Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 145: Nightmare

"I don't care, I don't care, I don't care!"

"I won't listen, I won't listen, I won't listen!"

There was a sound coming from outside the dormitory, it was someone acting like a monster, it was Seamus and Ron.

"Harry, how did you reject the girl?" Carney felt that he needed to ask an expert. Harry, this kind of thing was very common last semester.

"Me?" Harry wasn't good at this either. He would accept things from others with a smile, "I've never encountered such a situation."

"How is that possible!" Has no one confessed to Harry in one semester?

"I've only received letters and never met anyone who confessed their love in person." Harry showed an apologetic expression. He couldn't help Carney.

"Then those girls who wrote to you didn't make it very clear?"

"Yeah, I just pretended I didn't see it," Harry said, and then they pretended they hadn't written to him. They might have just written that in the letter.

But in reality, she just looked at him from a distance and didn't come up to talk to him.

"What a - good idea." Indeed, pretending to be blind is very useful. If you ignore her, she will naturally let it go if she finds it boring.

"Harry, you are indeed more experienced than me. ╭(╯ε╰)╮"

"I would rather not have this kind of experience." Harry had been worried about this for a semester.

Nowadays, there seem to be some freshmen who are eager to give it a try, but fortunately, they are very shy, unlike the one who confessed to Carney.

"Where's Sirius?"

"He went to Hagrid. He said he had a way to solve the problem himself."

Harry also knew that Sirius Black had a good relationship with Hagrid and might have gone to sleep with Hagrid.

"By the way, if you want the cake, you can take it and eat it. I'll go to bed first." Carney couldn't eat sweets. He was mentally traumatized today.

"Yo~" Seamus made a strange sound.

"Also, if I sleepwalk again, be careful, I'm afraid I'll twist my head off." As soon as Seamus and Ron thought of the booing, they immediately became honest...

"Come on! Come on!" The sky was dim and the dark trees seemed to have no end in sight. A voice kept echoing in his mind.

Follow the sound, pass through the black tree with a human face, and come to the giant black evil tree again. It is the book that is making the sound! It could also be a stone statue.

"Catch me! Catch me!" The voice came from the stone statue's mouth, as if the stone statue was talking.

He tried to move forward, but the giant black evil tree didn't respond at all. He continued to move forward, not knowing why.

The further he walked, the heavier his body became and he felt it was difficult to breathe.

When he was only a few meters away from the book in the stone statue's mouth, it became very difficult for him to walk. From his position, he could roughly see the appearance of the book.

He wanted to stretch his head over and look at the book. It would be great if he saw the title.

At this moment, the giant black tree with more than twenty faces suddenly turned around. The light from their eyes and mouths made it difficult for him to think, and his vision suddenly became blurry.

He quickly stretched out a branch and strangled Carney's neck...

"Cough!" Carney woke up from the bed and wanted to cover his neck, but it was difficult to raise his hands.

"Ha!" Xiao Hei's body turned into the size of a giant python as thick as a bowl and pressed down on him. Xiao Hei's big snake head lay on the side, but his tail was wrapped around Kani's neck unconsciously.

Let me go ヽ(′?д?`)?! Scared me.

Take Xiao Hei off your body. Its sleeping position is really terrible. Can't it just be coiled up in mosquito coils?

"Really, it gave me nightmares!" Carney slapped the little black butt hard.

"No wonder I couldn't move in my dream and was choked."

Well, that should be the butt, maybe the waist or the thigh, who cares, just give it a few more pats.

"Papa papa!" He made such a shy and embarrassing sound, it was really shameful.

What kind of book is that? I almost saw it, but it was destroyed by Xiao Hei.

Is it Tom's fault or... Carney thought of a terrifying result, that is, it was the black tree, or the book, or the stone statue.

"Impossible." Carney scratched his head. He was watching in the form of a memory, how could he be discovered. "If it is, it is really so powerful and terrifying."

But indeed, there was a face in the dark tree looking at him, whether it was looking at Tom or him was unclear.

There was no one in the dormitory, and of course the cakes were missing without exception. If the plates were empty, the house elves would clear them away.

Neville's alarm clock read ten seventeen.

"Hey, I'm slacking off!" If I had meditated well yesterday, I wouldn't have had nightmares or missed breakfast.

