Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 125: This should be foundation building, right?

After nightfall.

Carney was sitting cross-legged in front of the window. Everything looked normal outside, but there was already a turmoil inside his body.

The spiritual power is activated and the muscles and veins in the body are opened. Anyway, from thick to thin, as long as it doesn't hurt, it can be opened.

The muscles and veins all over his body are surprisingly easy to unblock. It must be because of his amazing bones and excellent aptitude. He must be a wizard who practices immortality and martial arts.

The area after dredging became warm and light, as if something had burdened them before, and they felt relaxed after they were washed away.

Slowly, the whole body was filled with that feeling. The whole person was surrounded by warmth, and felt light and airy as if it was going to heaven.

I originally thought that the spiritual energy would be insufficient. Unblocking the meridians requires spiritual energy. The tendons are surprisingly easy to dredge. After dredging the spiritual energy of the body, there is still a little surplus.

After doing all this, my body feels full of strength, and I think I have successfully built the foundation.

The spiritual energy in the body is scarce, and when I breathe in normally, no spiritual energy enters the body. Could it be that something is stuck somewhere?

His whole body was still weak, but his body's instinct told him that it was wrong to fill his head with spiritual power, as it would go to his head.

But he always felt that something was missing, and he didn't know that wild cultivators would encounter such unknown little problems.

He opened his eyes, and if his meditation failed to produce any results, he got up and tried his skills.

Carney easily performed dozens of sets of radio gymnastics and felt in great shape. It seems that my broadcast gymnastics has reached the point of perfection.

Okay, let’s stop with the second grade.

Carney felt that his body was full of strength, and he took out his wand and cast a soundproof spell on everyone in the bed to prevent them from being disturbed by strenuous exercise later.

When he came to the window, when the wall wasn't paying attention, he launched a set of wave fists against the wall. The wall that was hit was said to be caught off guard, caught off guard, and unable to defend itself. The wall made a dull sound of "dong dong dong", and it was obvious that it had been hit hard.

Then the wall let out a last wailing sound, and a two-meter-large hole opened. The rubble of the wall fell down, and the cold wind from outside blew in.

A window without a door appeared in their room out of thin air, and the temperature in the dormitory suddenly dropped.

"It's going to rain..." The sky outside the window was filled with dark clouds, and it looked like it was going to rain heavily. Carney put his head out to feel it, but it hadn't rained yet.

"Why do I stick my head out and feel it? It feels natural." Carney looked at the black clouds in the sky. The moon hung on the other side, but there were big black clouds above Hogwarts. "A certain moon shower."

"Xie Te! Too hard." Carney retracted his head, touched the wall and suddenly reacted, saying in an emotional voice, "Wall wall, are you okay? Cheer up."

There was no time to admire the night outside the window. It was important to save the wall. He took out his wand and chanted a spell at the hole in the wall, "Repair it as before!"

The broken wall flew out of the window and stuck back to the newly opened window. It was seamlessly glued. No cold wind came in anymore, and the bedroom suddenly became much warmer.

It's really amazing. He just waved his fist casually a few times, and the wall was broken by Kani without using much force.

After marveling, Carney moved a little to adapt to the current power, so as not to accidentally break the wand.

I was so focused on trying out my skills just now that I didn't notice the odor, itching, and sticky dirt on my body.

After practicing, there is very little dirt discharged from the body. It only occurs in the first few days of practice. Later, it is usually discharged through excretion. Only when the progress is rapid, there will be no time for the large intestine to be discharged directly from the body.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I felt refreshed, my skin was red, tender and shiny. I came out wrapped in a bathrobe, but my head felt a little lacking.

Is it a lack of understanding? I am now stuck and unable to practice. Could it be that I have reached a bottleneck and need an epiphany? No wonder my head feels like something is wrong, but what is my epiphany?

Carney lay on the bed for the first time in a long time, moved Xiao Hei to the side, and began to have an epiphany... and then the epiphany fell into a dream.

Potions classroom.

Hermione waited anxiously, looking at the door of the classroom from time to time. There were five empty seats next to her.

