He Comes From the Void

Chapter 403: Digging Out Memories

During the last war, Riven came to Ionia with the army. Her Chapter was tasked with escorting another Chapter through the warring Navori province.

The invasion of the soldiers was resisted by the will of the earth. During a storm, Riven and the others were besieged by mudslides in the valley, and the Ionian warriors just appeared at this time to encircle them.

Unable to resist the enemy's advance, Riven appealed to the leader of her allied Chapter for reinforcements, only to be answered with a flaming arrow that detonated everything.

She had no idea that what she was escorting turned out to be a chemical weapon made by Zaun's alchemists, and once ignited, it swept the entire valley. The chemical flames not only killed the warring parties, but also defiled the land.

And Riven was protected by the great sword she was carrying, and was not drawn into the scorching poisonous mist. It was a Blackstone Rune Blade personally bestowed by Brown Darkwill, and it was also something Kahn asked her to give up.

Betrayed, Riven hated the Empire, and hated the great sword bestowed by the Emperor, even though it had just saved her life.

The storm had given Riven a high fever, and the intense mood swings had affected her mind, leaving her with fragments and nightmares of what happened next.

She came to the unguarded Galewind Sword Academy in a daze. At that time, Yasuo just left the Sword Academy to join the battle, and she didn't realize what a strange battlefield she was about to see.

By accident, Riven came to Elder Suma and asked him to help her break the great rune sword.

The elder saw the remorse in her heart and agreed to help the lost warrior regain his balance. Using his hand as a knife, he broke the blade with the Gale Sword Technique.

But this great rune sword was nothing extraordinary, a small piece of blade fragments splashed deeply into Elder Suma's cervical vertebrae, killing him on the spot.

Riven didn't expect such a thing to happen, and the first thing she thought of when she panicked was to run away.

She stuffed the broken sword into the scabbard, wrapped it up with a bandage, and left the sword school overnight. She wandered aimlessly on the rainy night, and finally fainted in the farmland with a high fever, and was rescued by the Kongde family.

Elder Suma died under his own Gale Sword Technique, so Yasuo, who was the only one who knew Gale Wind Sword Technique and happened to leave his post, was regarded as the murderer and fled to this day.

Under the guidance of Kahn, Yasuo found the bonewasher who handled Elder Suma's body, and got the fragment of the blade stuck in the cervical vertebrae.

The enchanted fragments are connected to each other, and Yasuo relies on this connection to find the great sword and painful memories that Riven hides in the barn of the farmhouse and does not want to be mentioned again.

He wanted to ask Riven privately about everything, but the bonewasher would report Yasuo's threats to the court. The guards came after Yasuo, missed him but found the hidden greatsword.

This Noxian fel weapon was enough to attract attention, so both Jian and Riven were arrested. After a trial, Riven pleaded guilty, and the truth finally came to light.

Riven and Yasuo said each other one by one, some missing details were added by Kahn, roughly restoring what happened at that time

The other three fell into deep thinking after listening.

Kai'Sa began to understand why Yasuo could not accept this result. The death of Elder Suma was too bizarre. A master of swordsmanship should not die so hastily. And this result led to him being framed, making mistakes again and again during the escape.

But he couldn't blame anyone. In the end, he could only blame himself for leaving his post without fulfilling his responsibility to protect the elders.

On the other side, Papa Asa and Mama Sawa held each other's hands tightly.

They didn't know too many details about this matter, they only knew what happened after Riven was picked up, and what the three of them said was much clearer than what the court interrogated.

They didn't even know that Riven was still related to the polluted land a few hills away. They only knew that Riven was bent on repentance and wanted to get rid of Noxus.

For them, as long as Riven wanted to atone, to pay, that was enough.

"Riven didn't kill the elder on purpose, everything was accidental, and she is already paying for her sins. We lost two sons in this war, there are already so many deaths, don't add any more casualties. As long as Riven doesn't dislike us, we will still regard Riven as our Dida." Shava grabbed Riven's hand and firmly supported her, and they leaned together, tears streaming down silently.

Riven, she must carry the hope of the two old men and reunite this broken family.

And the clothes on her are their meager gift of hope.

She has imagined that scene more than once, two young men in this suit standing with two old men, about a head taller than her, maybe they have Shava's smile or Asa's kind eyes.

Every time she thinks about it, the weakness in her heart will be touched, and at the same time, it will make her feel more sinful.

"Let me explain again, we are not here to cause trouble, nor to pursue that matter. Let the past matter pass by, we are here to remind Riven with good intentions and let her give up that sword." Kahn He explained that he didn't want to make it so sentimental, as if it was Riven they were taking and not the broken sword.

Yasuo alone obviously couldn't persuade Riven to give him the Broken Sword, so Karn decided to intervene.

Only he knows that the story about this sword is not over yet.

"Why did you take that broken sword away? You don't know how to use it, and it's a pile of scrap metal if you take it away." Riven had already hidden the broken sword, and decided never to dig it out again. The sword will only bring her endless pain.

"It's about the people around you, but it might bring out your painful memories. Even so, do you want to listen?" Kahn asked cautiously.

"I have a right to know." Riven replied firmly. The people around her were nothing more than two old people, and she was already trying her best to integrate into this broken family, and she couldn't make it incomplete.

"This matter still has to start with the rune sword. Do you remember who gave you this sword?"

"Emperor Darkwill."

"Darkwell has stepped down, and now Grand Marshal Swain is in charge of Noxus." Kai'Sa added.

Riven froze for a moment, she obviously didn't know about this matter, her memory had always been that the tall man was in charge of Noxus.

"Also, who did the enchantment on the sword come from?" Kahn asked again.

Riven didn't know why Kahn was asking this, she tried hard to remember all the details of the day when the sword was awarded, and replied uncertainly: "That's a pale-faced female cabinet mage... I don't know anything else."

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