He Comes From the Void

Chapter 326 Gold Needle and Silver Thread

Kahn hugged Kaisha and leaned closer. The Sentinel couple just looked up and continued to do their own things. They knew how loving young people like to show, after all, they were young too.

Senna held a handful of shiny silver spikes in her hand, aiming at a ladle in the sack. The long nails are engraved with sinuous patterns along the sharp edge, and the length is about two palms. It looks like an awl commonly used by cobblers, but it is a hundred times more gorgeous than that.

"Imagine it's the jaw of a person, and you put the nail against the jaw like this, and then you tap your palm against the end of the spike so gently that the spike goes into the jaw and into the head."

Following Senna's palm clapping, the spikes were driven deep into the water ladle.

Lucian listened carefully and observed carefully, and nodded solemnly.

The content of the two people's conversation made Kai'Sa's smile froze on her face, and she shuddered unconsciously.

Is this a study of homicide? Why treat people as imaginary enemies, how to kill them in such a terrible way?

"What are you doing?" Kahn asked for her, he had faintly seen the doorway, and it wasn't as scary as it looked.

"I'm practicing how to deal with undead, to be precise, prevent the dead from becoming undead."

If she doesn't say it, Senna explains, it's likely to be seen as some sort of sinister ritual. But in fact, the Bright Sentinel is a very humane organization.

"Will this prevent the dead from the curse of the black mist?" Kai'Sa asked.

The way she could think of to prevent the transformation of the corpse was to devour the corpse before the curse took effect, so that it would not be cursed. But she can't do that kind of thing to people. If she does that, she will be no different from a void creature.

"Of course more than that. This is just the first step to ensure the death of the body. Piercing a nail into the brain can make a person die with minimal pain."

Senna pulled out the spike and put it in Lucian's hand, and then took out a gold needle and a piece of silver thread from her pocket.

"This silver thread has been blessed and has been soaked in the spring water of Ionia. After ensuring death, use a needle and thread to carefully sew the eyelids and lips of the deceased, and at the same time recite the spell, so that the soul will not be disturbed by the undead. .Be careful not to puncture the dead man's eyeball."

The black mist thins the boundary between life and death, the material realm and the spiritual realm merge with each other, and the undead are born. The purpose of this set of rituals is to separate the two realms and prevent them from merging.

"There are so many dead people, you can't save them with one stitch at a time." Sarah appeared suddenly and poured a basin of cold water on them.

Even knowing what lurks beyond the horizon, and knowing the horrors it brings, Bilgewater's gangs still eat each other like mad dogs.

Planck's rule is like this, as long as he doesn't offend him, he has no scruples. This is what Sarah has always criticized. When she became a ruler, she didn't take much care of it, and only relied on brutal methods to suppress those who offended him.

This led to the fact that on the eve of Soul Erosion Night, many unlucky half-dead ghosts could still be seen hanging on the crane at the slaughter dock because of gang struggles. This was completely sending fresh souls to the black mist.

In recent decades, the expansion of the black fog has accelerated, and Bilgewater can be said to have contributed a lot.

"How many can be missing." Lucian didn't mind the trouble, there must always be someone to do this kind of thing.

He began to repeat this process on the sack, and he had to master it proficiently to achieve the effect of dividing the two domains. However, there were no dead people on board to practice for him, so the effect was not good.

"Do you feel that the atmosphere is not right..." First Officer Lei Wen hesitated.

Kahn followed his words, and found that the ship stopped shaking at some point, and the sky suddenly darkened.

The wind and waves that had shaken the Siren suddenly stopped, and the surface of the sea became calm and dark, like a gloomy mirror. The afternoon sun is still slanting in the sky, but the light it emits seems to be covered with dust, as dark as a sack.

"This is……"

"The night of soul eclipse is coming, I'm sure." Fayette ran out from the cabin.

Everyone stood up and looked in the direction of Shadow Island.

The black mist is coming...

Unlike the imagined black storm that swept in, the black mist first spread from below the sea surface, and the speed was so fast that it could not see the edge, and it enveloped the entire sea surface unconsciously.

Then thin strands of mist began to rise out of the water, thickening in the blink of an eye. The scene in the distance suddenly disappeared, replaced by a thick fog rolling in from the sea, as black as ink.

There were vaguely recognizable ghost figures floating in the mist, and the whimpering sea breeze rushed towards the face with the hunger and thirst of the evil spirits and the biting cold.

Seeing this, most people are not happy, because they have to face those terrifying undead up close, and only rely on a bell to guard them.

But this is also a unique opportunity, when everyone is huddled in a confined space, they can take the opportunity to occupy no man's land.

"Hang up the sails, and we'll go home in the storm." Sarah yelled loudly, and at the same time rang the bell, and all the crew members of the Siren acted as planned.

The oarsman snatched up the oars and thrust them into the slots in the oarlocks, the helmsman went to the wheel and held them with both hands, and the mate Raven rigged the sails, and then simply stood on the mast and waited for the storm.

"Brother Raven, you really dare to do it." Sarah raised her head and shouted.

"A man has to do what he says, don't you think this is very heroic?" Lei Wen's voice was drowned in the wind.

"Looks stupid, don't risk your life."

"What do you know, this is a man's romance!" Raven hissed.

It's all because Sarah is too good. If he doesn't do some crazy actions to make his subordinates recognize him as the first mate, how can his words be convincing?

However, Sarah's words still made him feel that he was a bit exaggerated, so he quickly tapped his left eye twice with his right thumb, and then prayed for the blessing of the snake mother.

"Naga Kaporos, please look after me and bless me. If I die in your arms, let me hide with the other dead."

Kahn let go of Kai'Sa, turned to look at Lucian, his deep reddish-brown face showed nervousness about the coming horror.

"Is this your first time facing Soul Eclipse Night? Lucian."

"No." Lucian shook his head: "Senna has seen it many times, and although I haven't seen her as much, I don't know everything."

"Then how did you spend the soul eclipse night before?"

"The coast of Demacia will also be affected by the night of soul eclipse, but the soldiers will carry lightning steel weapons that can deal with undead, and there are very few powerful undead like Thresh. And our light sentries will appear in The most dangerous place, fighting the undead all night to protect people."

Speaking of Demacia, Fayette immediately thought of Gawyn, that funny dead guy.

Her face was lonely at first, and then turned to determination. She's going to fight for Gawyn!

"Come on, you bastards!"

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