Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 108: Who is this little guy?

"By the way Carney, I also want to ask you about the Chamber of Secrets." Hermione suddenly remembered what Harry and Law mentioned on the Hogwarts train.

"If it's okay, let's go to Hagrid's to chat after class in the afternoon." There were many people around, but no, the next second they were suddenly attacked.

"Click!" A gray-haired boy suddenly appeared around the corner, holding a camera. He was obviously prepared. He clicked towards them, perfectly recording the wonderful moment when they were frightened.

All six of them were blinded by the flash. The big lump under the camera was actually a flash.

"Colin!" Harry shouted dissatisfied, "You scared us."

"Sorry, I just wanted to take a picture of Harry Potter's frightened expression." The little wizard named Colin said shyly.

"It's okay." Harry saw Colin's expression and couldn't say anything else. "I hope I can say hello next time I take pictures."

"Colin Creevey?" This seems to be Harry's fanatical fan.

"Yes, Senior Carney." Colin called him.

"Remember to give me a copy of the photo when it is developed." It is true that their small group has not taken a photo yet, but this time they saved money on taking photos and developing photos.

"Goodbye Harry Potter!" Colin said goodbye to them warmly.

"Goodbye!" Harry said, "Carney, that photo must have been taken incorrectly. Why do you need it?"

"I also want to see our expressions after being scared..."

"Then - let's all go and get one..." Seamus ran back and said a few words to Colin. Colin's expression changed from joy to ecstasy.

"Okay, each of us can get one!" Simo ran back and said happily.

"What did you say to him? I thought he was happy with that?" Hermione said.

"I said Harry promised to take more pictures of him."

"I..." Harry's eyes widened,

"How about we take a photo together next time, my expression is not quite right in this one." Ron said,

"That makes sense...Why is Harry standing there? He's going to eat!"

Lunch actually went very smoothly. I thought some freshmen came over to ask questions or something, but they all looked at them from a distance and then went back to their seats. They didn't look particularly good.

"Hermione, what does the pea have against you? You want to torture it with magic." Ron saw Hermione waving her wand at the peas on the plate.

"I'm practicing Transfiguration, and I'm not particularly satisfied with the buttons I turned into this morning." Hermione waved the spell attentively, and there were already many buttons on the plate.

"Then let me try it too!" Seamus said and took out his wand, and he also filled a spoonful of peas.



Before Carney could say a complete sentence, Seamus had already completed the magic. His spoonful of peas exploded instantly, and the sudden flash of light was no less than the flash of Colin's camera before.

Simo's entire face was darkened, and traces of white smoke were coming out of his hair. Carney, who happened to be sitting next to Seamus, also had half of his face darkened. The others were fine, but Neville, who was sitting opposite, was frightened, and his little eyes were full of shock.

"Kani, what did you just say?" Simo turned to Africa and said.

"I told you to wait, I haven't evacuated yet." Carney was so angry that he was weak.

"It looks like Seamus has really made a lot of progress." Harry smiled and his glasses almost fell off. Carney seemed to have never been in such a mess in his memory.

"I hope Snape won't be scared to death by you," Ron said with a smile.

"I think if the momentum is louder, the school management will probably add a rule prohibiting the use of magic in the restaurant." Hermione said, this is really possible.

"I think it will be forbidden to use magic in Seamus' restaurant." Carney cleaned himself up, but Seamus refused because the cleaning spell would clean up his hair.

"I'm going to the bathroom to clean up, you don't have to wait for me." Simo left with a dark face.

"What class is this afternoon?"

"Defence Against the Dark Arts," Hermione said.

"Lockhart's class must be very bad." Carney said as he took a few bites of peas.

"Why do you say that?" Hermione said. "His class will be very interesting."

"Believe Carney, otherwise he will open the market again." Ron said with a smile. He glanced at Hermione's class schedule and said in surprise, "Hey, you actually circled all Lockhart's classes with pink ink heart shapes." stand up!"

"You need to take care of it!" Hermione blushed and covered the class schedule with a book, "I'm going to the library."

I tucked the course schedule into the book "Traveling with a Vampire" and left with the book in my arms, not even needing the buttons on the plate.

"I'll go back to the dormitory and take a nap. I still have two hours left." Carney was about to go back to the dormitory after eating. There was still a thousand-dollar Horcrux hanging around his neck that had not yet been solved.

When I returned to the dormitory, I found Xiao Hei under the pillow. There was no place for him to go except under the pillow. The previous pet box was already too small.

"Kani, are you going to take Blackie?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, take him out for a walk."

