He Comes From the Void

Three hundred and ninetieth IX Invincible

Arriving in the underground fighting ring, the first thing Sett did was put on his brass knuckles, and he was ready to make them pay.

As for Tosetti's blessing, the two of Kahn entered the door for free this time, and the two stood near the door, watching the appetizers before the big battle bored.

Ionia and Freljord's thugs were circling in the ring, and they were not at the same level as the finale.

"Serti, you came quite early. Today you are the finale." Seeing that Seth arrived early to warm up, the management came over to chat with him.

"I heard that you found a good opponent for me. It won't be the weapon master from last time, right? I can't fight back at all. Fortunately, he didn't want my life."

Because there are not many spectators now, the fighting arena is not so noisy. And after hearing Sett's words, Kahn knew that Jax had actually come here as a guest fighter, and broke Sett's undefeated legend.

However, he seemed to have made a fortune and left, and this level of fighting still didn't interest him.

"We also want to invite him, but the other party has already left the town, so we didn't give him a chance at all."

"That's fine, can you tell me who I'm going to fight tonight? It won't be a vastaya, will it?"

Sett communicated with the administrator as usual, as if nothing happened during the day.

For the sake of his mother's ancestry, Seti didn't want to face the vastayas in the ring. Although these people hated his origin deeply, his origin was not something he could decide. He chose to accept the reality.

"All I can say is, he's not fighting alone." The administrator said, "The audience will break records again tonight. Work hard, Sett. We're all looking forward to you."

"Well, do it well!" Sett deliberately emphasized the last word, but the administrator didn't hear the problem, and turned to maintain order on the scene.

I'm afraid he won't know until then that the person who was fucked turned out to be himself.


In the middle of the night, the venue was crowded with all kinds of people, until it was near the gate, it was full, and there was no gap left.

The grand finale of the ring was already underway, with Sett facing off against the trainer and his two dragon dogs.

The Yalong dog has a graceful body, strong muscles, covered with pitch-black scales, razor-sharp claws, curved limbs with fin-like spikes, and a hard and sharp bone plate on the head. An annoying character.

Strictly speaking, this creature is not a dog, but a lizard with a thin dragon blood. And as long as a trace of dragon blood, the value of this thing can be doubled several times.

A single Yalong dog cub is worth three carts of silver in Noxus!

I don't know where the arena manager found such an expensive thug, but Seti didn't pay attention to him, lying in the corner of the ring alone doing sit-ups to warm up.

Kahn calculated the timing, Sett had been doing this warm-up for several hours in a row. He felt that this was not just a warm-up, it seemed that Sett was using this method to stimulate the magic in his blood to prepare for the next battle.

The audience was crazy, because this was the first time they saw a one-to-many battle between humans and animals, and they didn't know if Sett could keep his throne.

With the host waving the towel, the game began.

The animal trainer stuffed his thumb and index finger into his mouth and whistled once, and the two vigorous Yalong dogs rushed towards Seti

Setifu lowered his body and grabbed the Yalong dog that was rushing forward. Just as he was about to break his neck, another Yalong dog rushed from the side and bit his neck.

He reacted quickly, dropped the Yalong dog in his hand heavily and then went to deal with the other one.

If the latter attacked his arm or other less deadly parts, then he would choose to bite and kill the first one. But if the bite was on the neck, he had to be careful, otherwise it would be too stupid to die like this.

Sett flung out his arm and smashed out the Yalong dog that was biting him, but the opponent was not a vegetarian, his claws left a claw mark on his forearm, blood immediately flowed down his arm, and the copper finger The tiger was stained with blood.

Kahn saw that Seti's blood was bright red, no different from that of a human being, but what he was thinking about was whether there was rabies virus in this world. He wasn't worried because the rabies virus was supposed to be free or immune.

Looking at his bleeding forearm, Seti took it a little seriously.

What he was facing was not a good dog. A good dog would not stare at people's necks and bite. These Yalong dogs that came from Noxus across the ocean were beasts ten times more ferocious than wolves.

The two Yalong dogs didn't show any signs of injury after being hit by Seti. If they were replaced by ordinary hounds, their internal organs would have been broken and died. The whistle sounded, and they rushed towards Sett again, extremely fast!

But Sett wasn't going to let a mistake happen to him twice.

He retreated first, seizing the opportunity of the two Yalong dogs to attack together, his fists burst into golden magic light, stretched out to the sides respectively, grabbed the heads of the two Yalong dogs, and smashed them together.


There was a muffled sound, and the two Yalong dogs whimpered, then collapsed on the ground and remained motionless, no matter how the animal trainer called. After a while, a pool of bright red blood dripped from their bodies, and the two Yalong dogs were lifeless.

Sett didn't do anything to the animal trainer, because he relied on these two hounds for all his abilities, and he was hardly a threat. He turned a blind eye to the animal trainer kneeling in pain, and shook his arm. The blood on it hadn't solidified yet, so one could imagine how quickly the battle would end.

As the host announced that Seti had successfully defended the ring, the audience booed unsatisfactorily.

The match ended too quickly, and it wasn't fun to watch it at all. Many people came here purely to watch Seti's battle.

However, this is exactly what Sett wanted.

In the previous games, except for Jax's game where he really couldn't beat him, there wasn't much pressure on anything else. Therefore, he added a little performance element into it while coping with it freely, to increase the effect of the program, so that the viewers can watch it more enjoyable and earn more money.

But this time he won the game quickly, and of course the audience didn't like it, and as long as these dissatisfied protests were agitated, they would become a boost for him to overthrow the management.

Sett walked off the ring, snatched the speaker from the host, and said calmly and excitedly: "Friends in the audience, it doesn't matter if you don't like it, there will be more explosive ones coming soon."

After finishing speaking, he clenched his fist and stretched out his thumb, then turned and pointed at the management behind him with a look of desire.

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