Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 387 Yi Wan’s instructions

Draco sent Nydia to Gryffindor Tower before leaving. When entering the Gryffindor common room, the Fat Lady felt unhappy because her clear dream was disturbed, but even so she just She was able to move the photo frame and let Nitya in. Who asked her to say the correct password?

"I think the new principal should give me some power, say, to exclude students who come home late!"

The Fat Lady kept nagging, and Nydia didn't care about it. Maybe the Fat Lady could really ask for such rights, but this must only be done if she was not removed from the wall by Filch. This was Umbridge. What made him do this was that she thought there were too many paintings on the walls of Hogwarts, and some of the paintings around her office had been sent to the college warehouse.

Nidia wanted to go back to the dormitory to sleep directly. She was already sleepy, but as soon as she stepped into the common room, she saw Yiwan, who had returned to her human form, leaning on the sofa facing the entrance.

"What are you going to do if the person who comes in is not me?" Nidia asked.

"Send him a sweet forgetting spell!" Yi Wan replied expressionlessly. "By the way, the last person who came in was Potter. It just so happened that I hadn't returned to my human form at that time. He originally wanted to find you, but as you know, he couldn't enter the girls' dormitory."

"Looking for me?" Nitya was a little surprised, "What is he looking for me for?"

Yiwan shrugged, "I don't know, he can't explain so much to a cat, if his brain is still good enough, but I guess he wants to return something to you, the flying sky that Dumbledore gave you broom."

"Broom...!" Nitya then recalled that she had taken that broomstick with her when she went out, but had Iwan not mentioned it just now, she would have almost completely forgotten about it.

"It seems that Dumbledore didn't come to see you tonight, right?" Yi Wan still said expressionlessly, making it impossible to see her happiness or anger.

Nydia frowned and walked to sit next to Yiwan. She felt that Yiwan's behavior tonight was a bit strange, "Dumbledore has no ill intentions towards me. He is the only one who scares Voldemort and can prevent him from disrupting the whole world." A person from the wizarding world, so if possible, I hope to be able to provide him with some help.”

"He is indeed an amazing person. I admit this. He has made a lot of contributions to Hogwarts and even the entire wizarding world. I also believe that he will do everything to protect these and make the most correct decision. "Yi Wan's tone was calm. Although she said all words of praise, there was no hint of praise.

"Since you also approve of Dumbledore, why are you worried that he will have any ill intentions towards me? Is it because of my relationship with Voldemort? He already knows that my Sacrifice Spell cannot be used on Voldemort. Well, killing me will have no effect on Voldemort," Nydia said in confusion.

"Of course he won't kill you. He can't do such a thing, but Nidia...sometimes living is not necessarily real living!" Yiwan turned to look at Nidia, and what was revealed in her eyes was Nidia. Emotions that Ya couldn't understand.

"I don't understand...what does it mean to be alive but not really alive?" Nidia didn't understand what Yiwan meant.

Yiwan lowered her head and sighed, "I hope you will never really understand..."

"You said something I didn't understand, but you didn't explain it clearly to me, so why did you say it?" Nidia was a little annoyed by Yiwan's mysterious approach.

"I hope you can focus more on yourself, rather than on the responsibilities that should not be borne by you." Yiwan ignored Nidia's words and continued her own instructions. "Be sure to remember what I said!"

"Again, such nonsense!" Nidia stood up, "I don't know what happened to you today, but I'm very sleepy now, and I want to go back to sleep."

Nitya walked towards the girls' dormitory. After taking a few steps, she stopped and looked back at Yiwan, who was still sitting on the sofa. "Aren't you going to go back together?"

"No!" Yi Wan replied simply.

"Why?" Nitya asked.

"Enjoy your time as a human being!" Yiwan said.

"But no one forces you to be a cat! It's your own choice, isn't it?" Nidia said in confusion.

Yi Wan was silent. When Nidia saw that Yi Wan did not reply to her, she stopped asking further questions and turned around and stepped onto the steps leading to the girls' dormitory.

"Yeah...isn't it your own choice..." After Nitya's figure completely disappeared from the common room, Yiwan sat alone on the sofa and murmured to herself, with a hint of bitterness in her tone. .

On the Hogwarts Express, the compartments are all empty. Not many students choose to go home during the Easter holiday. Even if students in other grades do not need to face the O.W.L exam, they still need to prepare for the O.W.L exam two months later. In preparation for the final exam, Nydia and Draco sat alone in a cubicle, looking at the receding scene outside the window, each thinking about their own thoughts.

"Did your father write to you again after that? Did he tell you specifically what he wanted us to go back for?" Nidia asked. She wanted to hide her father's visit to Malfoy Manor. Nitya felt very guilty, as if she had done something very bad.

Draco shook his head. In fact, he was also thinking about this matter. Inviting Nydia to his home was not a strange thing, but the question was why did his father hide it from Mr. Field? Haven't they always had a good relationship?

"Nidia, if you feel embarrassed, we can get off the bus and go back to school immediately. I will tell my father that there is too much homework and we really can't get out." Draco suggested.

I have to say that Draco's proposal was heart-warming for Nidia. Unknown situations always make people a little scared and panicked, but Nidia still shook her head.

"I think there must be something important." Nidia's impression was that Lucius was not a person who did ridiculous things.

The two came to the door of Malfoy Manor with trepidation. Narcissa was surprised and pleasantly surprised when she saw them.

"I thought you would stay in school to review, but it's not a big problem to relax once in a while." It was obvious that Narcissa was unaware of this matter.

Nydia and Draco looked at each other, and the doubts in their eyes deepened. Lucius didn't even tell Narcissa what was going on.

"I wrote a letter asking Draco to bring Nydia over." Lucius walked out of the house.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!" Narcissa said with some complaint, "That way I could have written a letter earlier to invite Ovelia and Ward to come over. Although it's too late now, it seems a bit rude."

"There is no need to let them come," Lucius looked at Nidia, "because I want to take Nidia to another place."

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