He Comes From the Void

Chapter 157 Promise

Kasha just heard from Kahn that this chameleon girl named Nicole has a very good relationship with Nidalee.

After Nicole's hometown was destroyed, she traveled across the ocean to the southern jungle alone, and then met Nidalee, and was accepted as a member of the Cougar family.

Nicole found Nidalee unusually kind, and her enthusiasm and innocence moved Nidalee's alienation.

They were both vastayas, and both were shape-shifting, and they quickly became close and became good companions, roaming wantonly in the wilderness together.

And for a long time to come, the two will spend together. This friendship makes Nicole regard it as a treasure, and she is willing to sacrifice her life to protect the other Shuoma.

So it is concluded that Nicole will definitely agree to this condition.

The fact was indeed as she expected, Nicole was shaken.

"Do you really want to protect everyone as long as you have a piece of tail?" The long tail coiled around her waist, and Nicole touched the tip of her own tail.

"That's right." Kai'Sa looked at Kahn, saw the latter nodded, and responded.

"Oh well……"

"Don't promise them, Neeko, you..." Nidalee wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Neeko. "Don't worry Nidalee, Neeko's tail can grow back."

Nidalee saw determination on Neeko's face, the first time the innocent little girl had shown such an expression.

She turned her face away, full of guilt. She couldn't hesitate any longer, every second of delay puts her family in more danger.

Finally, Nidalee shook Neeko's hand and relented.

"You get rid of the meat-toothed beast first, and I will agree."

"No problem." Kai'Sa took the lead and rushed over after following the carnivorous beast.

"I hope you can be honest, and the result of repenting and running away is not something you can bear."

Kahn threw a sentence at the two of them, and then followed Kaisha and ran over.

The roar of the carnivorous beast kept echoing in the forest, and the two ran and jumped in the direction of the sound, following the scent of their prey through the maze of tree trunks and shrubs.

In a few moments they came to a small clearing beside the embankment in a place Nidalee knew well.

This is a place full of vitality and tranquility, and there is a clear and shallow stream bubbling in the middle of the clearing.

There are so many fish in the stream that even young animals that are not good at hunting can catch any at will.

But the roar of the sclerotin and the growl of the cougar broke the silence of the place.

A cougar hunter was holding a puma in his hand. The scratches on his body were deep enough to show the bone, and the smell of blood irritated the nearby lions.

They are using wounded lions as bait to keep the pride for their mates, and then they are circling.

Kaisha was the first to rush out from behind a thick tree trunk at the edge of the stream, scaring the lions out of the clearing and hiding in the dense forest.

This immediately aroused the vigilance of the two hunters.

The flesh-toothed beast smelled the smell in the air, and the smell of the person in front of him did not belong to this forest. This strangeness is both filthy and sweet, and it is incompatible with the forest.

Outright filth, full of hostility to all life.

This is the sworn enemy!

They roared, and Kai'Sa was already moving. Fastest update PC::/

The pod ejected a stream of scorching missiles, with trails of smoke trailing their tails.

The flesh-toothed beasts moved swiftly, rolled their heads to the side, and dodged the missile to the limit.

Seeing a few smoking pits appearing behind them instantly, and the burnt clods splashing on their bodies caused a searing pain of corrosion, they immediately realized that this was a powerful enemy they had never had before, and they clenched their weapons tightly.

They could see Kai'Sa more clearly now, but what they saw made their brains itch.

The enemy is wrapped in an oily exoskeleton, the air and sunlight twisting close to her body, not wanting to touch her.

It's a sign of being exiled from the world, like that void monster.

A name that terrified all the sclerotines came to mind.

"Kazik, she is the same kind of monster! Run!"

The Scutodon communicated in the vastaya language, and the two got up, turned and fled away from Kai'Sa. But I never thought that another terrifying figure appeared in front of my eyes.

The two hunters were forced to stop. Although the opponent was only as tall as their waists, the oppressive feeling from him just standing made them feel like they were facing an adult dragon lizard...or something more terrifying. thing.

The hunters who were driven to a dead end had no choice but to fight back. They knew in their hearts that if they did not defeat these two monsters, they would never return alive.

They set off first, jumped six meters away with a swoop, and the carnivorous beast suddenly swung its machete from left to right.

Kahn strode forward, sideways staggered the shoulder of the machete, and bumped into the chest of the carnivorous beast. The latter flew out immediately, as if being hit by a siege dragon lizard with all its strength.

Another knife slashed on Kahn's back, and a crystal shield was attached to the dark armor. The double defense directly made this attack ineffective. The flesh-toothed beast waved its natural claws unwillingly, but broke its nails on the dark armor.

The carnivorous beast let out a high-pitched roar, and Kahn only moved his legs and bent his knees to counteract the impact, then turned around and grabbed the carnivorous beast's knife-wielding arm, using it as a lever and his shoulder as a fulcrum, and fell heavily in front of him with an over-the-shoulder throw.

The growl twisted into a howl of pain, but soon turned into a gurgling death.

He covered his throat, opened his eyes in disbelief, and found that the short knife in his hand had been snatched by the enemy at some point, and then slit his throat.

The hunter tilted his head and found that his companion had been bumped into another monster's feet, and before turning over, he had been stabbed into the chest by a sharp blade of light from behind.

He only trembled twice and then remained motionless, and he still had to endure the pain of suffocation for a while.

The huge gap in strength filled him with despair. It turned out that the carnivore, which stood at the top of the food chain, was just a prey to be slaughtered in the face of enemies outside the forest.

At the last moment of his life, he felt that his weight of nearly half a ton was easily lifted by his neck, like a kitten, being dragged and thrown to the side of his companion's corpse, the hot blood gushing from his throat A bloody trail trailed behind him.

"I forgot to ask you to keep the whole body. It's a good thing that your plasma bomb missed, otherwise there would be no bones left." Standing next to the flesh-toothed beast's corpse, Kahn said to Kai'Sa.

He noticed that the pride of lions hiding in the woods bypassed them and scurried in the direction they had come, except for the cougar, who was injured and unable to run.

Apparently, Nidalee and Neeko also followed.

"Why? If you swallow it, there are still a few corpses in the woods." Kai'Sa thought that Kahn was implying that she was not accurate enough, so she was a little unhappy.

"Show it to Nidalee, as proof that she won't have a chance to repent."

As soon as the words fell, there was a rustling sound of branches and leaves in the woods.

Nidalee, supported by Neeko, walked into the clearing surrounded by lions.

Looking at the two corpses at Kahn's feet, she turned paler, and at the same time grabbed Nicole's hand tightly.

:. :

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