He Comes From the Void

Three hundred and sixtieth chapters stay overnight

"Then where is he now?"

"Possibly fishing by the lake," said the woman.

"Fishing?" Kahn was stunned.

"There is a lake nearby, let me take you to have a look." Yi said.

The three turned to the lake, but they didn't see the person, but they saw the lamp post first.

On the pier, Jax sat cross-legged by the lake, holding a fishing rod, and a lamppost stood beside him, and the bright flames could be seen from a distance.

Jax heard footsteps, turned his head to take a look, and after realizing that it was Karn, he turned to continue fishing.

"Are you here?"

This indifferent look is inexplicably annoying.

"Do I want to bring you some boiled eggs?" Kahn said with itchy teeth.

"Vinegar-soaked hard-boiled eggs are easier to peel."

Kahn was speechless and went to tmd's boiled eggs.

"What are you doing here?" Kasha asked.

"Obviously, I'm fishing." As he spoke, Jax caught a fish that had gathered fat for a year and looked extremely fat.

"Why do you think of fishing?"

"Cultivate your body, adjust your state, and meet the battle."

"Who to fight?" Kahn felt a sense of anticipation from Jax's words, and Jax had never fought him so seriously, so the battle line he was looking forward to must not be him.

"I heard that there is a sword master who comes back every year, so I have the cheek to stay here until the master comes back and is willing to learn from me."

It turned out that the drunken man didn't care about drinking, so Kahn said why Jax would spend his time fishing.

Both of them looked at Yi who was behind him at the same time, obviously knowing that the sword master Jax wanted to challenge was talking about Yi, only Jax didn't know.

And Yi stroked his beard, not knowing what he was thinking, looking at Jax's back fishing, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

This is really... a fate.

"I heard that you want to compete with me?" Finally, Yi spoke, pretending to be just here.

Kahn wanted to laugh.

It is said that? Listen to whom? I heard you say.

Another small detail, these experts are not straightforward at all.

Jax turned his head again, studying Yi and the piercing sword he was carrying.

When he realized that the person he had been waiting for these days was in front of him, he dropped the fishing rod in a dull manner, and stretched out his hand to hold the lamp post burning with eternal flames.

A fiery fighting spirit spread along the frozen lake.

Yi felt something was wrong: "Wait, it's not now, I'm out of shape now."

Jax's fighting spirit was extinguished: "When will you fight with me?"

"When I finish dealing with the matter at hand and have nothing to worry about."

"Okay." Jax put down the lamppost again and continued fishing without asking Yi what he wanted to do.

Kahn froze for a moment, is this an appointment?

Are you saying this is too casual or informal?

But you don't need to think too much about the things that have been settled, and just enjoy the duel between the masters at that time. He hadn't seen Jax at full strength, let alone Yi.

After seeing that Jax was fine, Kahn also relaxed, and took a walk with Kai'Sa by the lake holding hands.

If the ice on the lake is not too thin and transparent, you can go up for a walk.

"Winter in Ionia passes quickly. If you are not careful, it will end with snow. You should cherish it." The latitude of Ionia is very different. Balu is located in the middle, and the winter is colder than some areas in the north. It's much shorter, and it will pass if you don't pay attention.

"I will cherish it."

Kai'Sa reached into Karn's sleeve, cherishing the feeling of interlocking fingers.

Jax fished until dusk, and Yi also thought about it. The fish in the bamboo basket was enough for several people to eat, so he simply set up a picnic by the lake.

"It's too tiring to eat fish alone, you two, go to the nearby people for an excuse to cook a pot, and ask for a handful of rice, and I want to cook porridge."

Jax was not polite at all, and Kahn saw that he was old enough to let him take Kaisha to find someone in the village to borrow rice. On the way, I can avoid the two old men and do something that cannot be seen by others.

Then he borrowed a knife from Yi to hang fish scales and change it into a flower knife. Yi hesitated for a while, and finally took out the short knife.

These two knives hanging on his copper boots are actually relics of his parents. Everyone in Wuji Village will have a knife that symbolizes status, and the disciples of Wuji Sword Sect are all selected from the village.

Normally, this kind of saber is not suitable for dealing with fishy smell, but thinking of his parents who are both swordsmiths and villagers who live with each other, the last trace of resentment in Yi's heart dissipated.

It is easy to scrape the scales and dissect the fish, and Jax does all the cooking.

Kahn is also happy to be free, just wait for the meal.

As expected of a person who has lived for more than 3,000 years, the grilled fish has a special flavor. It seems that Jax is not only good at cooking eggs and fighting.

When I think that this is a fish made by two masters, it tastes even more delicious.

There is no inn in the small village at the foot of the mountain, and the few people who return to the village can only find other people to stay overnight.

The villagers are very kind and willing to receive foreigners like them.

Kaisha and Kahn are partners, and only one bed is enough, which is easy to accommodate. An old couple warmly received them.

"My Deda married in another province. This is the bed she used to sleep in. It's a bit small, so you can make do with it."

The old woman spread the quilt on the bed while communicating with the two of them.

The bed is a single bed, which is indeed a bit small, but it is not too crowded for two people, and partners will not mind these. Based on Kaisha's sleeping position, the single bed and the double bed are the same, anyway, she always lies on Kahn's body.

The old lady wiped the bed boards with a cloth. The live wood bed boards will not be too cold, and the sun-dried quilt is full of sunshine, which makes people feel comfortable.

"Mother-in-law, why did your daughter marry to another province? Is the person you like a stranger?" Kaisha knew that Dida meant daughter, and she was very interested in the marriage.

"It's all because of that fire." The old man sat by the window and smoked a pipe: "After the acid and poisonous water left by that fire distorted the magic of this place, some unsightly things often happened in this land. My son-in-law is actually a local, but Daida happened to be pregnant at that time, and she didn't want the evil spirit to affect the fetus, so the young couple discussed moving to other provinces to settle down."

Kaisha thought of the shepherd boy she met during the day, this place does have evil spirits.

"Then why don't you move out, isn't it good to stay with your children?"

"This land has raised our generation, and we are reluctant to have feelings." He exhaled a puff of smoke and coughed.

Kaisha's heart throbbed suddenly, why Kassadin didn't want to go with them, now there is an answer.

"We are doing well. There are still a few elderly families like us who are lonely and lonely in the village. We are very lucky that we gave birth to a girl." The old woman poured a glass of water for the old man with a kettle.


"Many boys went to serve in the army and never came back."

Kai'Sa didn't say anything more, war is so cruel.

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