He Comes From the Void

Chapter 151 Three Questions (Leader SZSwindy adds 5/10)

Kai'Sa let go of the fist blade on Zyra's neck, and the movement of twisting her wrist was full of contempt for Zyra.

It seems to be saying that I let go of you because my hands are sore, so I won't be afraid of you running away if I leave it like this.

"Speak." Zyra lowered her eyelids, her eyes subconsciously avoiding the warm gaze of the three eyes.

Like the sun that nourishes all things, this light is the most vicious sight of death.

The questioning session was conducted by Kahn, and the part of Kaisha as the thug has been completed.

"Your words before revealed that we are not the only void creatures you have seen. It seems to have committed atrocities in the rainforest. Tell us what it looks like."

Zyra narrowed her eyes, and the pupils showed hatred, as if there was anger burning in them. Then she opened her red lips lightly, and said slowly:

"It was a huge beetle, it was bloodthirsty and brutal, killing everywhere and destroying the ecology of the rainforest.

In the beginning it was very fragile, I didn't care too much, thinking that it would be eliminated by other mobs soon. But it evolved through phagocytosis, and quickly grew to a level that would endanger the ecology of the rainforest.

When I realized the seriousness of the matter, there was no good way to deal with it, so I could only let it go.

And it is precisely because of its existence that I decided to kill you from the very beginning, before you grow up. "

She looked at the two people in front and back with complicated eyes.

"But now it seems that its threat to the rainforest is far less than yours."

It would be best to kill the two with the help of animals, instead of killing them with a series of battles, and finally killing them in one fell swoop, this was Zyra's original plan.

But she underestimated them after all, she didn't know that there was such a huge gap between void creatures.

Zyra was thinking lonely, but she didn't expect the surprise to come so suddenly in the next moment, knocking on her buds.

"If I said I could fix it for you, would you help us find it?"

Kahn lowered his head and fiddled with his nails, instead of staring directly at Zyra, he found that his gaze put too much pressure on Zyra, which was not conducive to the next negotiation.

What he wants to reach with Zyra is a cooperative relationship, not coercion.

"Aren't you in the same group?" Zyra was suspicious.

"No, as food, we are more interested in it than in you."

Said, Kaisha picked a leaf from Zyra's body and played with it, took off the head and tail and sent it out as a dart, but she didn't dare to have any complaints.

"It's still hunting raptors somewhere in the rainforest, and I can guide you to find it."

"No hurry, we want to find more than just it." Kahn said.

This dispensable attitude made Zyra short of breath for a while, and she even forgot that she was heartless and could breathe with the leaves.

She swallowed her anger and asked nicely, "What else are you looking for?"

"We Yaao entered a human settlement hidden somewhere in the forest."

"I can only tell you where the hermitage is, but I can't help you in. I can't even get in myself."

From the moment Zyra took over the jungle, she knew that humans lived in certain areas of her garden.

She hates humans, but she has nothing to do with these humans entrenched on her territory. They have some kind of magic, which can manipulate plants into natural barriers to isolate all outsiders from invading.

including her.

Those areas she can't control are always a pain in her heart, making her garden less than perfect.

"Then just take me around."

"If you find a way to enter, can you bring me in too?" Zyra said with the thought of giving it a try.

"Tsk tsk, the ambition is not small." Kahn couldn't help clicking his tongue, but then changed the subject: "What benefits can we get from helping you?"

While questioning Zyra, Kahn was also thinking about this question.

What does he gain by doing this?

The Ixtar have shut themselves off for too long, maybe some external pressure can force them out. But what are you forced to do? Let them contribute to resisting the void?

This is too idealistic.

To be more realistic, let Zyra cause some trouble in there, and then he takes advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters?

But he doesn't know what's going on inside. It doesn't have to be such a trick. Maybe it's easier to succeed in a sneaky way.

Zyra thought for a while, then shook her head, she really couldn't come up with anything that could make the two of them move their hearts.

And the information she had had already been exchanged for the tolerance of the arsonist.

"Then let's put this matter aside, and help me find a vastaya at the end." Kahn said.


When mentioning vastaya, the first thing that flashed in Zyra's mind was a group of strong orcs.

The largest vastaya tribe in the jungle is the carnivorous tribe. Their appearance is like a lion walking upright, which is easy to identify.

This tribe advocates hunting, and it is a great honor to have a superb hunting level.

Zyra regarded these vastaya living in the jungle more as beasts than human beings, so they didn't drive them all out, and just made them a part of the jungle ecology.

In addition, there are some other vastayas in the forest, but the number is relatively rare, such as lizardmen and so on.

"Yes, we are looking for a vastaya girl, she looks like a chameleon, she can turn into any creature she touches." Kahn stroked his chin and recalled, in order for Zyra to find the target more accurately, he Added some information: "This chameleon girl often stays with a group of cougars, and the lead cougar can switch between human and animal forms at will..."

"I know them." Zyra interrupted: "They wander and hunt in the jungle, and they have no fixed territory."

"That's easy." Under the helmet, Kahn showed a smile of imminent harvest, and at the same time beckoned Kai'Sa back to him.

After finding all the dragon eggs, void creatures, and vastaya, the skin armor version should usher in a big wave of enhancements.

"Is it gone?" Jayla asked.

"That's all for the time being. When we find all the above-mentioned things, we will automatically leave your garden."

Zyra frowned and looked at the two, and after realizing that she couldn't see their true thoughts hidden in their eyes through the helmet, she nodded helplessly.

"It's a deal."

"Wake up and start again. Now we have to catch up on sleep before dawn. I hope we won't see any more difficulties and obstacles after we wake up."

The sky and the earth were the bed, and Kahn used the vines all over the ground as a vine bed and lay down on the spot.

This is to drive people away.

Jiela took a deep look at the two of them, turned her back with a heavy face, and walked slowly into the darkness.

"By the way, how can I contact you later?" A question suddenly came from behind her, but she didn't stop.

"I won't show up easily, my own plants will guide you to where you want to go."

"Oh, got it, good night."

"Good night?" Jie La recalled the word, but there was only deep anxiety in her heart.

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