He Comes From the Void

Chapter 137: Headless

The whirling Chalikar slashed through the void barrier, severing the Prophet's neck at the same time.

A large head rolled to the ruins.

Sivir ran to the landing point ahead of time, and caught the flying blade firmly.

Everything is over, she has done a great job, and her chips have increased greatly. After returning, she can ask Kahn for more rewards.

All you want is for the lion to open his mouth!

But then, she found that she was happy too early.

There was an impulse in the skin armor, and the threat from the prophet did not disappear.

She looked intently at the Prophet, and found that his headless corpse was still standing on the ground, not falling down, not even gushing blood.

A strange scene happened.

Like the hunter who cut off her head before her, the headless corpse moved, took two steps forward, and picked up the rolled head.

He adjusted the position of his head, the hood fell off, and he could see that the prophet's cap had been opened, revealing the glowing brain inside, and a pair of purple eyes on his solemn face were staring at Sivir for a moment.

Compared with before, the stinging gaze showed no sign of weakening, which made her hair stand on end.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Nervous, frightened, incomprehensible! Strange emotions filled her heart, not only did she growl threateningly, like a wolf with fur.

The neck was cut off, but Malzaha didn't let out a scream of pain.

It wasn't because the trachea was cut off that he couldn't speak, but because the energy of the void had transformed his body and mind, and he no longer felt pain, so he would no longer cry out.

He could only respond calmly.

The development of the matter has exceeded his prediction. He originally thought that he only needed to face a god. Unexpectedly, in addition to the gods, there are three tricky void symbiotes, and a girl with a talent for manipulating rocks.

Although he knew that he was no match for so many people, but the vicious call had already occupied his mind, and the most urgent thing right now was to delay the battle.

Malzahar raised his head, his eyes shone brightly, and then shot out a destructive ray.

Wherever the ray hits, everything is destroyed, leaving a black scorched mark of dissolved matter.

Sivir was running at once, Chalikar's power pouring into her feet, making her stride like flying.

But she couldn't run out of light no matter how fast, and the ray flashed behind her.

After she staggered and fell into a ruin, she turned her head to check the injury on her back. The skin armor had been torn apart, but there was no pain from the dissolved flesh and blood.

The red muscle tissue was whitish and bubbling. If it lasted longer, even the spine might be dissolved.

The terrifying sight of disintegration still did not stop, hunters surrounded her, and the ruins she was in were already in danger.

Sivir suppressed the discomfort and allowed the skin armor to spread to seal the wound, then risked being hit and threw Chalikar out.

The cross blade whirled towards it, and the laser light in Malzaha's eyes immediately shifted to it.

The cracking rays hit the golden cross blade, bursting out a series of sparks like electric welding.

The emerald in the center of the crossblade dimmed, and fell into the ruins. Malzahar looked at Sivir again and found that she was no longer in the distance.

in the sky!

The ear-piercing sound of flapping wings came from above, and Malzahar saw Kahn grab Sivir and leave the swarm of beasts.

He pressed his head back on his neck, and a web of light gushed from the purple skin wound, suturing the detached head to the body.

Thanks to the smoothness of the wound caused by Chalikar, the whole suturing process was completed very quickly.

But the bridge of his nose was broken, but it didn't matter. He twisted his neck, watched them, still did not speak.

"You don't have experience in dealing with void creatures. I have already said that these things will only die if their hearts are destroyed." In the air, Kahn said through the helmet.

Sivir's face under the helmet was extremely ugly, and she didn't answer.

It was true that Kahn said this beforehand, but who would have thought that the prophet who looked like a human had already turned into a void inside his body.

He is now completely a void creature wrapped in human skin!

"Can't you control him to commit suicide?" Sivir asked.

"Only he can't," Kahn replied.

"Then control the monster and kill it!"

"Would I have missed it? As soon as I got close to the control, I was taken away by him!"

As if to prove his statement, Kahn lets go and releases a bunch of self-explosive flying insects. But before these flying insects could get close to Malzaha, he stopped them and detonated them in advance.

If it wasn't for saving Taliyah, he could have used him as his trump card without revealing his ability to control void creatures, and controlled the void spirit to launch a self-destruct attack on Malzahar.

Now that things have developed like this, he can only find other ways.

Not far away, Nasus was being entangled by a herd of beasts. Taliyah had little energy to spare after raising the huge wall curtain. Karn scanned around, and finally set his sights on Kai'Sa.

At this time, Kai'Sa underground was being chased by dozens of hunters, and she just took the time to look at the two in the air.

Looking at each other, she immediately felt a strange touch on the skin armor, and her gaze involuntarily shifted to Chali Kaer, with the cross blade obliquely inserted into the ruins.

Kai'Sa immediately understood Kahn's intentions and accelerated to get rid of the herd of beasts behind her.

Malzahar's eyes emitted cracking rays again, Kahn flew to the low altitude and dropped Sivir, then dodged up and down, and fought back with lightning bolts and cracking rays at the same time.

Void didn't know how much unknown energy had been poured into Malzahar's brain. His eyes were constantly firing. Although Kahn's thick dark armor helped him block several calculations, the wings were still unavoidable. It was scorched off and fell from the air.

His fall kicked up a cloud of dust, and the violent impact seemed to displace his internal organs, but he didn't feel like he had lost.

He has attracted attention for long enough, a purple figure is reappearing behind Malzahar at a terrifying speed.

Malzahar's ray stopped suddenly, and one of the branches of the cross blade passed through the void barrier and passed out from his heart.

He faltered for a brief moment, but still he didn't die, looking down at the crossblade.

This action shocked Kai'Sa, how could a Void creature not die after being pierced through the heart?

No, it's impossible!

This is the truth that she and Kahn have verified countless times! You can't go wrong!

Malzaha was much taller than Kaisa, and Kaisa only noticed Malzaha's brain exposed to the air, but it was no longer the shape of the brain. Divide into thirds.

It turned out that this was his "heart"! His energy core!

She wanted to pull out Chalikar and make another stab at the head, but Malzaha had already gripped the blade tightly with both hands. His purple arm with bare sleeves was full of muscles, his physique was inhuman, and his strength was not weak at all. Kai'Sa blessed by skin armor.

Reluctantly, she let go of the cross blade, and summoned the fist blade to spray blue-purple flames at Malzahar at close range.

The void barrier flickered on and off, blocking the scorching flames.

As soon as Malzaha raised his hand, two portals opened beside him, and energy gushed out instantly. Kaisha reacted quickly and used a backflip to avoid the pincer attack, but the distance between her and Chalikar was also widened at the same time.

At this moment, the ground around them collapsed into a crypt, and an indescribable stench gushed out of it, making Kai'sa's stomach acid churn even through the skin armor, as if she was about to be coaxed to spit it out.

The opening of the burrow was just above the temple, and in a brief silence, some fluid spewed out like hot magma.

Kai'Sa, who was closest to her, could see clearly that this yellow-green slime was definitely not magma, but an extremely corrosive acid that possessed it.

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