Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 488: Planting Dilemma

Xiao Hei was messing around with the shovel, turning over the soil, she thought.

"Quickly, shovel small pits, about fifty." Carney moved the decorative flower pots and tree plants to both sides, dug a pit the size of a flower pot on the side near the garage, and removed the apple tree from the flower pot. Transplanted to the yard.

The little apple sapling was less than ten inches tall in the ground and was as inconspicuous as a taller weed on the lawn.

He waved some spring water to the little apple tree, took out the wand and cast a spell on the apple tree. The growth spell acted on the apple tree sapling and it immediately grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wooden people must be cultivated from an early age. Carney let the apple tree grow to two meters high and then stopped. The growth rate was extremely fast, but it was still not a big tree, it could only be regarded as a small tree.

But this is enough. Carney cannot overthrow the seedlings and encourage them to grow. If it suddenly becomes a towering tree, the roots under it cannot drill so fast. This is already the limit and wait for it to grow naturally.

"Xiao Hei, are you done? There should be some space between the pits."

Xiao Hei was clumsily shoveling away the grass and soil. Carney was not going to help, so he still let Xiao Hei get familiar with the tasks at hand.

Carney took out the seeds and poured a few into his hand. The seeds were plump. The boss chose undamaged seeds for each seed. This was also the reason why Hagrid recommended that store. There were no bad seeds in it.

Each type must be planted separately. He planted flowers and grass first, around the yard, and then the herb seeds. After the seeds were planted, Carney covered them with soil and grass.

This is an abnormal planting method, because the original grassland will monopolize the living space of the seeds. Normal planting requires cleaning up other grass plants and leaving loosened soil. That is a suitable planting environment.

Moreover, it was planted in a flower pot. Carney relied entirely on his growth magic to be so casual. Otherwise, he would not have dared to plant such expensive seeds so casually.

After the seeds were planted, Carney poured some water to start growing, but there was no reaction after the magic was cast. There was no sign of any plants growing in the renovated soil.

Carney gently put aside the picture and looked at it. The seeds were still seeds. This was a big problem. Dozens of seeds fell to the ground, but none grew.

I poured some water again, took out my wand and pointed it at a seed to induce germination. It took about half a minute for the seed to move, and the buds broke open and the seed poked its head out.

The ones that made any noise were flowers and plants, not herbal plants. They were growing slowly. Carney maintained the magic and it took another minute to grow and it became easier.

The fragrant grass has grown petal-like green leaves and exudes fragrance. Their fragrant fragrance can repel mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are often found in their backyards and front lawns. The important thing is that they have no fragrance and do not look like a garden at all.

The ground flowers do not bloom so quickly. They are still flower buds. Their rhizomes are wrapped around the ground, and a small piece is connected to them. They are all flower buds. After blooming, the flowers will cover the ground.

Xiangganguo is a small plant, with a maximum length of less than half a meter. It produces small golden fruits that are dry and astringent when eaten, but have a strong aroma.

Carney plans to decorate the backyard into a proper garden. Although this is not what he wants, his mother and sister will probably like it.

If Carney had given it to him, it would have been some unfriendly plants such as the black evil tree, devil's ivy, stinging flower, legweed, and psychedelic flowers and leaves.

This is in line with the wizard's back garden. It should be some strange and weird things that look evil but are actually evil.

We haven't planted the rock plant Kani yet. It is a plant that can cling to the walls of rock houses. It is similar to the ivy, but it is more beautiful and can bloom.

In order to ensure that it would not cause trouble to the house, Carney was not so quick to plant it, so he had to try it under the wall next to the garage.

The herbal seeds had not moved yet, and there was no response even after he cast the growth spell. Carney almost suspected that they were bad seeds, but seeing the small pointed heads that had just sprouted, it meant that the seeds were normal.

"I'm reading a book, Xiao Hei, you can stop." Carney took out the herbal medicine encyclopedia and said to Xiao Hei that he didn't need to dig.

"Huh, I'm so exhausted, Yi Ni. I have never done such a tiring job." Xiao Hei inserted the small shovel into the ground, held the shovel with one hand and put his hand on his waist and gasped.

? ? ?

Are you, a giant snake dozens of meters long, so exhausted after throwing so many pits? It shouldn't be, it's really too fake, pretending to be nothing like it.

Carney didn't pay much attention to Xiao Hei. After chatting with her for a few words, he would start talking about some irrelevant things. He found herbal medicines and the planting methods were normal planting methods. There was no such thing as Carney.

"Can it only cause failure?" Carney squatted on the ground and thought, failure is not possible, everything else has been successful.

It took Carney a while to find it. In the front part of the planting book, herbs and other herbs with special effects cannot be accelerated by magic such as growth promotion. If you want to plant quickly, use magic. Fertilizer infusion is the shortcut.

"Finally, it seems that this herb cannot be induced by magic." Carney then understood that if the herb could be grown with a magic spell, wouldn't it be easy to grow the herb? Planted herbs can cast magic, and herbs that are dozens of years old can cast magic easily.

Magic works easily on ordinary plants, so Carney takes it for granted that it can also be applied to other plants. He takes it for granted.

Take mandrake for example. If you want to remove the magic of petrification, you must wait for it to mature before it can be used as medicine to remove petrification. If it is not mature, you can only wait for it to mature. You cannot use magic to speed up their growth.

"Damn, my brain is crazy." Carney threw the book away and could only infuse it with magic power. The medicinal plants themselves are magic plants, and magical herbs contain magic power, otherwise they would not have magical effects.

Using magic power to induce birth is really a bad idea. The infusion of magic power is not just a matter of pouring it in literally. Magic power is just like water.

Watering it on only provides them with a high-quality environment, just like watering plants in flower pots. It's up to them to absorb as much as they want.

And magic power is not flowing water, almost no wizards would do this.

Carney will try it today and press his hands on the soil on both sides of the seed. The magic power flows out of his palms, pours into the soil, and scatters on the seeds.

The seeds have changed. The buds are growing slowly. Compared with the growth of apple saplings, they are like crawling at a snail's pace.

Only a small part of the magic power worked, and most of it was lost in the soil and dissipated in the earth through running water.

But it would be nice if there were changes. Carney looked at the dozens of holes dug by Xiao Hei and sighed.

"Xiao Hei, fill in half of it."

"Yes, Master." Xiao Hei retracted his curious gaze and began to cover back the soil and grass that had been shoveled.

"Hey hey hey hey hey!"

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