He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(401)

That night, the king came to Philion's residence and made his request to him.

"Go and see Dolos for me!" he implored strongly. "If you can, please save him and fulfill the wish of a dying man. I have been kind to others all my life, and I don't want to know , there was once an innocent young man who became a victim of dishonor and immorality in my country. Then, when I go down to the Elysium, how will my ancestors view me, and what will the gods in the underworld think of me? What about judging me?”

Out of mutual apology, Philion agreed to the expedition. Now, his ship breaks through the waves, and he is about to set foot on the land of Cilicia for the second time. This time, he comes with a great mission: the oracle of the goddess of fate has already made a decision, Echid Na can only be killed by a demigod hero.

With firm confidence, he secretly thought that these were probably his twelve trials, the glory he needed to seize in the fire and poison, and the mistake he needed to make up for - killing Echidna, Rescue the boy he misunderstood in the past.

The ship docked, and Philion stepped onto the beach, holding the shining bronze shield and the sword that had slain the poisonous dragon. At this moment, he heard a distant cry for help coming from the depths of the dense forest, so he and his soldiers rushed into the forest fully armed and found a man hiding on a rock with a poisonous salivating man. Old woman in stalemate with boa constrictor.

"Save me, that hero in armor!" the old woman shouted urgently, "This beast wants to eat me. I swear by the parents who gave birth to me and the adoptive parents who raised me, if you save With my life, I will give you a great reward, and let everyone praise your bravery.”

Philion strode forward, and the python turned its head and attacked him. It bounced up the huge snake body, and the snake teeth penetrated the five layers of cowhide on the shield, but did not penetrate the sixth layer. Philion raised his sword and slashed with poisonous blood. The python twitched its tail fiercely, thinking He was hanged, but he immediately gave the snake a second and third blow, cutting off the snake's head and killing it completely. The fangs were still hanging precariously on the shield.

"Come down, old man," cried Philion, "this beast will never live again, and you are safe!"

The old woman landed on the ground and walked towards him. Only then did Philon realize that although her face was old, her appearance was extremely noble, like a god. The old woman stood in front of him, smiling and said to him: "I recognize you, you are the fierce son of Alps, you are braver than your father! Tell me, son of Alps, you have What troubles do you need me to help you with?"

At this time, Philion had no doubt that the old woman he helped was a god in disguise, and this was a test from the god. He said happily: "Zeus has mercy! In fact, I came to conquer the terrible Echidena. I wanted to save a young man from his claws. I sent him here that day. Now, it’s time for me to bring him out of this sea of ​​suffering.”

"Ah, son of Alps, how can you be sure that he can leave you voluntarily?" the old woman asked, "He is a person who is in love with the devil. There are two kinds of love in this world, the same is with justice and kindness. People love each other, which can make you benefit from justice and kindness and become a better person; it is also crazy, savage, and uncontrolled love, which can make people lose their dignity. Healthy men and women had better pray for themselves Not damaged by this kind of love. There is no doubt that he experienced the latter kind of love."

While Philion was hesitating, the old woman had already taken out a gold vase from her arms, put it in his hand, and said with a smile: "If you are willing to listen to an old man, please invite him out quietly and give him a feast." Ask him for forgiveness, and there you can make your request tactfully and kindly. See if he is willing to follow you and stay away from the poison of the devil. If he is not willing, you can feed him the liquid in this bottle. "

Philu Weng couldn't help but ask: "What is this?"

"Something that can clear his mind and get rid of the devil." The old woman smiled slightly, "When the time comes, the young man will definitely leave with you. As soon as he leaves, Echidna will panic and attack your sword. Show all your weaknesses.”

Philion held the bottle, but the old woman suddenly disappeared. In a trance, he saw a tall and beautiful goddess wearing a crown, rising from the clouds to the boundless sky.

The author has something to say:

【I'm back! Let me briefly talk about reporting. As far as I know, someone in the comment area first said that they wanted to report, and then saw the reason for reporting in the background. When I saw the other person say, "The author emphasizes keeping a low profile in his writing and knowingly commits crimes," I really wanted to laugh. After all, my words will not be polluted or destroyed! They always have somewhere to go, and you only harm the interests of the general readers. All I can say is... I'm sorry. 】

Xie Ning: *deliberately teasing, giggling* Well, it’s fun to see him jealous!

Echidna: *Trying to hide his jealousy so that he doesn't look like a jealous snake, failed*

Xie Ning: *Trying to hide her smile to make herself less small and bad, failed*

Echidna: *doubtful* Huh huh huh?

Xie Ning: *Tried to escape, but continued to fail* Oops, I was caught!

Chapter 162 The Snake of Pharisees (28)

Philion fell into deep thought. He looked at the golden bottle in his hand, tentatively pulled out the cork, and smelled that the liquid inside was as clear as water, with a completely harmless fragrance.

The instructions of the gods were unmistakable. He was relieved, plugged the bottle again, and trudged towards the palace of Cilicia.

There he was received by the king of Cilicia, who treated him as a distinguished guest from afar. Philyon explained his purpose of coming and honestly told Xothoth what happened on the way.

"Despite such strange things that have happened to you, son of Alps," the king mused, "I cannot allow you. Cilicia, built on the ruins, originally existed to suppress Echidna. , my kingdom is strong and great because of this. If you want to rescue the young man, then you can do so and act like a hero, but I will not let you kill the devil below. Please know that he is also enshrined inside my capital. 's temple."

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