He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(425)

His eyes were as black as the earth, as black as the bottomless abyss. With the help of Gaia's vision, his eyes were also contaminated with the original magical power. Being stared at by him like this, even as a god, Apollo's heart trembled.

"Tell me," he said gloomily, "how does an immortal man end his life?"

Apollo was stunned. He felt a guilty coldness and climbed along the immortal body.

Looking around at the gods who landed on the earth, surrounded by golden light, Xie Ning asked: "You really think I don't know, don't you? You despicable liars first poisoned me, and then deceived Echidna, saying to him, you He will cure me, but the price is that he will voluntarily go to Tartarus to serve and be imprisoned until my soul is reunited with him after my death. He foolishly agreed, and you immediately fed me the divine wine and made me his forever Shackles. Now you still dare to stand here and say these sweet words to me..."

He laughed and said softly: "Go to hell. Once you are all dead, I can stop writing."

The inducement failed completely and was unlikely to succeed. Zeus was furious and said sternly: "Don't think that because you have usurped the divine power of destiny, you are above the gods! Can't you see the torture that Tantalus suffered and the torture that Sisyphus sentenced? Humans are going to fall into this It is really too easy to be in that situation, just because you are not firm enough and are more cowardly!"

Xie Ning shot back towards the sky: "The boulder rolling towards the top of the mountain is Sisyphus' happiness, but amidst everyone's surrender, I still control my destiny!"

He picked up the pen and left a long mark on the canvas. Although he never said a word, the gods already clearly understood his meaning: If you want to paint, paint your end.

Thunder and violent wind roared together, and the gods dispersed in a rush. No one wanted to be caught between the two angry parties. The sky burst into flames, the ground burst into lava, terrible heat scorched the plains of Arima, and even the land itself melted with white-hot thunderfire. The God-King terrifies the human being below, as if forcing him to give up this terrible vision and surrender to the roar of thousands of thunderbolts.

Apollo also ascended to the sky, with nine Muses as his companions, flying around his golden chariot. He is both the radiant god of the sun and the great god in charge of literature and art. He is almost mocking Xie Ning's qualifications and standards, and mocking his mediocrity as an ordinary person.

"Dolos, have you forgotten your tears and frustrations in the past?" Along with the roar of thunder, Apollo's roar was clearly audible, "You have forgotten how you retreated in shame in front of my paintings, with pale cheeks. , and shed many tears? I see your pain, just like how you envy the rise and immortality of genius. Why don't you surrender to me, I should be the god in charge of you!"

Xie Ning knew very well in her heart that he could not surrender. Surrendering meant admitting the mediocrity that was lost to everyone else, confessing the nature of cowardice and incompetence. It meant that the thunder of oneself crushed the ridge of oneself downward, and the sea of ​​oneself capsized the ship of oneself upward. .

But if he is not a genius, whether he can become a genius or not is not that important to him anymore.

Amid the powerful thunder and lightning and the loud noise of blazing fire, he held the paintbrush and suddenly remembered the scene in the past - in the dark underground palace, Echidna held him, looking up at the brilliant artificial star river on the ceiling, surrounded by It was silent, except for the tip of his snake tail, swaying gently and comfortably.

I no longer want to be a genius, Xie Ning said in her heart, I just want an ordinary life with the person I love, and that is enough.

Surrounded by a river of fire, in the dark and silent Tartarus, Echidna slowly opened his eyes, and his golden pupils shone brightly.

Dolos...Dolos, he murmured the name, how lucky I am! I actually felt your breath and voice again.

As a prison for the Titans, Tartarus is the true form of the God of the Abyss. The gods imprisoned here do not need to work, let alone accept any cruel punishment, because when they fall here, they will gradually disintegrate their bodies, consume their souls, and merge with the original abyss.

After arriving here, Echidna resisted this process with a long sleep. He had to hold on until the gods fulfilled their oath and sent Doros' soul down to the underworld to reunite with him after he passed away.

During his long sleep, Echidna carefully crafted his dream. Tartarus is the homeland of the Devourer. Here, any light source will be absorbed by the abyss, including warm memories and longings from the world. . But he really missed Dolos so much that no matter how carefully he hid it, he would inevitably dream of his lover several times.

Will Dolos be sad or cry when he wakes up? Because he cares about himself, he will definitely not think about going home all the time. However, he must be so lonely and helpless on the ground alone!

The devil with a body and a snake's tail was thinking hard about these things in his dream.

Will the gods on earth heal him properly, or will they take the opportunity to bully him? Without my care, where else can I take Dolos without Arima? Eleusis is the homeland of retribution, and Cilicia is not suitable for a painter to live. Oh, is he going to wander in the mountains and forests, living among wild beasts?

As soon as he dreamed of this, Echidna felt terribly distressed and could not maintain his divine power stably.

Fortunately, things always turn around. Not long ago, Echidna once again noticed the familiar touch from his soul.

Only Dolos' paintbrush can give him this feeling! Immersed in the ecstasy that seemed like a lifetime ago, he could realize that his human being was sad and painful, but he still told himself his love and longing, and hoped that Echidna could receive the sincerity he conveyed through the air.

Ah, then Echidna was so full of joy that he almost circled wildly in Tartarus, and his Dolos was healed! Even though the God of Olympus was despicable in all kinds of ways, he still fulfilled his promise after all. Just knowing that "Dolos is safe and sound" is enough to support him to survive in the dark prison for another hundred or thousand years.

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