He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(537)

He forgot the feeling of pleasure, the feeling of enjoyment, the feeling of conquest. He kissed his concubine's red lips, but only tasted the greasy taste of rouge. He kneaded the jade-like skin, but could not ignite any passion in his heart. His heart was as still as water, as soft as a puddle of mud, so that he couldn't devote himself to it at all.

Next, he rushed to the queen's palace, hoping that his gentle wife could inject some support into him, but it was a drop in the bucket. Even the joy that the queen was about to give birth and that he was about to get a prince disappeared in his heart.

All he felt was numbness... a cold numbness, a numbness that went deep into his bones.

I don't know how many days and nights the Holy Sect went through all kinds of attempts. The expansion of the territory could not inspire the arrogance of success in his heart; the killing of the rebels could not give him the pride of swallowing up thousands of miles; the growth of wealth only aroused a feeble, cold satisfaction, gold refracted Came out satisfied.

Beautiful women, talented people, rare treasures, delicious meals...all the pleasures in the world are flowing endlessly, crowding into the royal city of Wuping.

But it's no use, no use at all.

He looked at the dazzling array of people and things, as if he were looking at something that had nothing to do with him. He really wanted to be happy, he tried his best to smile and show joy, but in the end, all that was left in his heart was indifference, as desolate as a desert that had been dry for thousands of years.

There must be something wrong with the last reincarnation, he suddenly thought, it must be like this... it must be!

After finding out the crux, Shengzong almost couldn't wait to retrieve his memory. There, he finally discovers all the answers - the deal he made with the greatest evil in order to drive out the greatest good.

"Worst!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, running through every corner of the palace like a madman, followed by panicked servants, "Come out, come out!"

"I swore to you, you swore to me!"

"Come out, I order you to come out! You despicable villain, what did you do to me?! I want you to come out immediately!"

The emperor's voice became hoarse from shouting and his legs became lame when running. Just when he was dying and about to despair, his shadow lengthened again, and the familiar, shuddering sound of boiling appeared in his ears at the same time.

"What's happened, the emperor of the world?" Zhixi laughed, his posture was very charming, "Are you dissatisfied with our deal?"

Hearing this sound, Shengzong started to flap violently, like a fish struggling for water.

"We have an agreement, you can only leave me for two hours! But what is this? What is this?!" He screamed and roared, "What did you do to me!"

Zhixi pondered for a moment and made a soft tut sound, as if he was facing an ignorant child.

"Yes, I can only take away your two hours," it said in an aggrieved tone, "but you didn't ask for it, so what kind of two hours are you?"

Sheng Zong was stunned. His whole body felt as if a basin of biting snow had been splashed on him. He was so cold that he was trembling from the soles of his feet to the tips of his hair.

The most evil one is still laughing, laughing with joy, laughing that is about to turn his intestines out.

"So what I want is two hours for you to feel happy, two hours for you to experience happiness. Every moment you laugh, every second you are happy, every trivial time you are excited... Everything, everything is mine."

The most evil wandered to the emperor's ears and whispered: "Why, do you have any objections?"

Chapter 205 Ask Here (Thirty-three)

I was fooled.

In this silent moment, Sheng Zong's mind went blank. He could see nothing and hear nothing.

I was too conceited, too naive, and too desperate, but I forgot that the sum of these factors could kill someone. My cooperation with the worst evil is tantamount to driving away wolves and devouring tigers. But if I drive away the powerful tigers, those evil wolves will turn their teeth and tear my flesh alive!

Shengzong stood blankly with disheveled hair and bare feet. Compared with an emperor who ruled the world, he was more like a beggar. All the misfortunes in the world had hit his spine and shoulders forever. It was rolled over to the end, but he could only bear it and couldn't muster the slightest strength to resist.

His face was as pale as paper at one moment, and as red as fire at another. Veins appeared from his forehead and neck, and then submerged. The man's eyeballs were covered with bloodshot eyes. For a moment, he seemed to have aged thirty years.

I have such a good reputation all my life, but in the end I was stupid enough to lure a wolf into my house and made a deal with the devil...

Shengzong gritted his teeth and said in a trembling voice: "You, you..."

His heart was so swollen with pain that it was about to burst. He suddenly couldn't say a word, and blood dripped from the corners of his lips. The palace people exclaimed loudly, but the Holy Sect turned a deaf ear. He could only feel the crackling noise filling his eardrums and swirling around in his brain.

"Enjoy the rest of your life," Zhixi said happily, "but don't forget, you haven't paid back the debt for two hours, and you still owe a lot!"

With the departure of the most evil, the spirit that supported the Holy Sect completely collapsed. He shook his body, rolled his eyes back, and fell to the ground hastily like a puppet with its strings cut off, making a loud noise.

"His Majesty!"

"Quickly call the imperial doctor and call the immortals!"

Wu Ping's palace was in chaos, and the monks were able to maintain the heart of the Holy Sect on the verge of being broken by pouring in countless elixirs and essence. Three days later, the emperor slowly woke up with a haggard face, like a dying old man.

His blank eyes looked around at the people gathered around him. The concubine's eyes were red, like rain hitting begonias. The queen's voice became hoarse, and she burst into tears and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, it will be fine when you wake up!"

"Swear..." A whistling sound came from the Holy Sect's throat, and he grabbed the wrist of the monk next to him, "I... swore an oath..."

As long as he can untie the shackles of evil, break his vows, and regain joy and happiness, he is willing to pay any price, no matter how heavy the price is!

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