Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 315: Message from the Decepticons

Building is a science, and so is digging holes.

Although it is academic, it is undoubtedly physical work. Even though Carney didn't have to swing a hoe or a shovel, just a wand, it still made him sweat profusely.

The soreness of depleted magic power was felt in his limbs again, and it felt like every trace of magic power in his cells had been extracted and contributed to the construction of the basement.

"It looks like it will take several days to complete." Looking at the slope of the large square pit that collapsed along the wall, just the entrance used up all the magic power.

If the violent point explodes directly, the consumption may not be so fast, and the digging progress will be faster. The soil layer is compressed extremely solidly. The ground that could have been loosened by one meter will not be one meter again if the spell is cast again. The land is less susceptible to depression.

But this is not the point. The point is Carney's little obsessive-compulsive disorder. He spent most of the day working on a slope. The main reason was that it was a bit asymmetrical.

"The next work will be done tomorrow. If we dig this small, there shouldn't be water leakage, right?" Carney used his spiritual energy to get rid of the pain in his body, and piled the debris floating down from the second floor into the inclined pit.

Today is a sunny day, and the sun is high in the sky, but this has not melted the snow. The cold now makes Carney wrap up his clothes tightly.

The time came to noon without noticing. Although he didn't need to eat every day, he still ate his lunch at home. Otherwise, his mother would inevitably be criticized when she came back and saw that the prepared lunch was still in the same place.

"Meow~" Carney heated up his lunch and turned on the TV. It was a news channel that his parents liked to watch, but he was too lazy to tune it to see what rainbow fart the host with the microphone was about to let out.

After tugging at his lunch a few times, he felt something tugging at his pants just as he was about to eat. When he lowered his head, he saw that it was the cat Ni.

The big blue eyes stared at Carney, or rather at the lunch in front of Carney.

"I almost forgot about you, you can't eat this." Carney pulled his pants back, stood up and rummaged through the cabinet for cat food.

'A meteor shower fell over London last night, a suspected meteorite fell on West End Street, Dulwich Park, Burgess Park, and Little Whinging in Surrey were all hit by meteorites...'

"Here comes the dried fish!" Yesterday, my mother didn't notice where she put the cat food. After looking for a few places, she just took out her wand.

"Meow~" Carney filled the kitten's food plate with dried fish and added some water to the water basin before starting to enjoy his lunch. The news had switched to other content.

"National affairs are not my concern." After eating, he turned off the TV, moved the gifts next to the stove upstairs, and began to meditate daily, trying to dig some in the afternoon.

Carney no longer uses the magic stone. He can see the consumption of the magic stone. It is better not to waste the magic power of the magic stone in daily magic recovery.

It's a pity that the magic stone only outputs magic power and cannot inject magic power. Carney also thought about charging the magic stone, but failed. Maybe its maker knew how to charge it.

After almost recovering, Carney went downstairs to continue working, but his attention was attracted by a ragdoll cat that behaved strangely.

The cat circled and stared at a black unknown substance, and from time to time it would poop on the floor, as if it could pull out something to cover it. It seemed that it had been pooping for a long time.

Carney took a closer look and hit his left palm with his right fist. There was no doubt that it was his own poop.

Cats will use sand to cover the smell of their poop to hide their traces and avoid being discovered by enemies. This habit is still very good.

It's not like a dog, who can pull it or bury it, stick out its butt, kick its calves, and fall to the ground.

"Poop should stay where poop should stay." Carney took out the cat teasing stick, oh no, it was a magic wand.

"Meow~?" The cat's poop floated up under the cat's nose and then fell into the cat's litter box. The sand in the basin automatically covered the cat's poop.

The cat seemed to be frightened, and it arched its body and jumped back a certain distance.

Carney didn't pay attention to the cat's expression afterwards. After making sure there were no other wizards or surveillance objects around, Carney came to the garage again and continued working.

Fortunately, there was no sign of water seepage in the dug hole. It may be that the soil around the hole has been compressed by magic, making it difficult for water to penetrate.

This is why he dug the pit without digging out the earth and rocks. The pit built in this way was stronger and less likely to collapse. He had to reinforce it after the completion.

The ground in the backyard was soft, but the ground below was not soft at all. He had already encountered rocks, large and small, with jagged rocks.

The soil can be loosened and squeezed by magic, but the stones are more difficult. Some small ones are fine, but the larger ones are all visible. When the soil goes down, the stones become prominent.

Carney's wand lit up and he took out "Common Building Spells". Anyway, Carney brought a lot of spell books, many of which were spells for daily life.

Some remote ones are not very common, because some wizards may not use them in their lifetime. Some magic spells were invented specifically to do a certain thing, and there are many types.

Building spells are basically house-building spells, but they are just some common ones, borrowed by Hagrid when he was building, and they came in handy at this time.

Carney was quite interested in the method of casting spells on houses and making buildings enchanted, but he couldn't find that kind of book, and even if he found it, he might not be able to understand it, and he didn't want to learn it.

"Yes, mud-rock reversal." Carney found a spell that should be able to solve it perfectly. He studied it carefully and started testing it on some small rocks.

"Mud-rock reversal." Carney's magic acted on the half-exposed small stones, and the stones immediately burrowed into the soil, and what replaced the stones was the wet soil below.

After doing it a few times, I almost figured out that the positions of the stones and the positions of the soil were exchanged, and the stones were moved to other places where the other places were soil.

Carney turned all the exposed stones away, continued downward, and encountered those stones again. It seems that the distance to turn around is not too far, or the magic power he should use more can be transferred farther.

Looking at the time outside, Carney jumped out of the hole, blocked the hole with debris, and moved the shelf back to its original position. My father usually did not disturb the debris in the corner, and rarely tidied it up.

The yellow Camaro drove back to the garage, and Carney was already waiting on the side, thinking about what excuse his father would use to cover up if he noticed something piled in the corner.

But they didn't pay attention, or maybe they didn't see it, after all, Carney blocked it with shelves.

The parents were at home the next day, but Carney made an excuse and ran to the garage to finish the work early. The snow that fell at night covered up the road that had been cleared a few days ago.

But I won’t go out today, my father Carter is too lazy to clean up, and of course Carney won’t go either.

There were regular sweepers clearing the snow on the road outside. A sweeper just passed by. The snow on the road was swept away to reveal the black asphalt. Carney opened the garage door and got in.

"Bad news, I'm still thinking about how to inform you." Bumblebee saw that it was Carney who came alone and immediately transformed into a big robot. He looked weird because he was wearing a mask.

"What's wrong? What's the bad news?"

Bumblebee climbed up the small window on the roof of the garage and looked around, then removed his mask and said to Carney, "The Decepticons are coming."

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