He Comes From the Void

Chapter 165: Recluse

In the shattered scorched earth, Kahn's arm blades and Kai'Sa's fist blades were intertwined, and the blades wrestled with each other to continuously excite arcs and sparks.

It's on par!

Of course, this parity only refers to the strength of the weapon.

As Kahn stopped releasing the water and went all out, Kai'Sa was forced to retreat again and again, and finally leaned her back against the tree trunk.

"Okay, I've seen it." As she spoke, the two tacitly reduced the strength in their hands, and then retracted the sharp blade.

But Kahn still didn't retreat, and just pinned her against the tree.

"There are even more powerful ones, do you want to see them?" Kahn showed a narrow smile.

"No, keep holding back." Kaisha pushed Kahn away. She played with Kahn too much. She is no longer that innocent little girl, and she can understand his meaning in seconds in many cases.

The two separated immediately, but she immediately felt that her attitude just now was too cold and hard, her tone softened a little, and she stared straight at the other party and explained: "It can't be done in the wild, maybe Zyra is watching us."

It has been two months since they entered the rainforest, and they haven't vented well, so she can understand how uncomfortable Kahn is holding back.

"What's the matter with Guan Jiela? What are you thinking?" Kahn flicked her head, this action made Kai'Sa feel humiliated.

Many times when we get along, if Kahn thinks that Kaisha is stupid or thinking wildly, he will give her a brain crash and hit the facial lines on her forehead.

Although this gesture is more about intimacy, even if the lover is happy, he has to care about every detail. Otherwise, how can he flirt if he is kind?

"Then what are you talking about?!" Kaisha pushed Kahn again, not too hard, but enough to express her shame and anger.

"It's a very powerful thing." Kahn replied with an innocent face.

"You're still stubborn! I'll tear your mouth off!" Kaisha is not stupid, she has long seen that Kahn is deliberately misleading her, and then pretends to be crazy and irritating.

She reached out and grabbed it, and then something strange happened.

Kahn disappeared directly from her eyes, and her hand passed through where he had been standing, unable to touch anything.

She glanced at her feet, but there were no more footprints around, which showed that Kahn had learned Kazik's ability to escape into the void, and hid in the cracks.

"So you want me to see this, well, I know, come out."

Kai'Sa withdrew her hand, folded her arms across her chest, kept her eyes fixed, and pretended to be calm.

Although she knew that Kahn was nearby and would not leave, but she couldn't sense his breath, which still made her a little flustered.

At this time, Kahn was in the gap between the two worlds, watching Kai'Sa's hand pass through his body without hindrance.

He saw Kai'Sa speak but made no sound, and then he began to observe everything around him.

No matter what he looks at, he feels a sense of distance, just like a drowning man looking at the world on the water, everything is blurred.

Even though Kaisha was two steps away from him, if he did not rely on the characteristics of the previous impression, he would not be able to tell whether the figure was a man or a woman, as if separated by a layer of frosted glass, he could only feel the presence of those beings on the other side of the curtain. Restlessness.

Then he gradually felt a squeeze of space, as if he was diving deeper and deeper, and the water pressure was getting higher and higher. The friction between the two worlds and the invisible pressure are always trying to squeeze him flat, so he can't stay here for a long time.

"Come out, I'm just kidding with you." Kai'Sa shouted anxiously in the open space, her voice echoing faintly in the dense forest.

She suddenly remembered that the two had conflicts underground before, and Kahn was angry and wanted to leave.

Although Kahn couldn't hear Kai'Sa's voice, his attention was always on Kai'Sa, and he could feel her uneasiness in the dark, so he immediately returned to the material realm and appeared in front of her.

As soon as he appeared, Kai'Sa hugged him directly.

"Why do you have such a strong desire for revenge!" She complained in his arms, her voice aggrieved: "Blame me for being too disobedient before, that's why you took revenge on me like this."

Kahn was stunned, he didn't expect that he would cause such a big problem after disappearing for a while, he immediately touched his head to comfort him, with a doting face on his face: "I will transplant the new ability to you, so that you won't be afraid that you won't be able to find it." me."

Just when the two were tender, they smelled a strange fragrance of flowers, and turned their heads to look into the dark depths of the woods.

A pair of amber vertical pupils emerged from the darkness first, followed by red core-like eyebrows.

With long blood-red hair and a plump body, under the night, the indifferent moonlight shines on the fair skin, and the whole body exudes a fatal beauty.

"Why are you here?" Several carapaces overlapped and overlapped, and Kahn immediately covered his helmet to avoid hallucinations caused by inhaling pollen.

"Because you made my garden like this, I can't say anything?" Zyra said gracefully, looking at her feet and frowning.

After being ravaged by Kha'Zix and Rengar's deathmatch for a day, and then destroyed by Karn and Kai'Sa's duel, it has become a bare and polluted place.

If left unattended, this piece of polluted land will continue to spread, so Zyra had to come forward to solve the pollution source.

"It's going to take time to fix it again," she lamented.

"But we got rid of Kha'Zix for you."

Kahn's words made Zyra speechless for a while, and she was ashamed to say it while enjoying the benefits.

But she just thought about it in her heart and didn't say it.

Because even if it was a wounded Kha'Zix, she couldn't do anything about it.

The monster smelled of filth, and her thorns shriveled and died at any approach, let alone strangled it.

"I'm here for it too. You guys helped me get rid of my troubles. I'm very grateful."

Kha'Zix died, and Zyra's most important rainforest ecological problem was also resolved.

The void creature is always a harmful factor. If one day it doesn't eat its prey clean, and the scavenging animals eat the polluted flesh and cause secondary infection, maybe the ecological collapse will happen like this.

"Don't be grateful, I know you can't wait to drive us away, but we still have one last thing to do." Kahn knew very well that Zyra was just here for a cutscene, and her cannibal nature couldn't be changed. .

"I will guide you to Ixocan."

"Exactly, I want to ask if you are interested in Ixoken?"

"Didn't you not take me? Why did you change your mind?" Zyra frowned even deeper. She had nothing to offer Kahn. Why did the other party come to help her?

"Don't worry about it, just say you want to go in or not."

Listening to Kahn's words, Zyra smiled like a flower.

After all, she had to try, if she could extend the branches and leaves into Ixoken, she would be very happy.

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