He Comes From the Void

Chapter 322: Trailing Vladimir

The flaming cannonball smashed into the middle of the three, and the flying sand and fragments pulled them apart.

Kahn looked back at the Siren. The black mist spread over the sea and covered the ship, and a large group of undead surrounded him like boiling bubbles. He realized that he had to go back to protect the ship and fight him in Thresh's territory. There is no point in going down.

Taking advantage of the gunpowder smoke covering Thresh's sight, he reached out and grabbed Kai'Sa's wrist, flapping his wings and flying back to the Siren.

"Our boat was dragged! There are undeads below, and they were dragged away as soon as the oars were stretched out. I can't row the boat!" Kahn had just put Kaisha off the deck when Raven was reporting the situation to Sarah. The sea area around Shadow Isle is calm and calm, if you can't paddle, you will be stuck in a deep quagmire.

At the same time, Black Mist protruded a hook sickle emitting a deadly light, hooking the figurehead of the Siren. Thresh didn't know what method he used, but a huge force came from the chains, pulling the bow of the boat towards the shore.

An elegy began to ring in my ears, singing about the lost souls, and the sadness in the melody made everyone cry.

Except for the three symbiotes who can control themselves, none of the other staff is normal anymore.

Fayette looked at the burning tavern and cried loudly. The sailors also remembered the parting of life and death, and they all took the nearest deadly weapon, such as a machete and fishhook, and gouged out their hearts. It seems that the tears will not stop until this sad heart is dug out of the body.

The situation was critical, and Kahn immediately walked towards the big bell hanging under the mast.

"Didn't you say that the bell will first give strength to the undead?" Sarah shouted.

Kahn didn't answer, and he rang the big bell continuously with his palms.

Then—boom! The bell rang again, louder than the ship's cannon!

The elegy in my ears stopped abruptly under the impact of the bell, and the mind control carried in the singing was also interrupted. Immediately afterwards there was a deafening roar, as if the whole gun bay had been set on fire. The bedrock of the island broke, and the pier of the tavern turned into sawdust, falling from the sky...

Under the surface of the sea, glowing ghost hands stretched toward the sky along the sides, and countless undead gathered into a huge circle, piled up and squeezed each other, like a zombie siege, the pile was getting higher and higher, and it would soon be full. upper deck.

Lucian grabbed Senna's holy stone pistol, and Sarah, left and right, cleaned the pile of undead on the side of the boat. Kai'Sa can only bombard the sea with Icacia rainstorm, otherwise her attack will damage the hull as well. The crew beat them hard with their oars, breaking bony arms, wet heads, twisted necks.

But the big bell roared one after another under Kahn's beating, and every time it rang, undead joined the huge dragnet composed of countless pairs of arms, making the Siren's waterline sink deeper and deeper.

"Stop knocking, the Siren will soon be overwhelmed." Sarah fired anxiously, but the undead did not decrease.

The giant clock shook violently because of Kahn's successive slaps. He slapped it hard a few more times, and then supported the clock with both arms.

The bell stopped suddenly, and those terrifying undead were like stone sculptures, all froze and motionless, and a large group sank directly into the bottom of the sea, which was very spectacular to watch.

"As long as the impact is strong enough, even the most powerful undead will be affected." Kahn walked to the bow, lifted the glowing hook and sickle, and the stretched chain fell into the sea.

"Hurry up, go back to rowing, they will resume operations in half a minute." Sarah gave an order to the crew, and soon the Siren moved, heading away from the Shadow Island.

"Finally I'm leaving this place where no shit is done." Sarah put away her gun, and frowned at the scarred ship's side: "My boat has been scratched, and I have to repair it when I go back, and paint it again." layers of paint."

But Kahn realized that the matter did not end there. He noticed that the ships that had previously been tied by the blood chain were destroyed by the undead along with the pier, which meant that the only way to leave the Shadow Island was by taking the Siren. this way...

"Where's Vladimir? Any of you saw him."

"I didn't pay attention." The last time Sarah saw Vladimir was in the basement. At that time, he was being entangled by the Soul Eater, and he didn't know where to hide behind.

"Here he is!" said a voice from the stern of the boat.

It was Cholera who was calling, and at some point she dragged her injured leg to the back deck, pointing to the sea behind the ship.

Kai'Sa arrived first, and she heard a voice.

Looking out of the deck, she saw...on the black sea, in the middle of the ripples that the Siren had pushed aside, a pool of scarlet blood was floating on the surface, quickly following the Siren.

And on top of the blood, stood a person, it was Vladimir.

At this moment, Vladimir fully revealed his original form, with a silver crown on top of his handsome pale face, and a layer of ghostly flames wrapped around the soaring spikes.

Corresponding to his life experience, a hostage prince from an ancient country dedicated to the fallen gods in the Darkin Era.

He seemed to have grown taller, surrounded by a ring of blood, exuding an aura full of hatred. After being discovered, he stared at the people on board with a dark gaze. Obviously, he wanted to sneak into the Siren quietly and follow them all the way back to Bilgewater.

Kai'Sa noticed that he was also armed to the teeth with glowing amulets and wailing swords, and that the inside of the velvet robe was probably hung with ancient relics, which had obviously been taken from the Vault.

Seeing this scene, Fayette almost fainted in a hurry. And Kai'Sa bent slightly, pointing the mouth of the pod at the sea nobleman.

"Don't do it yet, you have something to say." Vladimir's mouth picked up a bloody smile: "Your appearance is unexpected, but if you can let me bring these things back to Noxus , my patrons would be delighted to see you."

Kaisha handed over the power of speaking to Kahn, she did not understand the strength behind Vladimir.


"I call them patrons...but they are all my partners. They are as old as me, as powerful as I am." Vladimir said, and continued to slide towards the Siren, followed by a vortex of blood .

When he raised his arm, the blood clouded the air.

Originally, Kahn was not very sure, but when Vladimir said this, he knew that the so-called sponsor was referring to the black rose.

This organization has been entrenched in the depths of the Immortal Fortress since the founding of Noxus, and it is indeed a powerful and mysterious organization.

But compared with Void, the structure is still too small, and it will not help them resist Void.

"Let me think about it." While Kahn was considering his position, there was a sudden sound of knocking around him.

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