Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 103: True and False Diary

"Ginny, why are you holding the diary? Why didn't you just put it in the luggage together?" The Weasley twins sat opposite them, and Carney sat next to Ginny, watching Ginny holding the diary and asked.

"Oh, I, I forgot!" Ginny said nervously. Indeed, she carried it all the way and forgot to stuff it in her luggage. Carney hasn't given her the pendant yet, and Mrs. Weasley said she would give it to Ginny at Christmas.

"Is this your new diary?" Carney asked.

"Ah, I don't know. When I get home, I take out the book and read it. It's sandwiched between the books in my cauldron." Ginny said.

What! There is actually a book in the crucible. Lucius is the master of it. When did he put it in?

"It should be something others don't want," Fred said.

"Oh." There was no other topic to talk about after that, and they looked boredly at the scenery passing by outside the window.

"This train has to run for a day. I have to take a nap. Ginny, wake us up if you're hungry." After George said that, he lay on the table and fell asleep. Because there were twins with crystals, Ginny's sandwich lunch was with them. , which is why we followed George and the others.

Carney changed Xiao Hei's position and slept on his stomach with his arms as pillow. This was a great idea. Ginny would definitely be unable to help but sleep after a day's drive. When the time comes - diary hehehe~!

Ginny had been looking out the window all morning. It was her first time riding a train, and she couldn't get enough of the scenery outside the window. The Weasley twins are tired of watching it. They have done it seven or eight times and have lost interest in watching it.

Carney lay down for four hours without sleeping. Ginny actually watched the scenery for half an hour, and Carney could hardly lie down any longer.

"Bang!" The compartment door was opened.

"Excuse me, does any of you need lunch?" said the fat witch.

"Give me some!" Carney got up from the table and bought some snacks and four glasses of iced pumpkin juice.

"George! Fred!" Carney woke them up. It was so smooth to have a cold cup in the summer, and they also took out the sandwiches prepared by Mrs. Weasley.

"Thanks Carney!" George said. "It cost you money."

"You're welcome. I can make back my capital with interest tonight."

"Cough cough cough~" George choked on his sandwich. Tonight was the day to reveal which college Luna was assigned to.

After lunch, it’s the time when you feel sleepy, especially in summer. The Weasley twins played wizard chess for a while and then fell asleep again.

"Ginny, aren't you sleepy?" Carney felt that he couldn't get the diary in the car.

"No, I'm nervous when I think about going to Hogwarts later. What if I'm not sorted into Hogwarts?" Ginny's reaction was the same as Ron's before, she was afraid of being sorted into Gryffindor. Many other colleges.

"Probably." Carney took out the second grade textbook and started to read it. Since Ginny didn't sleep, there was no need to pretend to be asleep.

Ginny was not worried about the assessment before the sorting. Both George, Fred and Ron had been deceived. For Ginny to fall behind, she must have learned about the content of the sorting ceremony from somewhere else.

The sun is gradually setting, and it seems that I can only go to the girls' dormitory at night.

"The train will arrive at Hogwarts in five minutes. Please leave your luggage on the train and we will take you to school."

The familiar voice of the train conductor sounded in every compartment.

"Ginny, change your coat." They were all wearing school uniforms, so they could just take off their coats and put on wizard robes. George threw Ginny's wizard robe over and put the coat back into the crystal box.

"Ginny, follow Hagrid later," George said.

They got out of the car together.

"Ginny, give me the diary. You're going to make a boat later, so don't fall into the lake." Carney suddenly thought, "And you're going to be sorted, so just bring your wand."

"Then..." Ginny hesitated.

"Yes, if you fall into the lake, you won't be able to catch it. There are big octopuses and fish-men under the black lake." George remembered and told his sister, "Be careful not to fall into the lake."

"Bringing something else to the Sorting House may affect the Sorting Hat," Carney said.

"Okay, give it back to me later..." Ginny handed the diary to Carney.

"Don't worry, it's guaranteed to be returned to its original owner!" Carney took the diary and was already ecstatic. Tom! I can already smell your stink!

A group of young wizards who were crowded in front of them finally got out of the car.

"First-year students! Gather here!" Hagrid shouted with a lantern. There were already many young wizards gathered around him. There were indeed too many for this class.