"Didn't you say nap before?" Ron said while lying on the bed.

Carney carried Xiao Hei downstairs, planning to go to the secret room alone first to see if he could get the basilisk's fangs. Fortunately, Harry and the others were relatively stupid and didn't think of the basilisk because of Blackie.

"Carney, what are you doing?" They opened the common room and met Hermione.

"Oh, let's go out for a walk." Carney saw that Hermione's hands were empty and still only had the Lockhart book, and asked, "Didn't you go to the library? Why did you come back so soon and didn't borrow any books?"

"I'm looking for books about the history of the Chamber of Secrets and books about basilisks. Mrs. Pince said they were all borrowed by the new little wizard. All the books about the history of Hogwarts and all magical creatures. "Hermione said in disbelief, "This is so strange. Why do first-year students borrow this?"

"Yeah, but maybe they want to know more about this school and the animals." Carney joked, "It's sunny and windy today, so I'm going to run the snake first."

"Yeah." Hermione simply replied.

"Wait!" Carney was stopped by Hermione before he had even taken a few steps out the door.

"Are you looking for the Chamber of Secrets?" Hermione whispered, "I rarely see you taking Blackie out for a walk, so I'll go too."

"Okay, you can make some difference if you follow me." We were going to the girls' bathroom, and it's always good to have someone watching outside.

"You're always like this. Whenever you find something, you keep it to yourself." Hermione and Carney walked side by side.

"This is not a good thing! I am protecting your safety."

"We are friends, of course we have to face anything together..." Hermione began to chirp a bunch of truths.

"Shh~" Carney turned the corner and saw someone in the girls' bathroom on the third floor, so he hid around the corner.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"Someone got there before us." The girls' bathroom on the third floor has been abandoned for a long time, after what happened to Moaning Myrtle.

"What! The entrance to the secret room was discovered by others?" Hermione whispered.

"They seem to be freshmen, judging by their height." Carney is really becoming more and more suspicious of these freshmen. They know too much.

"Maybe we're lost," Hermione said.

"Have you ever seen a few people who got lost together? They were also men." Could they be my long-lost half-brothers?

"Do you know the invisibility spell?" Carney asked.

"..." Hermione was silent for a while and gave Carney a caring look.

"Okay, then you stay here and I'll go over and see if I can scare them away. Xiao Hei, remember not to make any noise." Carney put Xiao Hei into his clothes, waved his wand in front of him, and concealed himself. Get up.

Hermione touched the air, found nothing, and muttered. "It turns out that I am a laggard..."

Carney quietly and slowly turned the corner and walked towards the girls' bathroom. Four little wizards with flat heads on their chests were chatting in front of the 360-degree sink.

"Marco Polo, try it!" Carney almost laughed out loud after hearing the first sentence. Is there really anyone named Marco Polo?

A thin little wizard walked up to the snake head at the water outlet and started his performance. He first exposed his tongue and bit it with his upper and lower teeth.

"Si Si Si Si!" There was no movement from the sink. He changed his approach and bared his teeth to vent his anger.

"Hey~~~~~~~" The sound of a gas leak came out.

"It's like a gas leak. Is this what the snake language says?" asked another little wizard.

"It seems there is no progress. Everyone in Gryffindor has tried it. The ones who went to Slytherin actually said they don't plan to participate in this. Maybe there is someone in Slytherin who can speak Parsell." The last guy said said the older little wizard.

"It seems that only Harry and Voldemort's diaries can be opened." The little wizard who spoke at the beginning said, "We can only stay here and wait for Ginny to come with the diary."

"Can't they get a diary from Ming Shiyin in Gryffindor?"

"They almost had a quarrel with Harry today. We'll wait for them to get the diary and we'll stay here to guard them. We have more people than them." The larger wizard said with full plans.

"Is it appropriate for us to release the basilisk?" Marco Polo asked weakly.

"Don't worry, the basilisk can only petrify people, not eat them. As long as we spin and jump with our eyes closed, we'll be fine." said the big little wizard. "We'll stay here until get out of class ends in the afternoon, and let Ahn'Qiraj and the others guard it."

"No more classes?"

"I asked about it this morning, so those who have traveled through time did not use magic. We almost couldn't buy a wand before. You are still learning nonsense. There is something wrong in the diary. Why are we still in class?"




The other three people nodded.

Carney was stunned for a moment as he listened to what he said about Marco Polo hiding in Ahn'Qiraj in the Ming Dynasty. He thought it was someone from the game who appeared, but it turned out to be a modern time travel.

Who is this little fellow, Arthur?

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