He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(358)

The lingering thick fog obscures the zenith of the pitch-black rock, causing countless incombustible and self-illuminating gems to sparkle and sway like bright silver lamps. Originally, this place was the devil's lair, dark and gloomy, buried miles under the earth. Now, this place is like another small world of its own, with no sun or moon, but so many artificial stars.

Echidna was lying on the ground, staring at the stars in a daze. Beside him, Xie Ning was also lying on her back on the bed, facing upward happily.

"How about it, isn't it bad?" he asked. "Isn't it much more fun when you go to bed at night?"

The snake demon nodded and replied softly: "It's very beautiful."

They did not arrange the starry sky according to the constellation where the gods rose. His human nature encouraged him to be free and make whatever pattern he wanted, so he clumsily inlaid a version of himself and a Dolos in the middle.

How wonderful it would be if they could rise into the sky together and become constellations that accompany each other forever! Unfortunately, this can only be a simple delusion and will not be allowed by the gods of Olympus.

The starlight of the gem shone on them. Xie Ning was so tired that he could no longer hold his eyelids and fell asleep. Echidna skillfully stretched out the tip of his tail and asked him to hold it in his arms.

It doesn't matter, looking at the young man's sleeping face, Echidna thought to himself, it doesn't matter if he can't become a constellation. He has given me a star-studded river. Even if he hates me and hates me like other human beings in the future, I will never I don’t blame him, because even though I have seen such wonderful things, I still can’t compare to the affection he gave me.


A week later, Xie Ning received a gift from Cilicia, a drop of purple pigment worth ten thousand dollars, which was placed in a crystal box as long as an index finger and came to him along with the sacrifice.

In this era, there is no doubt that purple is expensive. It can only be extracted from a kind of shellfish called purple snails. It is said that 10,000 purple snails are needed to dye a pure purple robe. Like the crown and scepter, purple clothing is also a symbol of powerful royal power.

Xie Ning was inevitably surprised when she saw such a sacrifice.

"It's amazing..." He murmured. Although the purple extracted from the purple snail was not as colorful as later generations, it was already very bright and rich. When thinking of its value, Xie Ning felt that the small box was heavy. Heavy as hell.

In addition to this, there are many other colors of paint, but they are not as precious as purple.

Seeing Doros praising Cilicia's sacrifice, Echidena's dissatisfaction receded a lot. In his heart, King Xothoth can be exempted from the death penalty, but he still cannot escape the shadow of death. In the future, if he reveals the whereabouts of Dolos to other gods, he will definitely kill this bold demigod. No room for change.

On this day, Xie Ning was trying out the paints that had been sent to her. Echidna poked her head in from outside the palace door and suddenly called out: "Dolos."

Xie Ning turned back to look at him: "What's wrong?"

"Please stay here, okay?" The snake demon swam its tail, rarely showing hesitation, "There are a few visitors, not humans, not gods, but they give me a headache, and I don't want you to see them. Judging from their appearance and their unpleasant speech and behavior, if you avoid them, I will feel at ease."

Not a human being, not a god, could it be a demon of the same race? That makes sense...

After thinking about it, Xie Ning nodded and agreed: "Okay, I won't go out."

Echidna reluctantly circled it twice more, then closed the door of the lair firmly, turned around and left.

Xie Ning scratched the back of his head. He continued the previous project, using water to dissolve the dried paint blocks one by one, and painted the colors on the paper to compare with the modern paint palette.

An hour passed, and after he finished finishing the color cards in his drawing book and carefully put the paint box into the box, there were suddenly several vague sounds, similar to scratching, coming from the door of the nest.

Xie Ning's movements froze.

This voice didn't sound like Echidna's.

After the scratching sound, the air was silent for a while. Just when Xie Ning was confused and wanted to retreat some distance deeper, the heavy palace door suddenly banged, almost making him jump.

"Ah, this is Echidna's nest. I heard news from the south wind that he fell in love with a human..."

"Don't trespass into His private domain! Since the opposite sex Echidna inherited this name, He has become more ferocious than before. Do you want to offend Him?"

"Bear the blame upon yourself, Chimera. If Echidna blames you, just don't mention our names."

Xie Ning: "?"

No, brother, who are you? Why do you break into other people's homes so casually?

The author has something to say:

[I slept too much during the day and couldn't sleep at night, so I just finished writing this chapter! 】

Echidna: *Looks over, nervously* Hello my human, there are guests at home now, can you stay here instead of meeting them?

Xie Ning: *I’m drawing, so I don’t even look up* Yeah, okay.

Still Xie Ning: *Finally finished the painting, looked up and found that Echidna was gone, and he was surrounded by three other strange monsters staring at him*

Xie Ning: *Silence, confusion, suddenly yelling* Echidna!

Chapter 147 The Pharisaic Snake (13)

Echidna's nest is high and open, with huge stone pillars scattered throughout it, like towering ancient trees. At this moment, as soon as the three majestic shadows squeezed into the nest, Xie Ning immediately felt that the space was cramped, and a full sense of oppression rushed towards her face.

A smell of sulfur, blood and corruption, accompanied by the breeze coming from nowhere, blew to Xie Ning's nose, strongly diluting the scent left by Echidna.

The demons walked heavily, and every step they took caused profound shaking in the depths of the underground palace. The first demon that walked in was almost as tall as the giant of Arima. He walked like a man, but he had the head of a lion, his body was covered with fluffy wool, and his feet were like goat's hooves, with his tail in place. A python with a gaping mouth. At the moment, both the snake head and the lion head have bright scarlet pupils, looking around curiously.

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