because his current condition is really bad, and the various wounds on his body have never fully healed. Nidia guessed that his giant brother must have accidentally hurt him again. Hagrid would deliberately hurt him every time in class. To avoid Nitya's gaze, he would also quickly drive all students away from the scene after class, otherwise others would have the opportunity to ask him any questions.

"Hagrid is a good gamekeeper! He is very friendly to the creatures in the Forbidden Forest. But I don't mean that he is not a good teacher, but sometimes dangerous creatures seem too cute in his eyes." Michelle began to feel less worried after learning that Hagrid could still stay at Hogwarts even if he lost his teaching position.

The Quidditch team's training began a week after the Christmas break. Only then did Nidia discover that Ginny was actually one of the two new batsmen Angelina had found, and she also flew very well. The force of hitting the Bludger may not be enough, but the accuracy is very high. Compared with her, Ron, as her brother, has never been able to find the state he should be in. The situation in the last game gave him It left a shadow in his heart. He completely lost confidence in himself. After several training sessions, he successfully saved only a handful of balls.

The situation on Nydia's side is not particularly optimistic. In the first few trainings, she went very smoothly, because Draco came over to practice with her those few times, but Draco His presence made the other team members feel uncomfortable, especially Ron, so Nydia did not let Draco come over in subsequent trainings, but without Draco, Nydia's actions became less decisive. , often allowing the Snitch that should have been captured to escape again.

The bad training situation put a lot of pressure on everyone, especially Angelina, who was the team leader. She was so anxious that she almost cried at the end of several training sessions, and other team members who were exhausted physically and mentally did not know how to comfort them. Fortunately, Angelina is a girl with a very strong heart and never gives up. Usually after a night's rest, she will be full of energy again and encourage everyone to train hard. The result of this is that the team's training changes. More and more.

"I've been waiting for you!"

When Nydia walked into the Gryffindor common room one night, dragging her exhausted body after training, Hermione came forward with some urgency and pulled Nydia to a corner.

"Did something happen?" Nidia replied weakly. She just wanted to go back to her bed as soon as possible and have a good sleep.

"How's that going? Has Rita Skeeter replied to your letter?" Hermione said softly, "Next Saturday is the time when we can go to Hogsmeade. I think she should be there to give Ha It’s perfect for Lee to do an exclusive interview.”

"Oh! I forgot all about this. I should have told you earlier, but the team's training and endless homework took up too much of my time." Nidia patted her forehead. , "She has already agreed and asked me about the time. I will reply to her tomorrow and tell her to meet her in Hogsmeade next Saturday, but..."

"But what?" Nydia's sudden pause made Hermione's heart tighten. Did Rita Skeeter make any other requests?

"But the Quidditch team will have training next Saturday, so I'm afraid I won't be able to go to Hogsmeade with you..." Nydia said helplessly.

"You actually have to train next Saturday!" Hermione said a little surprised, "Next Saturday is Valentine's Day!"

"Valentine's Day! Valentine's Day is next week!" She has been busy with training and homework, and January has passed before she knew it. Nydia then remembered that Valentine's Day will soon be here, "...and Hufflepah There are only two weeks left for Qi’s game and Angelina is eager for us to train every day.”

"Okay! It seems that only Harry and I can go that day. Maybe I can call Luna. After all, the article is going to be published in his father's magazine." Hermione said with some regret.

"...You can bring Iwan with you." Nydia thought for a while and said. She was worried that if she didn't go, Rita Skeeter would not cooperate with Harry's interview, so she asked Hermione to bring Iwan with her. past.

"Bring Yi Wan with you?" Hermione felt puzzled.

"Um... Yiwan hasn't been out for a long time, and I have to train that day and can't take care of her, so I thought you might be able to take her out for some fresh air." Nitya explained forcefully.

Hermione looked at Nitya suspiciously. She didn't think the reason was that simple, but in the end she didn't continue to ask, "Okay! I will remember to take Yiwan there."

Nitya nodded reassuringly, "Okay, I'm going back to rest. Do you want to go back with me?"

"No, I haven't finished my Herbology homework yet!" Hermione said as she took out a roll of parchment from her bag.

"Okay!" Nitya stood up and yawned, "I think I can only do mine tomorrow, because I'm too sleepy now!"

"You'd better write this down in your homework planner so you don't forget it!" Hermione reminded.

"I will." Nitya waved, then turned and walked up the stairs of the girls' dormitory.

I need to train during the day on Valentine's Day, and the time I can spend with Draco is only at night. I wonder if Draco will be angry after knowing this? And Rita Skeeter’s report, I don’t know if it will go as smoothly as they expected! Nitya felt a headache, but her body felt very tired by now, so she fell asleep not long after lying down on the bed.

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