He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(135)

Uh, no, that would be even weirder. The island is far away from the land, and even if a mortal has great abilities, it is impossible to reach here. But looking at the underlying meaning of those words, they seemed to be true.

Yunchi thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more hair grew on his back. He insisted on not sleeping until dawn. As soon as the sun rose, he rushed out of the igloo with his backpack and the little sea otter, and trotted home.

So weird! It's better to be safer at home, at least you won't hear unknown sounds.

However, it turned out that Yunchi had gone astray.

When night once again enveloped the earth and the island surrounded by thick fog, Yunchi lay on his and Saga's big bed and heard the sad cry again.

"Child, come here quickly, come to your mother..." The female voice complained sadly, "You are such a cruel child, how can you be willing to let your mother, who is ten months pregnant, have her heart bleed, and miss her so much that she is in pain? Come on, Come on……"

Yunchi woke up from his sleep, his heart beating wildly. He just stared at the patterns on the curtain and couldn't help but gasp.

The author has something to say:

Saga: *Wandering around the island, there are warning signs saying "Trespassers will die"* Hmm! Then there will be no problem.

Unknown voice: *ignore the warning sign and bully his cubs as soon as Saga leaves* I want to disturb you, make you scared, make you unable to sleep, and make the dark circles under your eyes hang down to your feet, haha!

Yunchi: *Forced to sit up from the bed, looking at the terrifyingly large room, feeling very aggrieved* I have to be patient, I have to be patient...

Chapter 59 Divine Marriage (Thirty)

Yunchi felt a fire in his heart.

Like all ordinary people whose sleep was disturbed, he sat up gloomily from the bed. His hair was disheveled, his eyes were sleepy, his face was as black as ink, and he wanted to go out with a knife to find that bastard.

Sakya had only been away for three days, so why did trouble come to his door?

Seeing that he was awake, the little sea otter also rubbed his eyes and crawled onto his lap in confusion, turning into a soft ball and humming in dissatisfaction. Yunchi picked it up, bumping it and coaxing it, while thinking absentmindedly.

In Kaleva, there are many creatures that can cause auditory hallucinations in people, but the creatures that dare to create auditory hallucinations on the island of Saga are very rare. Sakya took him to see a sea monster with a body like a fish and a vicious dog around its waist. He also told him that most of the monsters that breed in the shadows have the ability to make people feel trance-like, not to mention the elves who sow the fairy grass. Gods with divine responsibilities, such as the God of Night and the God of Dreams...

But who did it?

He wondered in his heart, could it be the priest who did it?

Although Saga said that his end would most likely not be good, but if the priest made a desperate move and told Luo Xi about the mark on his ear before he got angry, the result would be quite bad.

Yunchi lay down.

In any case, he couldn't be careless and rush outside to be a living target. He needed to calm down and take countermeasures. What was important was that he had to wait until Saga came back and someone who could handle this matter came back.

Yunchi touched the little sea otter in his arms, held up his eyelids, went to the kitchen to dig out spicy spices, crushed them and applied them on the back of his hands. Whenever he felt sleepy, he would take a deep breath and make himself feel dizzy. Sneeze until dawn.

He had to verify something.

As dawn broke in the morning, Yunchi looked through the window and saw the morning glow like an unfolded tapestry, slowly covering the blue sky - the sky was completely bright.

He sniffed, closed his eyes tiredly, and fell asleep.

After a long night of tossing, Yunchi quickly fell into sleep.

"...You unfilial son!" The old male voice was like thunder, rumbling through Yunchi's mind, "How dare you disobey your father's orders and ignore your mother's cries! Did we give you the bones and Is all the blood and suffering in vain? How dare you treat your relatives and parents like this!"

"Come back quickly! Come back quickly!" The female voice also became shrill and harsh, "We...!"

But she didn't finish her words because Yunchi had already woken up.

The young man had no expression on his face. He turned over and jumped off the bed, striding towards the cloakroom. He turned a blind eye to the splendid and shining divine clothes of his ancestors. He leaned over and opened another suitcase with all his strength.

Inside are scimitars, spears, crossbows, daggers, single-edged swords, and double-curved swords; underneath are round shields, square shields, standing shields, gauntlets, and sets of armor. All kinds of magical weapons are inlaid with gold and bronze, and the scabbards are filled with old blood that cannot be washed away, shining just like the moment they were first cast.

No matter how the years pass and time passes, their edge has never faded and they still retain the appearance of their owners.

Yunchi reached down and took out a dagger that was curved like moonlight and had a blade like flames. Saga told him that this was the cherished love object of the goddess of malice in the past.

He loosened the scabbard and put it into his arms, then walked to the bed and lay down with his clothes on.

Yunchi fell asleep again.

"Unfilial son!" The man's voice became more and more violent, and he howled loudly, "You are armed with a sword, and now you want to kill your biological parents! We shouldn't have given birth to you in the first place, we shouldn't have …”

Yunchi gritted his teeth in the dream, and sure enough he felt the dagger in his arms. He suddenly pulled out the hilt of the knife, and swung it forward with anger. There was only a slight sound of cracking silk, the man's cry disappeared instantly, and the silence in his ears was terrifying.

It was a strange feeling. He should have hit something, but it didn't look like a solid object. It was more like a pillow stuffed with down. The air was deflated after being stabbed hard by a sharp knife, and then it flew away quickly.

Yunchi held the dagger and listened vigilantly to the movements around him in his dream.

Whether it was because he resisted the dream or because he was holding the artifact, Yunchi could now sense the things around him in his sleep. He could feel the little sea otter's tender belly rising nervously against the pillow, or...

Yunchi subconsciously relaxed his breathing. He calmed down and turned his ears upward.

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