Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 486: Smart Owl

Speaking of the curse, Carney immediately searched the entire house. If the curse was on him, he would definitely notice it. Since he didn't feel anything, there was no curse on him.

"No, what could that be? Are you kidding me?" Carney scanned the entire room, and it was all clean and without any problems.

"Kani! No need to go!"

Carney shrugged. He had to go to Diagon Alley to sell these sundries and buy some herbal seeds for planting. He also had to think about the flying unit-Owl for a semester.

He had to have an owl of his own, and the school rules didn't say he could only have one pet.

But he didn't plan to go the Muggle way, he already had a quick way.

With a snap, an old kid appeared at the door of the Leaky Cauldron and headed straight for the entrance to Diagon Alley behind it. When he passed through the wall, he had already transformed back into his original appearance.

"It's always bad to use magic openly." Carney muttered, even though he avoided the Ministry of Magic's eyes and changed his attire.

The money you pawned for those sundries only cost one yinkexi. This was still the result of rounding up. No matter where you pawned, you would still suffer a loss.

Carney skillfully got into the pet market. When buying an owl, there are no eggs to choose from, and young owls are not the best choice as pets.

"Sir, are you here to buy an owl?" said the bespectacled boss.

"How do you know what I like is an owl?" There are so many kinds of pets here. Although owls are the most popular, not every customer chooses an owl.

"Because your eyes have always been on the owl, you have turned a blind eye to other pets." The boss pushed up his glasses, "If you want to buy an owl, the owls I have here are the best and the most loyal. They can even help their owners. Go to hell.”

"Are you cursing me for putting my life in danger? So you are a store owner who expects customers to be in danger so that you can market your owl, right?" Carney said loudly, and his voice spread to the street.

The wizards on the road stopped and stretched their necks to see what happened in the store. A store owner who cursed his customers would be in danger, so he must be buying something with a bad heart.

"I didn't! I'm not, it's not like this!" the shop owner shouted, his voice was louder than Carney, his neck was red from shouting, he had to do this, he had to let the wizards watching the fun outside hear clearly, otherwise he would It will be depressed for a while.

"I just said they were very loyal, I didn't say anything like that."

"Why are you talking so loudly? You actually yelled at customers. Your service attitude is really bad! I can't imagine it." Carney pretended to be surprised, "Sir, you are really rude."

"I'm sorry. I apologize for my overly aggressive words and deeds. Sir, please take a look." The boss chose not to say more, but let this troublesome little wizard watch for himself.

"Hey, look here!" Carney clapped his hands, and all the owls focused their attention.

"Look!" Carney pointed at a fat toad. He had to see which of these owls was the smartest and could keep up with Carney's command.

"Spread your wings!" Carney danced, and the owl directed them to see which ones were OK, but the dancing instructions seemed not to work.

Only a few owls tilted their heads and spread their wings. Some owls understood, but did not intend to follow suit. They were very arrogant, but unfortunately those were not the type that Carney liked.

"Then lift one leg, like this," Carney demonstrated, looking around the store to see who could understand and do it.

To achieve this, there are still three or four owls following him. He needs to improve the difficulty and skills, such as spinning and jumping with eyes closed.

"Jump, follow me." Carney hopped on one foot, which was a bit difficult for the owls who raised their arms and raised their talons because they were all in cages.

Puff, puff, puff~

They flapped their wings and raised their feet, but they all hit the cage, lost their balance, and fell back without stepping on the crossbar.

There was only one, and it was the last one to jump. After seeing the previous failed examples, he did not intend to flap his wings. Instead, he bent his legs, straightened them, jumped up, and landed accurately on the crossbar of the cage.

This is a bit magical, such a smart owl, but Carney is not over yet.

"Jump, spin!" Carney jumped up and spun 360 degrees while maintaining a weird posture in the store, and landed handsomely to stabilize his figure.

The store owner looked at Kani who was dancing like an idiot. Other customers who wanted to enter the store thought it was something strange, so they took a quick look and went to another store.

The shop owner was hesitant to speak several times. He had to carefully consider what he was going to say next, otherwise this strange little wizard who was startled would catch some strange point and yell.

"Cuckoo~" The owl tried to jump, but it was a bit difficult. The height of the envelope did not allow it to complete this action.

But it was no problem to spin one hundred and eighty. I jumped up slightly, pointed my butt towards Carney, jumped again and turned back.

The shop owner also saw that this owl was smarter than other owls, and his eyes immediately rolled around. Maybe it could be sold at a good price. What was its original price? It should be doubled now.

"Okay, you can put it down, and then enter the second stage." Carney said. The owl understood what Carney meant and put down its wings and legs.

"Go left, go right, go right, go left, look left, look forward, look right, stand at attention! Take a break!" Carney stood and followed the command to make corresponding actions.

To Carney's amazement, the owl did it all, yes, all of it, including taking a breath.

"Boss! How much is this owl in Galleons?" Carney was about to buy it.

"This is not for sale!" The shop owner came out and held the owl cage in his arms as if holding a baby. There are many owls that are humane and can understand the wizard's instructions, but there are only a few simple ones. .

So he didn't think Carney's previous movements and instructions were anything to experiment with. Almost all magical owls can do it, but the subsequent series of movements were so obedient that he made no mistakes by shaking his head left and right, and there was not much hesitation.

Such an owl cannot be sold. It can be used as a treasure of the store. Whenever a customer comes to see the pet and has the intention to buy an owl, he can use it to perform and show it to the customers to let them see it. Let’s see how obedient the owl in his streamer’s pet shop can be.

This will be a major buying point for his pet store and a major advantage in competing with other pet stores.

"But this cage says 5 gold galleons." Carney pointed at the cage and suddenly pretended to suddenly realize it, loudly saying, "You are deceiving customers!"

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