He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(422)

Nodding, Athena took the order and left.

"Dolos, what are you going to do?" Standing at the exit of Mount Olympus, Aphrodite looked at Xie Ning worriedly.

Xie Ning looked at the goddess and smiled. Just like when he first came to this era, he was carrying a drawing board, a bag, and a Pegasus in his hand, ready for a long journey.

"Thank you," he said softly, "thank you for speaking up for me, taking me in, blessing me... Without your support, I really don't know what I would do. But now, I have to go on the road alone. "

The goddess of love and beauty stared at him. All creatures in the world would be lost in her beauty. Only the eyes of this young man were always clear and melancholy, because he already had a heart-wrenching love, and his heart was full of love. A more beautiful lover.

"Then, take care of yourself," Aphrodite sighed, "I hope you know that I wish you victory in my heart."

Xie Ning lowered his head in gratitude, then stepped on the saddle, stepped on the back of the Pegasus, and soared into the clouds and mist of Olympus, heading towards the earth and the world.

The Pegasus flapped its wings vigorously, and the strong wind blew Xie Ning's hair, but he didn't feel how cold it was. He looked down. The mountains were like undulating green waves. The rivers entering the sea divided the land like an irregular color palette. The kingdoms inhabited by humans were condensed into small fists. The capital city was like scattered white stones and pearls rolling down. On the endless land.

He continued to fly downward. According to the private rumors of some minor gods, the huge disaster caused by Echidna at that time had already been made up for by the gods working together. The rivers and seas corroded by poison and the mountains and forests burned by fire were all restored to their original state. The once-dead creatures also returned to the world in dreams. Because too many dead souls would crowd out the palace of the underworld, Hades also agreed to let them go. leave.

Pegasus hovered in the sky, unwilling to get too close to Arima out of fear. Xie Ning had no choice but to let it land in the distant forest, then let go of the reins and walked over alone.

There is no one around. The former underground palace has been completely turned to the ground during the riots in Echidna, and there is no longer any trace of where they once lived.

The garden that Xie Ning spent a lot of effort to take care of, the starry river of luminous pearls, the throne that Echidna always circled, the small bed that he made for himself, and the geothermal spring water... were all destroyed, leaving only a circle of exposure. Under the sun, the black earth was as black as a dull eye pupil, on which a figure lying down could be faintly discerned. That was the trace that Echidna put him in when he was poisoned.

Xie Ning knelt on the ground and gently touched the edge of the trace. The poison was so intense that even after such a long time, it still remained on Gaia's soil.

"Gaia," facing the anointed ruins caressed by the Mother Goddess, Xie Ning leaned down and called in a low voice. His voice was as low as a whisper, "Gaia, please see me. I know you have woken up before. Been here once, Gaia.”

The surrounding fields were silent, and even the wind did not blow from here. Xie Ning bent over, his lips almost touching the divine land, as if he was whispering intimately.

He suddenly heard the sound of breathing, from far to near, floating in the mountains, forests, rivers, wilderness, and hundreds of thousands of continuous mountains. It is so far away, as if it only exists in the concept of "ends of the world"; yet so close, it seems to be undulating in Xie Ning's bones, blood and hair.

"I never fell asleep, I never woke up." After taking a breath, a voice said, "I'm here and I never left."

Xie Ning raised her head again and saw hundreds of rivers like dark blue and a blue sky like wash. "She" turned into a mountain lying on its side, crossing the blue-purple sea.

There is no mother in this world who is uglier, more beautiful and radiant than her. Her bloated and cumbersome belly is pregnant with the "beginning" and the "end", but the lines are so graceful at the same time that it makes people cry, which is better than 11 million A graceful fox dancing wildly, and thousands of entangled spring breezes.

The original Mother Goddess, the giver of all things, Gaia.

She half-opened the left eye of Tianqiong and half-closed the right eye of Quadruple, and said vaguely: "I know why you came to me, and I also know what you want to do..."

Xie Ning only glanced at her and turned her face away.

He is just a human being and cannot bear such a huge amount of beauty - compared to the goddess of love and beauty herself, the beauty of Gaia is complete disorder and chaos, enough to drive any sane individual completely crazy.

"I'm not here to save Echidna," Xie Ning took a deep breath and mustered up her courage to say, "I'm not here to ask you to send me to Tartarus."

"I know." Gaia said.

Xie Ning was stunned: "You know?"

"I also know where you came from." Gaia whispered sleepily, "You are a human being tens of millions of years later, and your body carries a restless soul. The gods of that era have gone away, and the illusory brilliance has also disappeared. Complete eradication…You touch God, experience God, confront God, and fall in love with a God, but you are a spectator of history because you witness the decline of myth.”

Having said this, Mother Earth's eyes widened a little.

"Now, you have to fight against a god, well, Phoebus Apollo...the young new god, the son of Leto, who took over the golden chariot of the sun after Helios left." Gaia Said, "You can't win, you have no chance of winning, but I know what you are planning in your heart. Just because you are such a bystander, you want to draw the decline of the gods and end the cyclical rule of Zeus."

Xie Ning did not answer. Gaia revealed his thoughts with one word, which caused boundless confusion in his heart. He was afraid that the Mother Goddess would reject this idea and break his fantasy bargaining chip for revenge.

"But why should I help you?" Gaia changed the topic and asked, "According to your plan, no god in the sky and on earth can escape your judgment, not even me, not even Ka Neither can Russia. As a narrator, you want to end the age of myths and bring the world to the future you are familiar with, the future with 'science' and 'axioms'. There are no gods there, and humans are in the cold and dark space, Explore their truth... Tell me, why should I help you? Oh, don't say it, please, for Echidna's sake - Typhon is the last son I gave birth to, and I have never done it for you. He seeks freedom, not to mention Echidna, a side-scion."

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