He Comes From the Void

Chapter 353: The Snowman

"You want to buy a dress for Akali?" Kahn thought for a while and said, "I'll take care of the money, and you can make the decision."

If there is any relationship between Kaisha and Akali, maybe only two of them are members of the girl group in the parallel world. But they brought enough money from Bilgewater to spend a long time without fussing about it.

"Is this the right of a wife? That's great." Kai'Sa fell into his arms and closed her eyes comfortably.

Kahn raised his head, and the trajectory of the branches could be clearly seen on the roof. Because it is woven by living trees, the roof above his head is not a flat ceiling, but a roof with a certain slope, which leads to a smaller house space.

The sky was shining through the roof, and the temperature rose quickly. The room as a whole looks brighter, but not dazzling.

Don't worry about being uncomfortable because the light is too bright in summer, because then there will be dense branches and leaves outside the house to block the strong sunlight.

It is easy to get sleepy in winter, and it may be that she didn't sleep well on the beach last night. Kaisha lay in Kahn's arms and fell asleep without knowing it.

The corners of the mouth are slightly raised, having a good dream.

If it wasn't for the constant threat of the void, he wouldn't get tired of living such a peaceful and peaceful life.

"Not only do we have to find ways to improve our strength, but we also have to find out where Jax is going. Ionia is so big, if you don't take the initiative to find it, you may never meet again in this life."

After making up his mind, Kahn put the sleeping Kaisha under the bed and walked around the room by himself.

Although there is no bed and only the floor, there is something in the room that is not found in other places.

That is the futon specially used for meditation.

When he first came here, he discovered that Ionia is full of magic power, and it is very beneficial to meditate here.

After a few hours, Kahn ended his meditation.

It was already late at this time, and the bed was warmed by Kaisha's body temperature, so he just got into it and had a comfortable sleep.

As soon as he lay down under the covers, Kaisha lightly pecked him on the face.

"Don't think too much, it's just a routine good night kiss." She explained.

Kahn was suddenly moved, and Kai'Sa's voice didn't sound like she had just been woken up.

He remembered that Kai'Sa was very sensitive to her sleeping position, and she had to lie on him to sleep well.

It is estimated that she woke up from the moment he put her down, and then she has been lying quietly in the bed in order not to disturb his meditation.


He hugged each other, and their limbs were entangled, like twigs on a beam.


The next day, the two of them got up early, and it snowed last night, and it has continued until now.

"Is this a snowy day?" Looking at the snow outside the window, Kaisha couldn't help stretching out her hand to catch the falling snowflakes.

"Auspicious snow heralds a good year, and there will be a good harvest next year."

Before the Noxus soldiers came to Weili, they went to the market again.

Then Kahn discovered that there was no animal fur coat with furry pockets that he wanted, and he had to buy it from the Freljord.

The winter in Ionia is not that difficult, so the locals just wear a burqa over a woolen sweater. Kahn can only buy that kind of robe with long and wide sleeves in the market.

Kaisha made Kahn make up his mind to buy, buy, buy with just one sentence.

"In fact, putting your hand into the opponent's sleeve is similar to putting your hand into your pocket."

"That's right, anyway, you can hold hands when you put them in your pockets, and you can also hold hands when you put them in each other's sleeves. What else do I have to worry about?"

"And the cloud pattern embroidered on it is also very beautiful." Kaisha said.

The two each picked out a burqa they liked and put it on on the spot, and then asked the boss to take another one and pack it up.

"I don't know if Akali will like it." Holding the clothes, Kai'Sa was a little apprehensive.

"Ask her to come and she may not come, and we have to go back and forth, so that's it, as long as it makes sense." Looking at this snowy day, Kahn felt that Akali had no choice.

The two put on plain white hoods, blended into the snow, and walked towards the mountain.

On the way, Kaisha shook the snow-covered branches because of her playfulness, and her head was buried in the snow. She didn't mind at all, and went after two startled snow rabbits. Then she suddenly hid behind a tree and played peek-a-boo with Kahn.

Where Kahn could sense it, even if she was invisible, it was useless, but he still cooperated in order to sneak up on her and attack her.

This is fun.

The two later came to the abandoned ancestral hall hand in hand. There was a bonfire in the ancestral hall, and Akali was sitting by the bonfire, curling up and warming himself by the fire, rubbing his exposed arms from time to time.

She didn't notice the two approaching, the ground was covered with a layer of snow, as long as she was careful, there would be no obvious footsteps.

Little girl, still not vigilant enough.

"Akali, we're here again." Kai'Sa greeted at the door, startling Akali, and stood up from the campfire in an instant, her body froze and not shaking.

"It's poor, it must have been cold last night? I just said you should come and be our guide, so that you can have money to live in a warm and comfortable inn."

"Are you here to deliberately laugh at me?" Akali couldn't listen to any pointers, her expression was ugly.

This is completely opposite to the docile Taliyah. It is more comfortable to find an apprentice or a little sparrow.

In fact, there is still a big gap between the two. Taliyah is a person favored by Weaver Mother and has a strong talent, while Akali does not know any magic at all. She can only practice physical skills and likes to use ninja sickle and kunai.

"We're worried that you're too cold, so we're here to bring you clothes." Kaisha walked up to her and handed the clothes to her: "Here, take it."

Looking at the burqa in Kai'Sa's hand, Akali hesitated in her heart.

On the one hand, she doesn't want to accept favors from others, on the other hand, she desperately needs clothes to keep out the cold.

After hesitating again and again, she still accepted the dress and put it on her body.


"You're welcome, let's have a snowball fight!" Kassa pulled Akali out of the ancestral hall, Akali had a bitter face, she had just put on the burqa, her body hadn't warmed up yet, and she wanted to warm up again.

"It's not cold when you move." Kai'Sa said again, blinking, her purple eyes sparkling.

"Okay, let me put down my weapon first." Akali found that her kindness was hard to resist, rubbed her arms and came to the snow outside, and grabbed a handful of snow to make snowballs. "I won't show mercy," she said.

It's Kai'sa's first time playing with snow, so she's not familiar with the feel and she can't be accurate.

She and Akali smashed snowballs against each other, and Akali hit her head like a mouse, so she had no choice but to call Kahn to help her, bullying the little with the big and bullying the small with the big, and only then did she start to have game experience.

However, when she was hiding behind a certain tree and making snowballs, she suddenly found a tall human-shaped snowdrift not far away.

When did that appear? Why didn't they find out before.

"Stop first! Look, is that a snowman made by someone else?"

Akali looked in the direction she was pointing at, and her expression changed immediately.

"That's not a snowman, that's a monster!"

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