After bidding farewell to Ginny, Carney, Fred George and the others boarded a Thestral car together. Harry and the others didn't know where they were, but they should be in front of them.

Arriving at Hogwarts, the wizards walked towards the dining room.

"George, Fred, I'm going to use the bathroom. Meet you in the restaurant." Carney was already eager to check the diary.

"See you at the restaurant!"

I ran all the way up to the second floor. There might be more people in the bathroom on the first floor. After all, the restaurant is on the first floor.

"Hu" sat on the bathroom toilet and closed the door.

She took out Ginny's diary and turned to the first page. There was no writing on it.

"What should I write?" Tom must have talked to Ginny, and he couldn't just say something as stupid as "are you there" right away.

"Try a drop of ink." Carney took out the quill and squeezed a drop of ink onto the page.

The ink on the page gradually faded and finally disappeared. A line of very nice words appeared on it, ‘Has the sorting been carried out? Don't be nervous, the sorting is very simple. ’

Damn dog! Whoosh to death!

‘Well, thank you, senior, I love you! ’ Now that it’s been determined, you can throw away your moral integrity and so on, so he immediately replied with a quill.

"Ahaha, the elementary school girl is really cute." Carney's handwriting faded, and a new line of handwriting appeared.

Carney closed the notebook and took out the previous diary.

"It's a bit similar, but still slightly different." Carney put Tom's diary back into the crystal box. Now he had to change the fake diary.

First of all, it was a stupid diary written for more than ten days. I actually wrote it stupidly for more than ten days.

"Clean it up!" All the writing on the page disappeared.

I have slightly modified the appearance of the fake diary, and it is almost exactly the same as the real one, but there is one more thing: it does not absorb ink.

What if Ginny found out?

If you find it, you will find it, what else can you do to me!

‘Yes. ’ Carney dug out George Fred’s diary and remembered that he had seen a similar magic before that made the words you wrote disappear automatically.

'George Fred's Diary: Use the immature Disappearance Curse, the immature Clearing Curse, and the immature Revealing Curse on the workbook (other people's), and there is a 50/50 chance of success. The words he writes in the future will disappear, and the words he wrote before will also disappear. Effect: There will be one more fool who has not completed his homework! ’

It’s a bit difficult to cast an immature spell! Are you men of God? Immature magic can still be used, but when it matures, this prank won't be successful.

"Disappear without a trace!" "Clear it!" "Emergency appearance!" The notebook became invisible for a moment, and then appeared again. I picked up the quill and wrote a word on the page. It didn't disappear. It failed.

"Disappeared without a trace!" "Cleaned up!" "Emergency appearance!" Failed.

"Disappeared without a trace!" "Cleaned up!" "Emergency appearance!" Failed.

"Disappeared without a trace!"

"Squeak!" The bathroom door opened, and someone came to use the toilet. "So diligent? School has just started, and you spend all your time practicing magic when you poop!"

"Clean it up!"

"When you practice magic, you don't forget to cherish water resources. How domineering!" The man said, "Classmate, the sorting ceremony is about to begin. You'd better hurry up."

"Appear urgently!"

"You really don't have to be so diligent! How can we, the bottom class, face the toilet when we go to the toilet?" The man's voice gradually faded away, "I want to tell my classmates about this..."

"MNZZ!" Carney muttered, picked up the quill and wrote 'MDZZ' on the fake diary.

The writing on the fake diary stayed there for three seconds and then disappeared. It looked like it had disappeared, not like the ink had been absorbed.

‘But that’s enough, it’s going to be seamless. I, Kani, always do things seamlessly! ’ I took the diary and rushed to the restaurant, but I didn’t receive it in the crystal box. I was afraid that it would get mixed up and I wouldn’t know which one it was.

When we arrived at the restaurant, it was almost starting, and the new little wizards were all lining up outside the door. Carney took the side door and quickly walked to the long table in Hogwarts. Fred and the others had already reserved a seat for him.

Dumbledore had just finished speaking. Professor McGonagall was holding a long list next to the Sorting Hat and watching Carney take his seat.

Carney gave an apologetic look and sat next to Fred.

"You came just in time. I thought you fell into the toilet toilet?" Fred said.

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