"Let's go to class." Snape brushed his sleeves, walked quickly to the podium, took a quill and started writing in a small book while reading, "Because Stellan, Potter, Weasley, Longbottom, Five Penigans were absent, and Gryffindor was deducted twenty points!"

Hermione showed an ugly expression and closed her eyes in despair. The points were deducted so fast. What on earth are Carney and the others doing?

The other Gryffindors were speechless, not knowing whether to be happy or sad.

The maximum points that can be deducted for this class were deducted at once, and they would not be deducted for doing the wrong steps. They all wanted to deduct as few points as possible this semester, and the House Cup would belong to Gryffindor.

Although Snape always deducted points for finding faults, he would not deduct the maximum number of points in every class.

Carney and the others earned the points, so let them do it. The sitting Gryffindors all had a better attitude, except Hermione.

The Slytherins were overjoyed and deducted twenty points as soon as they came. Many Slytherins showed smiles as bright as the sun.

Although there are dark clouds outside today, it does not affect their mood towards the sunshine at all.

During the two-hour class, Snape's venomous tongue became mediocre. Without Harry, Neville, and Seamus, these three troublemakers, his class became much more boring.

"Ah~" Carney got up from the bed. He hadn't slept so soundly in a long time. He shook his neck. He still felt something in his head, but he just couldn't put it into words.

"It's not dawn yet?" Looking at the dim light coming from the window, it was the same as at four or five in the morning.

"Dong-dong-dong! Dong-dong-dong! Dong-dong-dong!" The dormitory door was knocked rhythmically. I didn't know who was knocking on the door so early in the morning.

"Who!" Carney opened the door, and Hermione, who was holding the Potions textbook, stared at Carney with her big eyes.

"So early? It's not even bright yet."

"What are you doing? Do you judge the time by the weather?" Hermione rushed in and threw the book on the table angrily. "You actually skipped Snape's Potions class!"

"Hmm...huh?" Carney picked up the alarm clock on Neville's desk. The hands pointed at 10:12, which was 12 minutes before Potions class ended.

"I overslept... The alarm clock didn't work for me. Why didn't Harry and the others get up?" It was Carney who always woke them up, but last night he fell asleep thinking about the problem.

Carney sensed that something was wrong, so he should have deducted a lot of points, "How many points have been deducted."

"Twenty points. Not to mention how ugly Snape looked in that class. None of you in the dormitory went." Hermione looked at Harry who hadn't gotten up yet and they were almost furious, "Harry! Oh!" kindness!"

"Why didn't they respond?" Hermione wasn't sure whether they were wearing clothes under the quilt, so she just shouted a few times from the side.

"I seem to remember that I cast a soundproofing spell on them. Damn it, I forgot to untie it!" Carney picked up the wand and untied the soundproofing spell, and Ron's snoring could be heard.

"Why are you - casting a spell on them?" Hermione said hesitantly. "I asked why there was no response when I screamed. I cast a soundproofing spell and couldn't hear the thunder nearby."

"Boom, boom, boom!" There was a dull thunder outside the window, and its sound was as loud as a detonator exploding.

"Thundering~?" Simo rubbed the gum in his eyes and inadvertently did a sit-up and stretched his arms. He had a really comfortable sleep in class today. No one was urging him to get up, and there was no annoying alarm clock.

"Thunder?" Neville rubbed the gum in his eyes and inadvertently did a sit-up. He had slept particularly well today.

"It's so loud." Harry rubbed the gum in his eyes, inadvertently did a sit-up, lifted the quilt and put on his glasses.

"Isn't it just thunder?" Ron was almost full from sleep. He rubbed the gum in his eyes and inadvertently did a sit-up. "It's not as loud as my mother yelled."

"I'm here to give you notes, and I want to know the reason why you missed Snape's Potions class. I didn't expect you were sleeping." Hermione threw the notebook to Carney and pressed her Seimei point. It's the door to their dormitory on both sides of the eyes.

"What!" Harry got out of bed with a start, picked up the alarm clock, looked at it, and said in a trembling voice, "Carney, why didn't you call us?"

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