He Comes From the Void

Chapter 306: Library Fortress

"What are you looking for?" Senna asked.

The Light Sentinel Order originated from Blessed Island, so there are some records of the holy objects on the island. Although many of them have long been lost, the thing that Kahn is looking for may be the one that still has records.

"A bell whose sound can affect the spiritual realm."

The reason why the curse of ruin caused this magical disaster is that magic tore up the barrier between the material and spiritual realms, allowing the two to have a fusion effect.

Undead are creatures between life and death produced under this effect, and anything that can shake the spiritual realm can affect them.

"Sorry, we didn't know there was such a thing." Senna had never heard of such a treasure, and if there was one, she would find it by herself to deal with the undead. But considering the grace of saving her life, she still told Kahn what she knew: "But you can go to the library fortress to have a look, there is a lot of knowledge recorded and many treasures stored there, maybe there is something you want. Hope these suggestions help you."

In this regard, Lucian did not have much opportunity to speak.

Senna started the sentinel road with Lucian's father since she was a child, and Lucian was led in by Senna after his father died.

In the religious group, he was a junior who joined Biina more than ten years later, so he naturally didn't know as much as this partner who was also a teacher and a friend.

"I see." Kahn held Kai'Sa and stood up together, ready to leave: "I have told you the source of the curse, what are you going to do next?"

"Of course I tried my best to get rid of it." Lucian looked at Senna affectionately and said, "I can't let my beloved live in fear anymore."

Sarah looked at the two of them and felt a chill. Even Kahn and Kaisha didn't speak so nastyly, but the physical contact was obviously more excessive, and she, a female hooligan, could often blush.

"Your feelings are touching, but you can't deal with Thresh yet. Why don't you leave Shadow Island by boat with us, and challenge again when you have enough ability." Kahn persuaded.

"No need." Senna smiled wryly: "We don't want to burden you, as long as I have a soul-calling physique, you will also be attacked by the undead with me."

"Okay then." Kahn glanced at his pocket watch: "It's still early, let's go to the library fortress and leave before dark. If you encounter a difficult situation, come to me."

Karn picked up the lantern, extinguished the flame, and left with Kai'Sa and Sarah. The couple dared to come to Shadow Isle, there must be something to protect them from the black mist.

He walked decisively, as if he just met the two of them by chance.

Kahn left the Temple of Light, but what he didn't know was... not long after he left, the sound of chains dragging across the floor suddenly sounded in the hall.


The Bookstore Fortress was a completely unfamiliar place to Kahn, so they walked very slowly, spending most of their time understanding what they saw on the road.

For example, when I first entered the fortress, I encountered an open-air device. A huge semicircle of the tropic of the moon was embedded in the circular pit, and the rune circuit on it was still emitting a faint light.

Then there is a stone bridge over the abyss, with huge mage statues standing on the walls of the exits on both sides. Below the bridge is an impenetrable fog, bottomless.

After crossing the bridge, you come to a spiral staircase.

I don't know why, these stone steps of the stairs are not connected to each other, but they all float in their respective positions. There are no handrails on the outside of the stairs, and if you are not careful, you will fall down, so the three of them walked slowly step by step while leaning on the stone pillars against the inside.

The stone steps are very slippery, and you can even see the bottomless abyss below through the gap. To ease the tension, Kai'Sa talked to Karn.

"You seem a little regretful." Because Kahn was holding the lamp in his hand, she didn't hold his hand.

"Huh? Why do you say that?" Kahn asked.

"When you left the temple, you seemed a little bit reluctant to part with them."

"Is there? Why can't I see it." Sarah interrupted.

"Because you're not me." Kai'sa raised the corner of her mouth, and only she could feel the slightest changes in Kahn's body.

He was very resolute when he left, but he left a turning point in the last sentence, as if he was looking forward to meeting the two of them again in the future.

"Yes." Kahn admitted, "I want to lure those two Light Sentinels into the pirate ship. If they follow us back to Bilgewater on the night of the soul eclipse, they will have to help deal with the undead on board."

"So you were thinking about it."

"Pay attention to your step, the stone steps are very slippery."

After walking the stairs, I came to the library.

The structure of the library is a huge arch, and there are a large number of bookshelves on the walls on both sides, which are tens of meters high.

But under the arch, there is no road. Looking down from a high place, one can only see endless rays of light that seem to protrude from the core of the earth, and the depth cannot be discerned. Many books are quietly floating in the light.

"Kan, there are so many books, your favorite." Kaisha approached the books floating in the air, and Kahn saw that she was too close to the cliff, so he pulled her back slightly.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Isn't you my favorite?"

"It's coming again, you can stop for a while." Sarah glanced around: "Don't you feel something is wrong?"

"I feel it." Kahn replied.

To be honest, he was very excited to see so many books in the first place, but there is a question that has not been answered since he entered the library.

"On the way, we are getting closer and closer to the place where the disaster broke out, but we can hardly see any undead. Although the skin armor shields the breath of life, it is not impossible to not see a single undead."

"There's one over there." Kai'Sa pointed to a desk in front of a certain bookshelf, where an undead entangled in scroll pages was frantically writing his torment in scribbled notes. Whitespace.

"It's not this non-aggressive kind," Kahn explained. "I mean, we've come a long way too easily."

"Forget it, don't think about it if you don't know the reason, read the book first, and take away what is useful."

The three dispersed, and everyone went to different floors. Kahn walked to one of the bookshelves and took down a book.

This is a teaching book on how to enchant weapons. Kahn remembered that enchanted weapons can deal with the undead. After looking at them for a second, he carried them away under his armpit. If he took them back, he might be able to enchant the sailor equipment of the Siren arms.

Then he rummaged through and found some books on elemental magic and arcane magic, which were quite useful to him, so he took them back and studied them when he had time.

What Kahn didn't know was that during the time he was rummaging through the books, Lucian and Senna supported each other and fled into the library fortress.

Behind him, there was the terrifying sound of chains mopping the ground, and the sound of unhurried footsteps.

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