Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 224: A dog-headed smile leads to a hundred charming lives

Contestant actor D Disco Ludd recovered immediately after receiving consolation from fellow contestant actor ABC.

Isn't it just a pounce? You have been prepared for it a long time ago. You should be more optimistic. At least the asxs coins in the first game are higher for some unlucky guys.

And his score has improved compared to yesterday. At least he is adapting to the difficulty. When the difficulty becomes higher, he can still score higher than yesterday, which must be an improvement.

And the most important thing is that there are three gay friends who are fighting with him, so he still feels warm in his heart, at least he still needs them to be there.

Contestant actor D was so comforted in his heart that he felt comforted and his complexion immediately recovered.

"It is indeed difficult. It was actually so difficult yesterday." Contestant actor D said with emotion.

"Carney Stellan!" The old man in the white wizard robe said Carney in a lifeless tone with an intriguing tone.

"It's the very big guy!" Actor A said.

"I don't know how many points I can score in the second game." Actor B said.

"Hold the bench too. It seems that the bench is popular today." Actor C said.

Carney also came to the court with a chair. So far, there is only one person who has not brought a chair, and that is the first seven-point contestant, Pusius Louis.

The last contestant, actor D Disco Ludd, also came on stage with a bench.

Carney floated the chair to the center of the field with a wand in his hand. He could actually cast spells without a wand, but in order to keep a low profile and hide his strength, he still used a wand.

Carney opened the question golden ball and showed it to the judges, then faced Professor McGonagall.

After seeing the relieved look in Professor McGonagall's eyes, Carney was sure that it was Professor McGonagall's fault, and Professor McGonagall also had intentions.

"Please begin your performance."

Carney swung the chair high into the air, waved his wand, and the transformation spell came next.

Carney also did some tricks while transforming, and released a freezing spell, which instantly lowered the temperature in the air by several degrees.

The chair also turned into a huge flying magical creature in an instant, with a huge wolf head, a huge eagle body, legs and claws as thick as tree trunks, and an icy blue tail.

"Roar!" The giant beast spread its wings and its wolf head immediately opened its big mouth and roared angrily.

This voice was deafening to everyone in the restaurant, and many people covered their ears directly.

The sound resounded through the sky, and pedestrians outside the competition hotel heard this roar, and the carriages on the road were all green~.

But he quickly regained his composure. After all, this was not the roar of a real dog-headed harpy and blue-tailed beast. The animals still sounded a little different.

The reason for such an effect on a single player is that Kani also added a loud voice curse, which Kani came up with on the spur of the moment, and added a freezing spell when transforming.

Carney's transformed dog-headed harpy and blue-tailed beast didn't roar at the judges' table and the professor's table. He really didn't dare, so he could only shout at the contestants' table.

This is very painful for the contestants, who not only have to cover their ears, but also their noses.

What came out of the wolf's mouth was not only the sound but also strong wind and bad breath. It was this smelly man again. His transformation was always accompanied by a little smell.

The dog-headed harpy and blue-tailed beast spread its wings and flew above the restaurant, followed by an aerial performance.

The entire length of the wingspan is seven or eight meters, and a fierce wolf head in the middle is patrolling the people below, staring fiercely at the contestants, judges, and professors.

"It's a dog-headed harpy and a blue-tailed beast!" Someone in the contestant area immediately recognized him. It was the man with black square glasses.

He originally wanted to say it earlier, but he was yelled at so loudly that he couldn't hear other voices at all, not even his own voice.

"The boss is indeed a boss. It feels like the real thing. It's a bit cold." Actor D Disco Ludd hugged his shoulders.

"Roar!" The dog-headed harpy and blue-tailed beast swooped down. Carney took a few steps back and took out a pea projectile, which transformed into a horned camel beast.

Two huge eagle claws grabbed the horned camel beast heavily, and the tips of the claws dug deeply into the horned camel beast's body.

The horned camel roared in terror, but it was insignificant compared to the previous roar of the dog-headed harpy and blue-tailed beast, and the sound was completely ignored.

The four horned camels struggled, but to no avail. Its strength was not comparable to that of the dog-headed harpy and blue-tailed beast.

The dog-headed harpy and blue-tailed beast grabbed the horned camel and flew up without any difficulty, biting the horned camel's body fiercely at high altitude without even biting deeply.

The horned beast's outer armor is strong enough to withstand the breath of a dragon, and it is reasonable to expect that it can withstand the bites and blows of a dog-headed harpy and a blue-tailed beast.

The horned camel's bite was not without harm. Although it was not serious, it hurt.

The struggle became more intense, and his limbs were kicking wildly.

"Roar." The dog's mouth on one side of the dog-headed harpy blue-tailed beast gradually lengthened, revealing a strange smile.

As the saying goes, a dog-headed smile attracts everyone's attention.

Other horned heads, eye-catching blue short tails, and huge wings are not as eye-catching as this smiling dog head.

He led the Horned Camel to the highest point, then the dog pawed and the eagle's talons were released.

"Ah!" A little girl immediately shouted, unable to accept such a scene and afraid to watch it at all.

The horned camel beast immediately fell from a height of tens of meters. Its limbs were still kicking wildly as it descended, and it stopped moving after falling heavily to the center of the field with a loud bang.

All his limbs were broken and he couldn't even stand.

The dog-headed eagle-body blue-tailed beast made a dive and landed on the horned camel beast. A large eagle claw stepped on the horned camel beast, and the wolf head immediately began to bite.

"Roar!" He bit his mouth full of blood and shouted loudly, but his voice was shouting towards the sky, otherwise the deformed blood would splash on the contestants.

Carney's magic wand was always on from beginning to end, and controlling this difficult performance really consumed magic and mental energy.

The light at the tip of the wand dimmed, the transformation spell was interrupted, and everything returned to its original shape. The leg of a chair in the center of the field pressed down on a pea.

The two sides that were pressed were damaged, one side was dropped and the other side was pressed.

"Groo, why do I feel so real every time I see his transformation? How could it be a chair?" said actor F.

"That's right, that chair must have been transformed into a dog-headed harpy and a blue-tailed beast." Actor E said without blushing and his heart skipped a beat. He really couldn't speak more than a draft, not even a brain.

"Same as above." Another person thought about the problem with his toes.

However, the judges' table ignored their whispers. They exchanged a few glances, and the scores came out immediately.

1111011111, nine points.

"Wow~" The contestants' seats roared again.

Nine points? Okay.

Carney nodded politely and floated back to his chair, which was reasonable.

Because he didn't know if other magic could be used to assist during the Transfiguration Competition, this was what he only thought of after using the Freezing Curse and Loud Sound Curse.

Maybe this was a point deduction, so the old man in the white wizard robe, who was the strictest and most difficult to score points, was not given any points.

Carney is also satisfied with nine points. Now he is still far ahead, ranking first in points.

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