Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 411: Fake Carney (Part 1)

They definitely can't walk around openly on Earth, and the moon is also closer to the space bridge.

"If the Autobots and Decepticons arrive, you can also stop part of the moon. For energy, I think solar energy can be tried. Destroying the sun is not environmentally friendly and is a non-renewable resource. Although you may consider this But there seems to be no sun around Cybertron, right?"

Carney thought about solar charging of small robots. If the space is full of solar equipment, laying solar panels around the sun to collect energy without affecting other living planets is the only friendly way Carney can think of.

"Well, it can be considered that it is indeed feasible to convert the light and heat emitted by the sun into energy, although it is very slow." Optimus Prime immediately found an introduction to solar energy from the Earth's Internet.

"If you find multiple stars, you can get them all. If one doesn't work, just two. If two don't work, just three. It's impossible for you to have wandered in space for so long without discovering other stars, right?"

Shockwave had no objection. Soundwave immediately ordered the base to be dismantled, a spaceship to be built, and materials to be transported to the moon to build a new base.

With the Autobots as overseers and the New York Transformers as coolies, a demolition began in full swing.

Carney was also doing magic experiments in the base, studying the source of the fire, but it was all a waste of time.

The Autobots took over the base and started building the first transport spaceship in conjunction with Sound Wave. Other materials were transported to the moon by planes to build a temporary construction site.

They moved openly and openly under the eyes of the people on earth, and they were still helpless. , because Soundwave hacked into the network, and there was no safe network under his supervision.

Even the big and small cameras are under his control, broadcasting the president's position and military deployment in real time, which has forced Americans to watch their movements.

"Little one, come here and be conscious." Carney waved to a little Transformer that looked like a computer. He was just bored and could surf the Internet.

The computer strangely changes back to its original shape. A slightly more technological thing is that robots can surf the Internet by themselves, such as this computer.

The recent news is all about New York. There is no New York now. It is called a forbidden area, and there are also various opinions about it being called Paradise Lost, Hell, Machine Country, and so on.

However, there are not many related videos, only a few. The most popular one is a video posted by Megatron himself.

'Optimus Prime, I hope you're not frightened out of your wits, but hiding around like a coward is in line with your Autobot style. ’ Megatron was probably afraid that Optimus Prime would give up on Earth and run away when he saw this situation, or maybe he was itching to say something and sent such a video.

"Oh, there is also a Happy Superman, who is also getting a lot of attention. He has already started doing human flesh." Carney read their messages and guessed that he was an Oriental.

Carney pinched his face and continued to look. There were actually people with similar faces below, all pretending to be heroes and wanting to become famous.

Without exception, they were all taken away by the police, only to be released again. The counterfeiters could not withstand the torture.

It’s so boring. I wonder how the school is doing now. Stellan won’t deduct points from the college, right?

"Ah sneeze~!"

"BOOM." The cauldron in front of Neville emitted a foul smell, and the people around him immediately frowned and pinched their noses.

"Stran, because your fault affected the progress of the entire class, Gryffindor will deduct ten points." Snape said expressionlessly.

"What do you mean? Someone must be saying bad things about me behind my back. Yes, I am also a victim." Stellan whispered, but Harry and Ron did not believe it.

From the first class yesterday, they discovered that something was wrong with Carney. This was definitely not Carney himself. They all suspected that it was Carney's brother who ran out again.

Stellan bought the wand yesterday morning, and also bought the owl, wizard robes, and everything needed for the first grade.

These things were temporarily placed in the Carney dormitory. After returning to Hogwarts, he couldn't wait to play with the wand on the lawn. Hagrid was the first to spot him, and then Ron and Harry, who went to Hagrid's tea, also There's Hermione.

At first, Stellan would pretend to be Carney, go to the restaurant with them to eat, and go to class in the afternoon.

In the afternoon's Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall surprisingly didn't get up to answer questions or demonstrate transfiguration, and the assigned transfiguration content became a mess.

At the beginning, the vase had some changes, but it seemed that it couldn't deform as expected. Later, the vase became terrible, and his deformation technique didn't seem to be that effective.

After class, they stopped Professor McGonagall and asked where Carney was.

Professor McGonagall said that Carney was letting his brother adapt to his body, so he would not come out for the time being, and asked them to take good care of Stellan and not make this matter public.

As soon as get out of class was over, many students gathered around Stellan, vying to teach him magic. They all wanted to learn things from Carney or want to know some magic skills.

Harry Ron and the others were not interested in this, because he was not Carney himself at all. People who wanted to ask him about magic basically returned in vain, but there were still many students who came to ask Stellan in an endless stream. It's a girl.

At first, they were quite interested in Stellan, and they grabbed him and asked him questions about Carney.

For example, if Carney has anyone he likes, who he hates, and whether he has talked about certain things such as Li, En, Min, etc., they think Stellan should know.

"How do I know this?" Stellan replied simply, but his mind immediately changed, "I will answer the question of whoever teaches me magic. Any question is fine!"

Then they took turns to give Stellan magic guidance, but all they got were some unreliable answers.

Moreover, the magic talent seems to be average, compared to Carney, it is average, barely enough to be considered normal.

Magic can be cast, but the effect is a bit poor. The transformation spell always fails to transform according to the intention, the floating spell sometimes doesn't work, and other problems.

Then they lost interest, and Stellan had to find other people to help. As for why so many people were willing to help, it was all thanks to Harry.

That's right, the questions Stellan answered were all about Harry, what kind of underwear, what he likes to eat, and what habits he has. Stellan told them all without missing a word.

There are also real-time updates every day to share every bit of Harry, so there are so many little witches willing to help.

"Ah~ Learning magic is too difficult..." Stellan returned to the common room and lay on the sofa with eyes blank.

"It's really strange. I could use the Transfiguration spell so easily before, but now my buttons are weird." Hermione couldn't understand this. She had shown off her skills in the restaurant before.

"Who knows?" Ron shrugged.

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