Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 408: Developing in another direction (Part 2)

At this time, it’s time to play the emotional card. Good people do this, and getting back together with the Autobots is the right choice. This is what Carney hopes.

"Optimus Prime, I hope you can leave a way home for the Cybertronians." Soundwave said, "Return to Cybertron and invest in building Cybertron."

"How do you prove that this is not your trick." Optimus Prime said.

At this time, another picture was added to the big screen, which was Shockwave in Cybertron.


"Optimus Prime, take a good look at Cybertron." Shockwave relayed the picture of Cybertron on the screen. The energy depletion caused the Cybertron star to no longer be bright.

Steel stands everywhere, but there is no light at all. It is silent and lifeless. There are only a few places where Decepticon fortresses are still operating.

The desolate scene of Cybertron was displayed in front of them. All Cybertronians knew that Cybertron was running out of energy, but seeing this scene still made people feel desolate.

How prosperous and dazzling Cybertron was in the past. The once prosperous period is still vivid in our minds, but now it has become like this.

"Cybertron's energy is close to exhaustion, and our hometown is infinitely close to the Death Star. The Decepticons can't stand the lack of energy. Some choose to go into hibernation in order to save energy, and some choose to find another way to obtain energy from other planets. , the remaining people maintain the normal operation of the planet's functions on Cybertron," Shockwave said while showing the changes in Cybertron over the past few million years on the screen.

"Cybertron..." Optimus Prime looked at the nearly dead planet, which was completely different from when he left.

"Millions of years have exhausted Cybertron. Megatron is gone, the leaders are gone, and I have mined all the energy that can be mined from the surrounding planets."

"The people who are still on Cybertron no longer care about the struggle between the Decepticons and the Autobots. We are all waiting for someone to bring new life to Cybertron." Shockwave said, "For millions of years, Megatron did not restore Cybertron as he said he would."

"Shockwave, I didn't expect that you also betrayed Megatron. If you two can clear your name, then why should I be captured and dealt with by the Autobots!" Starscream struggled, "I want to join the Autobots, so do I. Clean up!"

"Because--you can't even organize a picnic." Soundwave pushed Starscream back down and thought for a while before replying.

"The original purpose of the space bridge is no longer important. Its current function is to send signals from the earth signal tower to let the Cybertronians go home." Shockwave ignored Starscream, "Optimus Prime, do you agree?"

"The Autobots are all looking at Optimus Prime. If the war with the Decepticons is over, then returning to their homeland of Cybertron is the most urgent thought of every Cybertronian."

"I - agree." Optimus Prime also loves his hometown, and he cannot refuse such a request. "The space bridge must be in Autobot hands."

"No." Shockwave said.

Optimus Prime frowned, he couldn't rest assured if the space bridge was not in the hands of the Autobots.

"It's in the hands of the Cybertronians." The Decepticon symbol on Shockwave's body has been removed. There are no Autobots or Decepticons on Cybertron.

"I can't trust you in a short time. I can keep the space bridge. If your behavior goes against what you said, we will eliminate you immediately." Although it sounds nice, Optimus Prime does not immediately believe in Sound Wave and Shockwave's words.

Two former Decepticon lieutenants, Megatron's loyal lieutenants, suddenly turned against each other today, and Megatron himself couldn't believe it.

"There are humans approaching, and human unmanned reconnaissance aircraft are entering the sky over New York." Soundwave reported.

"Let the guys outside deal with it and do what they have to do. It should be that they have stopped taking action, which makes them feel that they have an opportunity." Carney said.

"Start the detection and find out all the invisible people. The wizards have also come to join in the fun." Carney said as he looked at the people who suddenly appeared and disappeared on the map.

The originally motionless Transformers became active, the flying units took off again, and the reconnaissance plane sent by humans was shot down instantly.

The signal tower turned on detection, and the invisible wizards were discovered one after another, but none of the Transformers killed them.

Some kind of equipment was also activated in the Decepticon base, and the whole base buzzed for a while.

"what sound?"

"There is an intruder inside the base and has been arrested." Soundwave said, and several robots came in holding several men in trench coats with afros. They had all been stunned.

"Flying wands!" Carney flew their wands into his hand, took out several hoods and put them on their heads, and then locked them in the cage. "It's really troublesome. Let's lock it up for now."

"Aurors, similar to the police in the human world, lock them up first, otherwise they will come back again if they are released," Carney explained.

"Optimus Prime, what should we do with those guys outside?" Ratchet said. This problem is a headache. If left alone, the earth will have more unstable factors.

"After the space bridge is built, they will go to Cybertron and join in the glorious construction." Shockwave said, hundreds of thousands and nearly a million new Transformers will inject vitality into Cybertron.

"It seems that you have already planned it." Jazz leaned on the small space bridge and looked at the screen and Carney.

"It wasn't early in the morning, but a few days ago." Carney said.

"@#×\u0026...%¥\u0026?" Bumblebee was confused. Carney should have been in England a few days ago.

"Yes, I was in England a few days ago. I used time travel to go back to the previous few days and change what I could change," Carney said.

"Wait a minute, time travel? Does the Earth have this technology? With all due respect, even Cybertron can't travel through time." Ratchet planned to Kani, which was too unrealistic.

"It's magic, if there's no interference, you can go back a few days and change something that hasn't been defined yet," Carney said. "I go back to the day when Megatron used the Fire Source. Because the destruction of New York has long been a fact and the whole world knows it, this cannot be changed."

"I saved as many people as possible, and then sneaked into the Decepticon base to see what their next plans were."

"I entered the transport vehicle heading to Cybertron, entered Cybertron from this space bridge, and persuaded Sound Wave and Shock Wave." Carney said without conscience, "Then I just waited for time to get back on track."

At this time, two screens were brought up on the screen, and the sound wave recorded on the satellite that there were two carnies in one period of time.

"Sound Wave found Bumblebee for me, otherwise I wouldn't have found it, and then I just waited for the Autobots to arrive and end this internal fight." Carney said the general story of what happened.

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