He Comes From the Void

Chapter 146 Surveillance everywhere

"Don't you want to?" Kahn pinched Kai'Sa's chin, the tip of his claws sank into the flesh, and stared directly at her until she spoke out her inner thoughts honestly.

"I think so too, I just don't know if I can beat it."

Dragons, powerful and ancient creatures, many people have heard of in legends, but few have seen them with their own eyes.

In Shurima, the dragons are almost extinct, and the legends about them are even rarer than the gods.

"The dragon should not be as strong as the god warrior, but that doesn't mean we can beat the dragon." Kahn let go of Kai'sa's chin.

Because he knows only one case of mortals slaying gods, but there are many cases of slaying dragons, and it happened in Demacia recently.

However, this does not mean that they can beat dragons. Being able to fight and being able to beat dragons are two different concepts.

Still take the tiger as an example. In theory, an ordinary person can kill a tiger with a laparotomy.

But in actual operation, you can't slide the shovel at all, or you will be culled by the tiger when you slide halfway.

"So, I'm going to steal the dragon eggs."

"It sounds more reliable." Kai'Sa breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Kahn was really going to challenge the dragon.

But then came the problem.

"Then where do we find dragon eggs? Is the dragon hiding in the woods?"

"There is a hidden world in the southern jungle, where there is a human civilization that is no less ancient than Icacia, and most of the dragons in the world live in seclusion."

"Ixtar, right? I saw it in a book."

"Tsk tsk, the book is worth reading. It's rare that you remember the contents of the book."

"Hmph, don't take me for a fool."

"I didn't say that, you admitted it yourself."

Known for their mastery of elemental magic, Ixtar was one of the first independent nations to join the Shurima Empire.

In fact, the Ixtar culture originated very early and was part of the Great Western Migration, and gave birth to many civilizations in later generations, including Baru, the magnificent Blessed Island, and the ascetic Targon people.

They likely helped build the Sun Disk and played an important role in the birth of the first Ascended.

This country was valued more than Icacia in the former Shurima, and it produced the famous ascender Na'zuk.

But the mages of Ixtar used the wilderness as a barrier to isolate themselves, and survived the Void War, and the subsequent Darkin invasion, Rune Wars.

This has allowed it to be preserved to this day, but it has also imperceptibly curbed its development. Up to now, this closed civilization has been sitting on the mountain and showing signs of being gradually abandoned by the times.

After flirting for a while, Kahn talked about one of the plans.

"We need to find the way into Ixtar first, and then go inside to look for traces of the giant dragon. It must be the female dragon hatching the eggs. Observe its work and rest, and then go in to steal the eggs when it leaves the nest. "

Kahn said seriously, but Kai'Sa hadn't entered the state yet.

"Okay, you will be responsible for all the previous parts, and I will be responsible for stealth and egg stealing at the end."

"You think it's more beautiful than yourself, and leave the most painful and tiring part to me." Kahn stared and kneaded her cheek wantonly.

"Hee hee, don't we know each other?" Kai'Sa showed a narrow smile, and it's fun to make such jokes occasionally.

As for the mother dragon who lived in seclusion well, neither set fire nor killed anyone, the dragon egg was just remembered, and no one cared about it.

Kahn said it is simple, but it is not easy to implement in practice.

Ixtar can hide from being found for thousands of years, so naturally he has his strengths.

After walking in the dense forest for several days, as they went deeper into a place called the Miasty Jungle, a heavy and damp fog began to appear.

They could hardly breathe air, and the mist stung them so much that they couldn't open their mouths or eyes, and had to put on their helmets.

At the same time, they began to feel an overwhelming itch—imaginary at first, then more real and more intense.

There was a gloom around the river, and it seemed to be shrouded in a kind of shadow. But this shadow cannot be seen, it can only be felt.

Is it because of miasma?

Kahn didn't think the miasma would give people such a feeling, it was more of a psychological pressure.

It was as if a miasma hung over my heart.

"Kan, I feel like something is watching us in the dark." Kai'Sa frowned and looked around.

I don't know when this feeling started, but it has always been there.

There is a silent terror that permeates everything that can be seen.

The shady and lush woods even blocked the vision of the void, and the patterns of life were no longer conspicuous in the colorful vision, and they were no longer as recognizable as the empty and dark underground.

Kahn also had the eerie feeling of being watched, seemingly everywhere and at the same time non-existent. It seems that every flower and every tree has eyes, but they don't.

You're just short of seeing a "You have entered the surveillance area" sign on the trunk of a tree.

He said to Kai'Sa, "Remember the man-eating forest I told you about? We may have stepped in."

Kai'Sa couldn't imagine the woods eating people.

"This forest is malicious to humans, but we are now covered with void skin armor, so we may not feel it."

Kahn felt that he did the right thing by covering the skin armor in advance.

If this hadn't been done, by now they'd probably have erythematous, itchy all over body from an unknown bite. At the same time, you will be sweating profusely from the humid heat of the rainforest, your head will roar and your skin will burn.

The skin armor protected them from many invisible hazards, and it exuded a more terrifying aura than the rainforest, so the two of them have not been attacked by wild animals so far.

"Be vigilant, but don't be afraid. We are the strongest predators. Even nature is afraid of the void. Unless a dragon pops up suddenly, nothing can threaten us. If you are watched, watch it, maybe it's time for you Tal, this situation can be alleviated."

Kahn also said that he knew the secret of this man-eating forest, and the reason why he dared to guarantee this was based on his understanding of the strength of the two.

This forest can deal with ordinary people, but it can't help them.

"Okay." Although the feeling of being watched is still there, Kai'Sa feels much more at ease.

Also, besides the two of them, who would treat void creatures as food?

After walking in the dense forest for another two days, the feeling of being watched was always there, but they still couldn't find the source. Later, both of them got used to this feeling.

But at some point, Kahn noticed that his walking direction had shifted, and even Kai'Sa's excellent sense of direction was not noticed at the beginning.

They seem to be being driven somewhere.

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