Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 382 Investigation Action Team

When all the students woke up from their sleep to face the new day, a new notice appeared on all the bulletin boards in the castle.

'Dolores Jane Umbridge succeeds Albus Dumbledore as Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry...'

While they were surprised by this notice, what everyone was talking about more was the rumor of how Dumbledore subdued two Aurors alone last night and then escaped under the nose of the Minister of Magic. No one knows who was the first to tell this rumor, but as it spread among the students, the versions of the rumor became varied. Some even reported that the Minister of Magic Fudge himself was lying in St. Mungo's Hospital at this time. on the hospital bed.

"I should have let that idiot Potter get caught by Umbridge last night," Draco said angrily, "Why on earth should I help that arrogant guy who only causes trouble? He thinks he Who is it! What does he think he is doing! Does he think he is great just because he has escaped from the Dark Lord a few times?

Nydia on the side didn't know what to say to calm Draco's mood. She couldn't tell Draco that Dumbledore didn't care that much about leaving school, and Draco was really angry at the moment. His willingness was not due to Dumbledore leaving, but because Umbridge gained power at Hogwarts, because this meant that the mission assigned to him by his father, Lucius Malfoy, had failed. His father gave him a mission for the first time.

"That guy! If I see him, I will deduct his points severely!"

While Draco was scolding Harry, he walked forward quickly. Nydia was unable to interrupt and could only step up and follow him. Perhaps Draco was talking too much about Harry himself. He actually appeared in front of them. Walking with him were not only Ron and Hermione, but also Earl of Hufflepuff, who was also a member of the D.A.

"She wants nothing more than to sit in the principal's office!" Hermione's voice drifted over from afar, "Domineering over all the teachers, this stupid arrogant, powerful old man..."

"If I were you, I wouldn't continue talking!" Draco quickly walked up to Harry and the others, interrupting Hermione.

Harry and the other three were stunned for a moment when they saw Draco's arrival. They were a little confused about Draco's position. He had helped them last night, but now he was arrogantly talking about it. An arrogant expression appeared in front of them, and everyone turned their attention to Nydia behind Draco, hoping that she could answer their confusion, and Nydia could only smile at everyone awkwardly. Smile, and then mouth to tell them that Draco is angry.

"I'm afraid I have to deduct some points from Gryffindor!" Draco stared at Harry fiercely, "Five points! Because I don't like you, Potter! And you, Weasley! You My shirt was not tucked in properly, so I also deducted five points!”

"You can't deduct Ron's points. He is also a prefect. You have no right to deduct points from a prefect!" Earl said immediately.

"Of course I know that prefects cannot deduct points from each other, but members of the Investigation Action Team can!" Draco looked at Earl, and he pointed to a silver 'I' symbol under the prefect badge on his chest. . "Elite students hand-picked by our new headmaster Umbridge, members of the investigation team have the right to deduct points from prefects!"

When Draco mentioned the new principal, he looked at Harry again, and he deliberately put an accent on the word 'new', as if he was blaming Harry in this way.

"Are you kidding! Members of the investigation team still have such rights!" Nitya, who had been silent all this time, said anxiously, "You never told me that you can't deduct money from our college for such a ridiculous reason. score!”

Draco turned back to look at Nydia. He was so angry that he almost forgot that Nydia was also a Gryffindor student. He didn't want to make Nydia unhappy, but he had already said that he would deduct points. , wouldn’t it be very embarrassing if you don’t really blame yourself!

After a moment of silence, Draco spoke again, "I take back the deduction, but Earl MacMillan just contradicted me, so Hufflepuff will deduct five points!"

This time Draco left quickly after saying this. Nydia looked at Earl apologetically and then quickly followed Draco. She heard Earl complaining loudly from behind that it was not enough. Fair voice.

"Maybe he's just joking!" Hermione said, and several people turned their attention to the hourglasses that recorded the scores of each house. They found that except for the hourglass scores representing Slytherin House, the scores of the other three houses had not changed. All have been reduced to varying degrees. "It seems that the elites chosen by Umbridge are all from Slytherin..."

"What on earth does this guy want to do!" Harry said in confusion. He vaguely felt that Malfoy seemed to be angry with him, but he didn't understand the reason.

"What do you want! Of course he's here to show off his newfound rights to us!" Earl said angrily, "Isn't he always like this? Looking for trouble everywhere to show how great he is!"

"But he..." Until now, Ron still couldn't accept that the person who tipped them off last night was Malfoy.

"Ron!" Hermione interrupted Ron loudly, "I'm really hungry. Let's go eat quickly!"

After saying that, Hermione pulled Harry and Ron into the restaurant quickly.

"What are you doing? Why don't you let me finish talking to Earl?" Ron complained to Hermione in confusion.

"I think we'd better not let too many people know what Malfoy helped us last night!" Hermione pulled Harry and Ron to an unoccupied corner of the table and sat down.

"Why?" Ron asked.

"Obviously Umbridge trusts Malfoy now, so he became a member of the Investigation Team, but if Umbridge knows what he helped us last night, he will lose Umbridge's Trust, we have also lost a person who might be able to deliver news to us," Hermione whispered seriously.

"Do you think Malfoy will continue to help us in the future?" Harry said with some uncertainty, "He didn't look very friendly just now."

"It will be difficult to gain Umbridge's trust if he is too friendly to you," Hermione said.

"So you think he did that on purpose just now?" Harry expressed doubts. "I think he was really angry about something, and he seemed to be angry with me!"

"I don't know what he is thinking, and I'm not Nydia! Anyway, I think we should go and remind everyone last night that it's best to keep the same attitude when we see Malfoy in the future." Min stopped talking. She put some mashed potatoes on her plate and started eating.

"That's perfect!" Ron said with a sigh of relief, "I feel uncomfortable when I think about myself needing to show a friendly attitude towards Malfoy!"

"Okay! Maybe you are right." Harry shrugged. Although he couldn't figure out why Malfoy would help them, it at least meant that Malfoy had no ill intentions towards them.

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