He Comes From the Void

Chapter 170 Yun Tal

"Is this the place?" Yun Tal put his hands behind his back and followed the road guard to the place where he started.

"Dear Samson the Wisdom, yes, it was here that I felt something follow me as I passed the canopy of the rainforest."

The wayward replied slightly nervously. He was facing the ruling class of Ixtar, a member of the elders of the Yuntar.

"I hope I don't waste my time. I still have a student test to be held in the afternoon. It's too late to rush back now."

Samson nodded, raised his hands, found the thread of the fifth axiom in memory, and waved his hands like brushes on canvas.

The road guard did not speak, he hoped that Samson would not find out anything, and he would be scolded at most, but in exchange for the harmony and tranquility of Ixtal would not be broken.

As Samson made a series of movements, the shiny fabric of his body began to billow, every silk thread shimmered like a rainbow, and snatched into the air current generated by his hands.

The Warden knew that the garment was woven by Samson's own magic through the Vidalion, an ancient relic that hung over the empty chamber in the central tower and could weave magic into physical reality.

Its location was intentionally placed at the geometric center of Ixtar, and indeed all of Runeterra, at least that's what the Ixtarians thought.

Each Yun Tal's magical clothing is different, and the main color of Samson's clothing is blue, which means that he has fully comprehended and mastered air, water, and all the combinations of the two.

The magic continued to surge, and as Samson gracefully swirled one hand, all the water vapor in the nearby forest connected by invisible threads gathered in front of him, as if being pulled by a spider pulling its web.

A curtain of air appeared, and countless suspended water vapor formed the outline of the surroundings, and then the scene at that time was fulfilled.

The road guards saw their team emerge from the passage of the Yulin Canopy, but there was another person at the end of the team, and they didn't notice it at all.

And in the end, that person didn't leave Ixoken, but walked somewhere in the forest.

"It's over, someone really followed in!" The forest guard's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and he felt that he had really neglected his duty.

"I can't blame you for this matter, respected ranger, you discovered the threat from the outside world in time, and I'll take care of the rest." Samson waved his hand, and the silk thread was wrapped around his limbs.

The forest ranger seemed to be in a daze, completely oblivious to what Samson said. He was always worried that the peace that Ixtar had maintained for thousands of years would be destroyed by their momentary negligence, and the demons outside would It won't wreak havoc in their homes.

Seeing him like this, Samson, who was not too old, patted the young forest ranger: "Don't worry, Yun Tal will take care of the matter properly, and I'm leaving for Ixoken City right now. And you are now Go to our gardener to take care of the canopy and strengthen the defense, and at the same time... remember not to talk about this with other forest rangers, so as not to cause unnecessary panic."

Seeing that Samson was flustered at all, the forest ranger set an example for him, and finally calmed down a bit.

He felt that this was Samson's self-confidence based on his strength. If he had the same talent as the opponent, he might not be as flustered as he is now.

But he was wrong. Samson's self-confidence did not stem from strength, but from his perception of the outside world.

Even if he never stepped out of the rainforest canopy.

After the two separated, Samson returned to the village and asked the students to study the original third axiom by themselves, then packed their luggage and set off on the road lightly. It would take a week from this outpost village in the outskirts to the main city.

They only rely on walking, and any means of transportation will be greatly hindered in this dense jungle and cannot move smoothly.

A powerful elementalist can control air currents to fly, and Samson, who specializes in air and water, can also do some, but he can't pass through the forest like a strong wind, and can only glide for a certain distance like a feather.

After a week's walk, Samson came to the majestic gate of Ixaocan.

After just a few minutes of walking through the imposing northern gate, the colors and sounds are overwhelming.

Carefree urchins ran back and forth on the flagstones, chasing the caretakers behind them, and after them the traders, beauticians, fortune-tellers and craftsmen.

The crowd around them bowed respectfully at the sight of Mivasim's blue-violet robes, the exclusive fabric of the Yun Tal.

For all the differences between the city of Ixaokan and the small border villages, there is one thing that people have in common: absolute respect for the Yun Tal.

Enjoying the respectful eyes of others, Samson walked unimpeded in the city and stepped into the heart of Ixoken.

Thousands of arcs are engraved on the ground, and the language of elements is hidden in these intricate geometric lines.

He met the other members of the Yun Tal elders in the square corridor, their robes representing every color and temperament of the night.

Each is a perfect philosopher, a master in the field of their respective elemental systems.

But he didn't stop to talk to any of them, but searched among them, and then came to a woman who was not tall.

The woman Samson was looking for wore a robe of soot and emerald green. Although it was not the exclusive fabric of the Yun Tal, it made her more dignified.

This attire signifies that she is one of the heirs to the Tower, His Royal Highness Yun'alai.

Moreover, she is not without a bunch of Yun Tal, she is very talented, she completed the trial when she was a teenager, and became a member of the elders.

The only reason for not wearing the Yun Tal robe is that it is not as noble as the one on his body, so he doesn't want to wear it.

Therefore, although she is short in stature, no one dares to underestimate her.

With a strong aura and domineering aura, no one around her dared to stay by her side, because her fierce temperament would make people not know how to show respect, and feel like sitting on pins and needles.

Samson lowered his head and looked away, walked up to the man respectfully, and asked, "Your Highness Yun Alai, the most expensive, how is it?"

There was a crisp sound of metal clashing, and Samson saw her ornate bracelet tapped on the railing, and then turned her gaze from the hall below to him.

The white curly hair was draped softly on the shoulders, the eyes were as dazzling as red-hot steel, and the appreciative smile was like a sharp claw, slashing across Samson's heart.

"It turned out to be Elder Samson." The other party smiled, and then let out a snort full of disdain: "Just call me Qiyana, now Yun Alai really can be anyone. My noble , not by family blood."

She stared at Samson for a moment, and the burning stare made Samson's cheeks burn, and he said in his heart that there would never be a second time.

"Yes, Your Highness Qiyana."

Hearing his response, Qiyana immediately showed a confident smile.

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