Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 181: Death of Aragog

"Hiss" Xiao Hei spat out the snake seeds. It only ate the spider and nothing else.

"How about you frame me? Are spiders that big?" Carney showed off its round belly. Xiao Hei couldn't see the strange thing on its belly.

"Hiss~" Xiao Hei was a little innocent. What he ate was really a spider, and it was an old spider, very old.

He thought he should go over and ask the old man if he needed help, but the old spider just screamed something he didn't understand, and then kept walking away.

Xiao Hei also followed. He didn't know why the old man wanted to run. He still came out to exercise at such an old age and was not afraid of breaking his legs.

Then some of the old man's eight legs were walking too fast, and they were bent at an acute angle under the load.

The old spider seemed to be in a lot of pain, so it had no choice but to help him and eat him to relieve his pain and relieve his own stomach.

It really kills two birds with one stone, wonderful.

"How can a spider be so big?!? Huh?" Carney thought for a moment, wishing that there really was such a big spider among the spiders in the Forbidden Forest.

But that was Hagrid's old friend, Aragog, what a sin!

Carney feels a little sick in his stomach. Where are the other spiders? Let Xiaohei eat their ancestors? Why don't you come out and stop it?

"It's over, what should I tell Hagrid like this?" Carney was a little at a loss. Hagrid would probably beat him to death with his small fists as big as a casserole.

"What's wrong?" Hermione didn't understand the situation yet, and if she did, it might be a stupid idea.

"Xiao Hei ate Aragog."

"Aragog?" Hermione looked confused. She had never heard of it before. "Who is that?"

"Used to be Hagrid's pet."

"That's really bad." Hermione immediately thought of the seriousness. Hagrid was very affectionate towards the animals he raised.

He knew from Xiaolong Nobo that there were still several photos of Nobo hanging in the new house. Hagrid went to the Dragon Farm to see Nobo.

"Once? What now?" Hermione did not miss this prefix.

"The Spider King of the Forbidden Forest, the father of spiders."

"Ho!" Hermione took a deep breath. She was deeply impressed by the words "King of Spiders". Hagrid had said something about spiders.

No wonder Hagrid knows so much. Spiders have never attacked Hagrid, and Hagrid does not take the initiative to harm spiders. It turns out that Hagrid once raised the King of Spiders.

"But isn't the Spider King very strong? How could..." Hermione pointed at Xiao Hei's round belly in disbelief. The Spider King was a creature that almost ruled the entire Forbidden Forest.

Now that it is so possible to become such a bulging thing, what about the spider army? Was he also solved by Xiao Hei?

"You know spiders are afraid of the basilisk. Xiao Hei may have swallowed something from the basilisk." Carney guessed, "So the spiders are very afraid of Xiao Hei."

"Then the old Aragog died in the snake's belly." Although Aragog was not simple, his lifespan was still limited. The spider had lived for fifty or sixty years and was already very old.

"All right."

"Then how to explain it to Hagrid?" There is no way Carney could go over and tell Hagrid, 'Hagrid, the spiders you raised in the Forbidden Forest were sacrificed by Xiao Hei, who beat their teeth and Xiao Hei said they were very delicious. ’

It's too bad, Hagrid would be hitting people with his little fists the size of casseroles.

"You can keep this secret." Hermione thought it would be better to tell Hagrid on a day when he was particularly happy, so that he wouldn't be too sad.

"That's all we can do. I hope Hagrid won't go to the spider lair to visit old friends recently." Carney put the little black pocket into the wizard's robe.

"Hey, are you ready to leave? Blackie is back?" Hagrid looked very happy. He saw that Carney and Hermione were getting ready to leave.

"Aha, yes, I remembered that I still had some unfinished homework." Carney looked at Hermione, who shook her head slightly, now was not a good time to say that.

"Okay, let's walk slowly." Hagrid hummed.

"Kani, haven't you finished your homework yet?" They returned to the common room together, and Hermione began to think about studying.

"Of course it's done. You should know clearly what is true and what is false." Carney leaned on the sofa in the common room.

After lying down for more than an hour, it's almost time to eat. The sky is huge and eating is the biggest.

"How should I know?" Hermione said. "Hmph, a man's mouth is a liar."

"I..." Carney was speechless.

Forget it, good men don’t fight with women.

He began to think about the Forbidden Forest. Without Aragog, wouldn't the spiders in the Forbidden Forest be in danger, and would they be able to reproduce?

Whether the new Spider King has the fertility of Aragoko, don't let the troops find it and they will give it a try.

Xiao Hei took a bite of the basilisk, and the spiders began to become afraid of him. Will it have any effect if he eats Aragog?

Like childbirth? Aragog also has strong sexual abilities and is extremely large. I wonder if he will be able to inherit it.

"Ha~" Carney said loudly, as expected he was thinking too much.

"I have a headache." Ron came down with his homework, and Hermione and Neville were already working on it.

"I really have a headache, okay?" Hermione covered her scarred forehead. He had been hurting since the morning, and Madam Pomfrey couldn't find anything.

"Maybe it's rheumatism. At certain times, old injuries hurt," Ron said.

"It doesn't usually hurt much, but it hurts a lot this semester." He drank and shook his head in an attempt to shake the pain away, but it was of no use.

Apart from making my head hurt and dizzy, it doesn't feel any better.

"Harry, are you still having nightmares?" Carney guessed that Harry's headache was basically due to something done by Voldemort.

"That's right, Carney, you know?" Harry was wondering if Carney knew another prophecy. "Did you predict something?"

"I know because I saw sweat on your forehead when I went to the toilet at night, and sometimes you made strange noises." Carney heard it, it was snake language.

"Ah~ That's it..." Harry was slightly disappointed.

"Seamus, come do your homework!" Ron said to Seamus when he saw Seamus return to the common room.

The latter just looked at Ron and hurried upstairs without responding.

"What's wrong with him?" Ron asked strangely, but Seamus didn't even say hello.

"Don't know?" Neville was also surprised. He didn't have the brains to think about this. It was more important to complete his homework.

"Men, it's normal to have a few days that are not normal." Carney thought it must be something about the Forbidden Forest. Last time they were surrounded by a swarm of spiders.

Seamus must have been frightened, and maybe there was a shadow. If he took out a Gebot and put it in front of him, it would most likely look like a spider.

Carney doesn't want to take care of this thing. It's best to figure it out by himself. He can't take care of everyone's emotions.

He is neither a close brother nor a life mentor, he is just a student.

Percy walked in, holding a notice, and then used magic to stick it on the wall that was the only way to leave the common room.

Announcements and notices are posted there specifically. If there is anything going on in the school, notices are usually posted there.

I read the same thing every time I see it in the evening, because it’s also posted on the class schedule.

When there was an announcement, Harry and the others who didn't want to do their homework were the first to run over to read it, hoping to get first-hand information and talk about it everywhere.

"Everyone must arrive at the restaurant on time at eight o'clock today. It seems that we want to say something important." Ron was the first to run back, and he immediately said impatiently.

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