He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(104)

The materials of the city-state buildings are all uniform hard stone. The further you go up the mountain, the lighter the colors of the houses become. Walking at the foot of the mountain, the roof beams and pillars around Yunchi are still rich lead black. When you reach the ridge, the colors of the buildings are already very bright. Close to off-white and light pale color. Walking through the bustling neighborhood, Yunchi also saw some women sitting in front of their homes, selling gadgets to passers-by. Groups of children, dressed in round and thick clothes, were almost bouncing through the streets and lanes. They were chasing, laughing and playing in the alleys, and the sky above the entire city was shrouded in rising smoke.

It’s so lively.

Yunchi had not seen so many noisy crowds and such a pyrotechnic scene for a long time. He secretly asked Yanyan: "Is the highest temple dedicated to the god of this mountain?"

Yanyan smiled slightly: "You guessed it correctly, that's right."

Seeing that he only agreed with his statement, but did not introduce the specific information of the mountain god to him as usual, Yunchi understood clearly in his heart and did not say much.

Near the mountainside, they found a jewelry store dedicated to civilians. As soon as Yunchi pushed the door open, the bell on the door buzzed, lighting up the oil lamp at the door.

This idea was a bit surprising. Yunchi smiled and looked at the store's furnishings.

To be honest, this place is narrow and dark. There are no windows on the wall. The candles lit in the corner make the light here always hazy like evening. A thin old man was sitting behind the long cabinet. When he noticed that the oil lamp at the door was on, he hurriedly raised his head and said, "Please come in, please come in!"

It turns out that oil lamps are not only ordered for customers, but also to remind the shopkeepers.

Yunchi walked up. He had not talked to ordinary people of the same kind for a long time, and he was inevitably a little nervous: "Excuse me - cough, excuse me, is there a comb here?"

"A comb?" The old man was stunned and hurriedly took out a wooden box from under the long cabinet. "A comb is good. Combs are fashionable jewelry this year. A young girl puts her hair up and inserts a dyed comb. It's really unique. …”

"No, I mean, is there a comb for combing your hair?" Yunchi couldn't help but interrupted the old man, "It's not jewelry, it needs something bigger, is there one?"

He looked at the combs in the wooden box. They were indeed small and cute decorations. The simpler ones are painted with patterns and dyed in colorful colors; the slightly more refined ones are covered with a shiny silver layer on the comb teeth, and some turbid gems and polished shells are inlaid on the back of the comb, just These are too small, not as big as Yunchi's hand.

The old man scratched his sparse hair and asked, "A comb for combing your hair?"

He took out several larger wooden hair combs. Yunchi touched them one by one and found that the teeth of the comb were rough and the tips of the teeth were very sharp. Such a comb would definitely be very uncomfortable for Sakya to use...

Under the dim light, the old man couldn't see Yunchi's expression clearly, but he could keenly sense his thoughts. He laughed and said, "Young man, are you buying a comb for the girl you like?"

Yunchi opened his mouth and objected in a panic: "Oh no, I won't buy it for the girl I like!"

"Hey," the old man raised his head, "a city where gods live, don't lie! If you don't buy it for the girl you like, then what are you doing in my store? A traveler like you, buy it for yourself For a comb, you can either go to the hairdresser to ask for it, or go to Dongcheng District to buy a brush, and after brushing it for the beasts doing leg work, you can also brush it for yourself."

Yunchi was speechless, and Yanyan behind him was like a mute. He remained silent and allowed Yunchi to be taught painfully by the old man.

"Besides, you just finished touching these combs of mine, and you feel very dissatisfied. You shook your head secretly. If you don't think about someone you cherish very much, you wouldn't have such a reaction." The old man slowly put away the wooden box, "Go to Shangcheng District Take a look! Although the items for sale are all expensive jewelry for the big shots, wouldn't it be a pity if you are so young and don't spend all your money on the girl you love? "

Yunchi held it in for a long time and couldn't hold back a single word of rebuttal. He abandoned his armor and ran away in defeat.

Chapter 44 Divine Marriage (15)

"Actually, you can refute it." After running out, Yan Yan said bluntly, "Astor has a lot of business transactions, and the atmosphere of the city-state is also open, not restricting the love between men and women, or same-sex love..."

"What kind of love between men and women and same-sex love!" Yunchi cried, "No! Sakya and I are just..."

Just, just what?

Yunchi paused for a moment and stammered: "...It's just family! Family that depends on each other for life!"


Yan Yan nodded and said no more.

If you say it's family, then it's family. After all, we can't refute you.

Yunchi's face turned red. He fanned himself vigorously and changed the subject: "The shopkeeper just said that Chengdong buys brushes. What does Chengdong do?"

"The east side of the city is the market for livestock. Pack animals, cattle, hounds, poultry..." Yan Yan replied, "You can basically buy them there."

Yunchi sighed: "Then we won't need it for the time being. Let's go to Shangcheng District."

They walked through the rows of houses and headed towards their destination. On the way, Yunchi also found several bakeries. Unfortunately, due to the long-term cold climate in the mainland, these bakeries do not make fluffy and soft white bread, but all are dense and hard, similar to unfermented dough bread.

However, the most expensive type of pastry can almost be called a dessert. The chewy wheat flour is mixed with honey, ground spices, chopped dried fruits and egg white. It tastes rich, sweet and chewy. The round cakes baked by bakers in flat earthenware pots are very expensive for ordinary people, and there is a customer limit. They are a luxury item that even those with money cannot buy as they please. Only the nobles of the city-state or the priests of the temple can exchange for unlimited amounts.

"Give me thirty?" Yunchi grabbed a handful of snow-white shining silver grains and shook them in front of the baker.

The baker shook his head in embarrassment: "Twenty, twenty, this street is the same, there is a quota, if you have too much, you can't sell it!"

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