"Go to Hagrid's place!" Carney took out a bag under the bed. They were all dragon scales that he picked out last semester. They were all in their dormitory.

He left a piece for each person and left the rest to Hagrid. After getting dressed and carrying the bag, he went out.

"Hey, Carney! You just got up now. Have you had insomnia?" George hooked his shoulder from behind.

"We heard about what happened in the restaurant last night. Anyone would lose sleep over something like this. Just drink some water of life and death." Fred hooked him from the other side.

"We have already found out for you that the school girl's name is Perillo Crist." George said.

"I heard he comes from a good family background," Fred said.

"I see you want to pass out right now! Pass out!" Carney took out his wand to scare them, and they jumped away immediately.

"What are you talking about?" George asked.

"The dragon's scales are going to be taken to Hagrid to help dispose of them." Carney remembered that the Weasley twins also had them. "Do you want to take yours and dispose of them together? Exchange them for gold galleons."

"Just right! I sold it cheaply last time in Hogsmeade Village and made a big loss. It will definitely be fine if Hagrid sells it."

Fred and the others can go to a small village outside Hogwarts on the weekends. There are many shops there.

"Wait for us in the common room." The Weasley twins stomped upstairs.

"Senior!" Perillo Crist held a plate full of food. She had asked Senior Carney's roommate during breakfast, and Senior Carney was sleeping in.

She felt it was necessary to bring breakfast to Senior Carney, so Harry and the others gave this honorable task to Perillo, and each received a bottle of fresh milk.

I'm squatting in the common room, what should I do? Of course I rejected her.

"I'm sorry, you're a good person." This sentence is obvious enough. It applies to everyone, whether they are boys or girls.

The ultimate move that can make everyone quit in the face of difficulties and suffer a disaster, (?????)っGood guy card!

"Since you apologized, I will forgive you for what happened last night!" Perillo said with a smile, then raised the plate in his hand and said happily.

"Dang-dang-dang! I brought you breakfast, surprise or not!"

"OVO, no surprise at all." Why didn't it work? A handsome, charming and handsome man like me was once completely defeated by such a simple sentence.

Speaking of surprises, shouldn't you hide that thing first and then suddenly bring it out.

This is more normal. You have been holding it for me and I have seen it for a long time. There is no sense of surprise.

Carney was puzzled by the invalidity of the good guy card.

Why doesn't it work now? Shouldn't she run away disappointed? While Carney was wondering, Perillo had already begun directing and acting.

"I don't think it's a surprise enough. Why don't you bring it to me next time? I will definitely be very surprised and pass out with excitement and joy. Then you kiss me awake, like the frog prince kissing Sleeping Beauty."

"Who is Frog? Shouldn't he be sent to Dr. Pomfrey if he faints? Why do he do such indescribable things?" The little girl's imagination was so overflowing that he couldn't complain anymore.

"That's it! (∩_∩)" Perillo said excitedly, extending the plate to Carney, "Enjoy, Master!"

"When did I tell you, and what you said next is so misleading." Carney backed away. Fortunately, there was no one in the common room.

But he was wrong.

"Did we come at the wrong time? How about we come down later?" George froze behind Carney, and he heard everything.

"I'm so sorry for disturbing your good things!" Fred picked up the bag and prepared to leave.

"No, there's nothing to disturb, let's go." Carney walked around Perillo who was holding the dinner plate and smiled, lifted up his priceless legs and hurried away. He wanted to leave that place immediately.

"Senior! Breakfast!" Carney had disappeared when Perillo shouted.

"Kani doesn't want us! We're a little hungry too." The Weasley twins reached for it naturally, as they often did.

"I was poisoned! -_- # "

"Ahem, suddenly we are not hungry anymore. Say goodbye, schoolgirl!" The Weasley twins left the common room at a slightly slower speed than Carney.

"Oops! I forgot to give fresh milk to Senior Carney!" Perillo slapped her head cutely, "No wonder Senior Carney didn't accept my breakfast! How careless..."

"If Senior Carney knew that I gave it to his roommate without preparing it for him, he would definitely be heartbroken."

"That means the senior still likes me, and he will definitely be jealous."

After feeling worried, she immediately became happy again, "Sure enough, even though I said no, my body is still very honest..."

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