Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 172: Male God

Carney was playing around, and suddenly he felt something coming from behind. Carney pointed his wand back, and a ray of light shot out.

"Ah~Uncle!" It was Tang Yugang's voice. His whole body was pushed up into the air by the bright light, which was the impact spell.

"Yingardim Leviosa!" Kani quickly floated her to prevent him from hitting the ceiling pillar or falling and smashing his butt.

"Phew, I was scared to death. I thought I was going to die." Tang Yugang patted his chest, his forehead was covered with sweat. He had already been floated back to the ground by Carney.

"Is something wrong?" Carney looked around, looking for where his ice bird was. The wand flew away without control.

"Let me take it easy first..." Tang Yugang sat on the edge and picked up the cup to drink water, but there was nothing in it.

Carney's wand rested against the cup, and water slowly filled the cup.

"Thank you." Tang Yugang finished the drink in one gulp. The water was refreshing and thirst-quenching, with a hint of coldness. His whole body shook as it drank.

"It's a bit cold." Tang Yugang wrapped himself in the wizard's robe, "Uncle, I heard that you were recommended by Dean Mag to attend the Transfiguration Exchange Meeting."

"I'm not that old."

"Brother, I heard that you were recommended by Dean McGonagall to attend the Transfiguration Exchange Meeting."

"I'm not your brother."

"Brother, I heard that you were recommended by Dean McGonagall to attend the Transfiguration Exchange Meeting."

"I'm not from the Northeast."

"Handsome guy, I heard that you were recommended by Dean McGonagall to attend the Transfiguration Exchange Meeting."

"That's right." Carney said slowly.

"Goddess, I heard... Oh, are you particularly good at transformation?" Tang Yugang has already thought of a title for the next level, but it seems that he doesn't need it anymore.

"You should call me the male god." The handsome guy can't be as nice as the male god. You can tell by looking at the few classmates around him who have disgusting expressions.

"Mr. God, aren't your transformation skills particularly good?" Tang Yugang began to think of other titles.

"I'm not good at transfiguration." Carney adjusted his hair mid-sentence, "There is no one in the same class who can do transfiguration."

"Mr. God, can you teach me? This transformation technique is too difficult."

"This can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words, but for the sake of you calling me a male god, I will explain it to you in words. Whether you can understand it or not depends on your own creation." Carney began to organize his words.

"Listen, I'm only going to say it once."

"Yeah." Tang Yugang took out his ears and took out his notebook and quill.

"You just need to think about what you need to transform, and then you need to think OK, and then shout out the spell that you think is OK, and at the same time, the wand will react in the way you think is OK, and in the end what you conjure will be OK."

Carney felt that he had made it very clear, at least clearer and more direct than what was said in the textbook.

But the listener didn't think so. The book he was holding only had four words written on it, and you only need it.

There was no time to write the rest. Carney spoke too quickly, and he didn't understand, and then he forgot about it in a daze.

Just remember OK, OK, OK, and then OK.

"Mr. God, I didn't hear you clearly. Can you say it again?" Tang Yugang felt as if he heard something, but also as if he didn't hear anything.

"Do you know how to ask for a signature?"

"I know, is there any connection?" Tang Yugang thought this was very important and immediately wrote it down in his notebook. At the same time, he was thinking about various things to ask for signatures to see if any of them were related to the transfiguration.

"It's accurate the first time, but not the second time." He said it so easily and easily, but he still didn't understand it. He seemed to have little understanding and his reaction was very slow.

Tang Yugang took the notebook and left thoughtfully. What he said made so much sense. It was something that could only be understood but not expressed in words. The second time it was expressed in words, it would definitely not mean the same thing.

"Kani, I remember you used to fool us like this." Sister Patil said with a smile not far away, "You must have some tricks."

"No way, it's just that I work hard. You'll know if you ask." Of course Carney worked hard and didn't play much last semester.

"You're not particularly bad at transformation."

"It's far behind compared to you, but our level is enough." Parvati changed the fruits on the table, pressing them with her fingernails every time to see if the inside was different.

"Hey~" Parvati sighed, the transformation was still the same, it was really difficult.

"I'm almost tired of eating these fruits in school." Parmad looked at the fruits on the table, and she wanted to use the transformation spell to conjure other fruits.

"Have you ever eaten oranges and navel oranges?" Carney recalled the fruits in his hometown. It had indeed been many years since he had eaten them, but he still remembered the sweet and sour taste.

I don’t know if his parents exist in this world, or if it’s the previous world. If not, many things are similar to the original world, whether it’s the leaders or the history.

If so, then magic has always existed, but it was well hidden.

The question arises. If it was the original world, then in the year when he was an ordinary person traveling through time, wouldn't he be able to see himself and then be hit by a car and fly up and die?

Maybe when he was hit, he, who knew magic, would be invisible and watching, watching himself being hit by a car, passing through time, and being reborn.

Or maybe the car didn't hit him, but he had magic and controlled the car to hit him, causing him to die and be reborn through time.

It’s so complicated and brain-burning to think about, and it’s an endless loop no matter how you think about it.

If there was no guarantee that he was hit by a car and died that day, then he who could travel through time and use magic would not exist. If he was controlled and killed, then he who could use magic at that time should be watching Kani and ensuring that Kani was reborn after being turned to death.

It feels a bit difficult. Carney's mind was a little confused. Why was he thinking about all this? He could just go ahead and go for it. Anyway, his life was in vain.

"Kani, Kani." Sister Patil looked at Kani and was in a daze after he finished speaking. Kani didn't respond after they answered.

"Ah~what." Carney came back to his senses and looked at the Patil sisters.

"We have never heard of what you said." Parvati said. He had never heard of those two things at all. Are they fruits?

"You'll know soon." Carney picked up two fruits and clicked on them with the wand.

The fruit immediately changed into a large and small fruit with a golden surface and looked very good.

"The big ones are navel oranges, and the small ones are tangerines." Carney threw the navel oranges and tangerines to the Patil sisters.

"How do you eat this? Just bite it?" What Parvati got was an orange. She touched the outer skin and felt that she couldn't eat it directly. But Parmad didn't think so much and picked it up and took a bite.

"Hiss! Ha! It's so sour! This tastes terrible." Parmad let go of his mouth, picked up the water glass and quickly drank some water to rinse his mouth.

"It needs to be peeled." Carney was amused by Parmad's operation. He knew by touching it that he couldn't eat it directly.

"Sure enough." Parvati opened the orange peel and found that it was no longer the original fruit inside. The fruit that Parmad took a bite just now was not the original fruit either.

"Try this, it's sweet." Parvati broke off a few pieces and gave them to Parmad. She was peeling the navel orange, but the peel of the navel orange was not easy to peel.

Carney watched her peel it with a smile, and he turned into another navel orange. He directly picked up the fruit knife and cut it into eight segments.

The golden fruit pieces and juice inside looked particularly tempting, so I floated a few pieces over and ate the rest by myself.

"It seems that I have to work harder on the transformation technique." Parmad finished eating the navel orange and wiped his mouth with the sleeve of the wizard's robe.

"Thank you for the hospitality, we are going to the library to borrow books." Sister Patil decided to go to the library to borrow some books on transfiguration.

"You're welcome." Carney cleaned up the peels on the table. Learning the transfiguration technique will change the entire quality of life.

Good food every day, good drinks, good accommodation every night, whatever is missing can be changed.

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