He Comes From the Void

Chapter 119 Lie to You as a Puppy

On the outskirts of Nasirami is a wasteland of ruins filled with hard branches of drought-tolerant desert palms and banawal trees, whose roots are hundreds of meters long and penetrate deep into the sand to suck water. .

Kahn was only corrected afterwards. The replica of the sun disc here was built to commemorate the glory of Shurima when Shurima fell. It was not what he thought. The Shurima army led by Renekton Established during the conquest of Nasirami.

In other words, Kahn originally thought it was five thousand years old, but in fact it was only three thousand years old.

Although both are quite long, the meaning is very different.

After dinner, Kahn took Kaisha through the outskirts of the city, and then came to the beach.

It was not sunny tonight, and the sea breeze blew by. I found a place where the tide couldn't get up, and sat down on the spot.

When Kaisha was about to sit down, he said: "Just sit on my lap. I sat down and found that the sand was wet and stained my ass."

"Oh." Kai'Sa stepped on it with her foot, and found that the deep sand was really soaked in water, so she obediently did so.

She sat sideways on Kahn's lap, with her arms around his neck, and straightened her upper body.

After sitting down for a while, she said, "I'll help you wipe the sand off your buttocks when you leave later."

"I want to take a picture of you." Who would have thought that Kahn would be dishonest once he sat down, as he walked through the suburbs of the city before.

She blinked her eyes, saw no one was around, hugged his head tightly again, and buried it in front of her chest.

"Let's go back and talk about it." She replied in a low voice.

The sea breeze was blowing Kai'Sa's purple hair, she pulled one side of her hair behind her ear, but saw the scene beside her.

"The solar disk can also be seen here."

Because of her sideways position, Kai'Sa could see the brightly lit city behind Kahn, and the huge golden disc held up by stone pillars stood in the center of the city.

After coming to the port city of Nashilami, it was the first time for the two of them to go out for a walk at night like this.

I used to come here during the day, and I could meet children picking up shells by the sea. Taliyah also picked up a few beautiful stones here, and went back to add to her collection.

The warm sea breeze pushes the sparkling light, and the throbbing heart can't help rippling along with it.

Looking at it now, the beach at night has a special flavor, a little more romantic than during the day.

Kahn didn't follow Kai'Sa's voice, looking at the sun disc behind him, his attention was all on his sweetheart.

The moon does not reward face, eat enough dog food to hide behind the clouds and not come out.

The sea was dark, and he couldn't see her flawless side face clearly, so he looked at her bright eyes.

Seeing that Kahn was silent, Kaisha shook his head.

"Don't ignore me."

"I'm not ignoring you, I'm watching you."

Kaisha looked back from a distance, seeing Kahn staring at her unblinkingly, she suddenly laughed.

"Why did you say that to Sivir? It's obviously your temporary decision to come to the beach."

"There are many Noxus lords in the casino. It will be troublesome if our affairs reach Noxus. But the more important thing is to stay with you."

Feeling a hand slip under her dress, Kai'Sa grabbed his cheek.

"What do you want to do again?"

Although it was a questioning tone, there was a smile on his face.

"Kasha, don't you have anything you want to do in this situation?" Kahn asked righteously.

"Well—let's think about it...does it count if you cut your nails, clean your ears, and squeeze your blackheads?"

"Look at what you said, I look like I'm sloppy." Kahn rolled his eyes and scratched his hair, while Kaisha laughed loudly and began to "push his nose on his face".

After staying with him for so long, Kai'Sa's rank has improved a little bit, so I can still understand what he means.

But it's only after knowing it that you have to do it the other way around, not to mention doing it the other way around, at least you can't follow him.

Otherwise, if something happened in such a public place, she would have the heart to kill and silence her.

But what she said just now is to enter an intimate atmosphere.

Only when you get close enough can you discover some small flaws in each other; and only if you are close enough to make such a request without being rejected.

Isn't it the most intuitive expression of the love mentality to make the other person better, and to make the other person better?

"What about you? What do you want to do? You haven't answered me just now." Kaisha pushed back Kahn's upturned hair, raised her voice, and said in a coaxing tone.

"Nothing, just what we do every night."

"Hiss..." As soon as the words fell, Kahn felt his ears being pulled up, and he heard Kaisha put her mouth next to his ear and whispered: "Although I don't hate it, can you be more serious."

"There is no one else here." Kahn said stiffly, but the other ear was also picked up.

"No, I can't do anything, you should die outside."

"Then do something serious, come on, you lie on my lap."

"Not giving up yet?" Kaisha turned Kahn's face domineeringly to his face, staring at him condescendingly, her eyes full of oppression: "Do you want to play some new tricks?"

"I didn't lie to you, remember last time I said that I would transplant some of the skin armor's abilities to you?"

"Do you really just want to do this?" Kai'Sa looked at him suspiciously, making Kahn feel that his trust had been threatened.

"Really, I lied to you as a puppy."

"Okay then..." Kai'Sa adjusted her posture, arched her waist and lay on Kahn's lap, and lifted her top to reveal the skin armor at the back waist.

Looking at the round buttocks, Kahn really wanted to slap his buttocks hard and make a "woof".

But in order to maintain his credibility, he can only force to focus on the skin armor.

He stretched his hands behind his back, endured the pain, and tore off a piece of his differentiated skin armor, pasted it on Kai'Sa's back, and then controlled them to merge into one.

If it can be successful, some functions of his skin armor should be reproduced here by Kai'Sa.

To be honest, he felt that Kai'Sa's skin armor seemed to have evolved to the extreme. Since the pod grew, the structure and function of the skin armor haven't changed much. If it wasn't for the fact that its power was still growing, it would look like it was standing still.

And she didn't show any magical talent, so that's not enough. If she encounters a more powerful enemy, this void skin armor is still not enough to fight.

Smelling a faint smell of blood, Kai'Sa raised her head slightly.

Perhaps feeling the tearing pain of the other party, or realizing Kahn's worry, the skin armor on her back began to stretch out purple silk threads, connecting the skin armor torn off by Kahn, and then stitching them together.

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