Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 111: Lockhart’s Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson

Pushing open the door to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, it seemed that he had arrived just in time. Lockhart had just taken out the cage he had prepared.

There was only the last row to enter. The first few rows were full of Lockhart fans, and Hermione was among them.

Harry and Ron sat at the very back, and there was an empty seat behind, which should be his.

"I hope you won't scream. It's not easy to deal with them being angry." Loha continued his speech and motioned Carney to sit down with his eyes.

Lockhart used his orchid fingers to lift off the cover on the cage. Inside was a group of elves. The elves were iron-green, about eight inches tall, with a small pointed face, a very shrill voice, and small wings on their backs.

"That's what they are - Cornish elves."

As soon as the cover was taken away, they started to roar, holding on to the cage and shaking it, yelling towards the outside of the cage, and making various faces.

Everyone gasped, obviously not taking them to heart.

"Don't underestimate them just because they are small. They are little destroyers just like the card demons."

"Now, let me see how you handle them." Lockhart opened the cage door.

The elves all rushed out at once, flapping their wings and flying around like a flying monkey firecracker.

The classroom windows were closed and there was no exit. They began to wreak havoc in the classroom.

They grabbed everything they could, brought it to the ceiling and threw it down, such as ink, books, pictures on the wall (Lockhart showing his teeth), and Neville.

Neville was pulled up by his ears by two elves and carried to the ceiling. The elf shaking the chandelier on the side greeted him and hung Neville on it.

All the girls in the front row suffered a disaster. Her hair was pulled and ink was thrown at her, but Hermione was the only one who could survive. The petrification spell hit two elves at once, and the other elves walked around her.

Seamus' hair was messed up and splashed with ink. As for the others, Carney had no time to appreciate it. An elf flew towards him in the last row.

In less than a minute, the entire classroom was in chaos. Many students hid under the desks, and Lockhart's books were torn all over the place.

Only the last row was relatively complete. All the elves who tried to get closer turned into turtles and crawled on Carney's table. Ron and Harry were already crowded on both sides of Carney.

"Okay, come on, come on, chase them away, don't panic, look at me!" Lockhart saw that the situation was almost over, rolled up his sleeves and prepared to fight.

"Peschipixiepestenomi!" Lockhart waved the wand in his hand and yelled a spell that came from nowhere. Carney had never seen it in his second grade textbook.

Three seconds passed, and Neville was still swinging back and forth on the chandelier. The elves were attracted by Lockhart's shout just now, and they immediately asked the elves to find him.

The elves grabbed the cage and threw it against the window. Lockhart's wand was snatched from his hand by an elf and thrown out of the window.

Lockhart took a breath, lowered his head, bent over, squatted down, and hid under the podium in one go.

The chandelier finally couldn't hold on any longer. Carney used a floating spell to catch Neville, and Seamus came towards him while protecting his hair.

After the initial panic, other students in the classroom began to fight back, chanting spells and shooting at the elves in the air.

In front of the classroom, there were lots of magic and elves flying all over the place, and in the back, there was a group of people huddled in front of a table fighting turtles.

"Petrify them all!" Hermione finally broke out, because Neville was no longer in the air. A petrification spell covered the sky above their heads, and the elves all stopped and fell down.

"very good!"

Lockhart didn't know when he had emerged from under the podium.

"Well done, ten points from Gryffindor!" Lockhart looked at Hermione with a smile. He had experienced this kind of scene many times, and said with a smile, "I knew it would not be a problem for you."

"Student in the back seat, please put the bastards and elves back into the cage. They will be used in the next class." Lockhart took out an empty cage from under the table, and was petrified and enchanted by it. The little elves have been collected by the little witches and put into cages.

"Okay, no problem!" Carney held a turtle and put it on the podium.

"Professor! I saw a few elves flying out of the window." said a Gryffindor student.

"I will solve the small problem. In view of your performance in this class, I decided to let you leave the get out of class early." Lockhart left gracefully with the cage in his hand.

"This was a terrible lesson," said Ron, who was unscathed.

"It's okay, he didn't drag me on stage..." Harry kept covering himself with books during class.

"I don't think so. This is a practical lesson. I think it's good. We can solve it easily." Hermione came over holding her book.

"He even asked us to finish class early," Hermione said.

"He must have gone downstairs to pick up his wand. If you look down from the window now, you might see him looking for it with his butt sticking out." Ron said.

"He just went to deal with the elf that flew out." Hermione Tilohart defended.

People in the classroom did not leave immediately. Instead, they all practiced spells. Almost everyone's books were torn, but only a repair spell was needed to fix it.

But this is still a bit difficult for most people. Finally, for other things in the classroom, the administrator Filch is notified, and he will arrange for the naughty students who have violated school rules to be responsible for cleaning up.

In other words, George and Fred.

They sold gadgets to the new students on the first day of school. The old students who tried their products said they would no longer buy them, so they could only trick the new students, those stupid young people, into buying their products.

So, he was caught by Administrator Filch.

"Neville, give it to me and I'll help you." Seeing Neville waving his wand over the body of his book but nothing happened, Carney took the body of the book over.

"Restored as before!" The magic power enveloped the remains of the book, and the torn pages began to glue together seamlessly, and then returned to the cover one by one. The stack of books was the same as before.

"Thank you Carney!" Neville turned over and found no problem.

"Seimo, take yours too. If it burns to ashes, I might not be able to do anything." Before Simo could do anything, Carney helped him restore the book.

"Hey, if we have something bad, we'll come directly to you." Seamus said unceremoniously.

"Easy to do."

"Kani, are your hands tired? If not, just lift them up." Other Gryffindors also came over.

"You just throw them together and I'll get it done in one go." After Carney finished speaking, the pages and papers in the entire classroom were piled together, as well as some torn wizard robes.


After repairing these things, Carney casually repaired the classroom to reduce the workload of the Weasley twins. After finishing these things, the bell rang.

I originally planned to go to Hagrid's place in the afternoon, but I had already finished chatting in the dormitory at noon today. I was so tired from the Defense Against the Dark Arts class that I didn't want to go to Hagrid's place.

"Seamus, your hair is black. If you don't wash it, the ink will probably dry out."

"I thought I couldn't tell..." Seamus muttered.

"First, we are not blind, and second." Carney pinched his nose, "The smell of ink is too strong."

"It turns out it's the smell of ink. I thought..." Harry stopped mid-sentence.

Rushing all the way back to the dormitory, Seamus rushed into the bathroom to wash his hair. Harry, Ron, and Neville practiced the repair spell in the dormitory. Watching Carney repair the entire classroom immediately aroused their interest in learning.

The main thing is that after learning this skill, I can express myself to my heart's content, smashing things, tearing books, etc., and even the toys that were broken before can be repaired to their original state.

Lockhart used goblins in his first class, and the results were outstanding. The whole school knew about it and thought that the goblins who ran away also caused trouble in other classes.

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