He Comes From the Void

Chapter 396 Protection

Since they didn't follow Sett home last night, the two didn't know where to find his mother, so they went to the market and waited for their target to appear.

Kahn discussed with a coachman and paid him to park the carriage in the market.

Then they went inside and sat, perfectly concealing themselves while watching the passers-by through the window of the car.

As soon as she sat down, Kaisha let out a long yawn.

"I'm so sleepy, I slept too late last night." She looked at Kahn with half-closed eyes, and fell directly into his arms after a little thought.

When Kahn was wondering if Kaisha's sudden embrace had some purpose, she heard her say, "Come and watch, I'll sleep for a while, and wake me up when someone comes."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for his consent, she shrank her arms, moved to sit on his palm, lay lazily in his arms and closed her eyes.

"I'll really enjoy it."

Kahn pinched the elastic flesh in his hand, looked at the pleasing pretty face close at hand, and smiled beautifully.

"But it's not bad."

The freshest things can be bought in the morning market, and most of the people who come here with the same purpose are Ionians. Kahn felt that according to Sett's body, he would have to eat a lot of meat for three meals a day, and the meat his mother bought yesterday was definitely not enough for him, so she would definitely come to the market.

Sure enough, without making him wait too long, Sett's mother appeared at the market.

She was still carrying a vegetable basket, and her white hair was more conspicuous in the crowd, so she could be easily recognized.

"It's time to wake up, Kaisha." Kahn grabbed it a little harder, his fingers sank into his buttocks, Kaisha immediately opened his eyes, and the first thing he did when he woke up was to sit up straight and straighten his hair.

"Where is the person?" She asked a little overreacted, but her spirit was obviously not slowed down, this appearance was very funny.

"Did you get enough sleep?"


Kahn held back a smile, pushed her head over, and looked somewhere by the window.

She saw Sett's mother picking meat at the stall, with a smile on her face, as if thinking of going back home, she could cook delicious meals for her son and make him full of praise, so she couldn't help but smile.

This is indeed a lovely woman, and one cannot help but want to protect her.

At a certain moment, Kaisha had such a thought in her heart, and then she shook her head to shake the terrible thought to the back of her mind, she couldn't fall for a woman.

The two watched the target move in front of several small stalls, getting closer and closer to where the carriage was, and then a Noxian suddenly appeared between them and the target, walking towards the target.

"Here we come!" The two immediately sat up straight, staring at the Noxian.

I saw the other party go straight behind Sett's mother, and then called her.


Sett's mother turned her head with a surprised expression on her face.

"Are you talking to me?"

It may be that she is used to being humble in society. She is obviously not used to being called with honorifics, and she was a little at a loss for a while.

"Yes madam, your husband has news for us to convey, please follow me."

"my husband?"

Hearing that it was related to her husband, Seti's mother followed her without even thinking about it. Kahn guessed that this was how his husband tricked her back then. This vastaya woman is too innocent.

"Let's keep up. Be careful to wait until the opponent makes a move and we will stop it, otherwise it will not be convincing."

Kahn got out of the carriage alone, his eyes narrowed instinctively in the sunlight, and a dangerous aura emanated from him. He glanced left and right, then quickly followed without leaving a trace.


Seeing the stranger lead her into a remote alley, Seti's mother felt uneasy no matter how innocent she was.

She doesn't believe in Noxus, but his husband is Noxus, and the people around him are all Noxus, so it would be unreasonable for someone else to tell the story.

If possible, she hopes that such a carefree life can continue without any accidents, but that man is a regret that she can't erase in her heart.

The Noxian stopped at a corner, turned to Seti's mother and said, "Ma'am, it's like this. Your husband wants us to bring Seti to him, and he promises that Seti will get a better job in the empire." develop."

Sett's mother's heart skipped a beat, as expected, nothing good happened.

That man abandoned them first, and now he wants her only son, leaving her a weak woman to be bullied in Ionia? And she didn't understand why only Seti was taken away but she was left alone. Could it be that Noxus also has so many taboos?

"You should tell him that." He said to her.

"We haven't talked to him yet, but he listens to you, so we want you to help persuade him."

"Then I'll talk to him when I get home."

She is not good at rejecting others, so she can only deal with it first.

But the Noxus saw that she was being perfunctory, and he couldn't let the woman go, so he changed his excuse and continued: "Or we can make up our minds and take you and Seti together, so that your family can be reunited."

Sett's mother was obviously persuaded, and it seemed good to have a family reunion.

She didn't notice the flash of sinisterness in the eyes of the Noxus, but looking at the bought vegetables in the basket, she began to reflect on the life she wanted.

Just when Kahn thought she was going to leave with the Noxus, she rejected him after thinking about it: "Sorry, I have to go back and cook for Seti, and I will go back and discuss with him if I have anything to do Give you an answer."

Seeing that he couldn't coax the man away, the Noxian planned to use force. When he saw the target turn away, he took out a handkerchief and approached quietly from behind.

Sett's mother had just taken two steps when she heard a scream from behind.

She turned her head in doubt, and saw a pair of purple-haired teenagers and girls appearing behind her at some point. The boy stretched out his hand to strangle the Noxian's wrist. The Noxian screamed in pain, and a handkerchief fell from his hand to the ground.

"Ma'am, you need to be careful behind you, this Noxian wants to attack you." Kahn said.

The intention was revealed, and the Noxian pulled out a dagger from his waist and stabbed Kahn, but he twisted his arm behind his back, and the whole person fell down immediately, with Kahn's cheek firmly pressed against the ground.

Under Kahn's signal, Kaisha picked up a handkerchief and covered the man's mouth and nose. The man resisted violently, but within half a minute, he gradually lost the strength to resist and completely fainted.

"Did you see, this handkerchief fell from his hand. He wants to use the handkerchief to stun you and take you away forcibly."

"This..." Seti's mother was obviously shocked, and was speechless for a long time.

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