He Comes From the Void

Chapter 449: The Temporary Man

After leaving the ruins of Kosha Village, Shen took the two of them to a village near the Soka River to inquire about the exact location of the Kashuli Arsenal.

With the identity of the Eye of Twilight, Shen easily asked a village elder where the arsenal was, and was also given three horses to help them reach their destination faster.

Shen modestly expressed his thanks, and then he and Kahn drove to the arsenal located in Zhiyun Heights.

Unlike Shen who was focused on business and was taciturn, Kahn and Kaisha often talked about things when they were on the road.

Prior to this, Shen always acted alone, going to subdue demons and eliminate demons by himself. The few times they went together, it was always with the other two of the Kinky Sannin.

At present, he does not have any plans to train successors, and he has never taken the juniors in the Balance Sect, let alone with two outsiders. This experience is unprecedented.

No matter what Karn and Kai'Sa said, Shen would listen silently by the side.

They talked about Akali, and Shen said that Akali's mother Mayme wanted her to return to the sect, and Shen himself also hoped that Akali could come back and take over the duties of the Shadowfist in the future.

"Akali won't go back, at least not for the time being. Her thinking has deviated from the equilibrium..."

"It's the same as Zed back then." Shen interrupted Kai'Sa, feeling sorry for Akali's departure. "Whether it is the title of the Balance Sect or the Shadow Fist, she has left behind her. She is actually a very talented child, but it is a pity that we failed to keep her."

"But I heard that the reason why Akali left Balance is not just because of different ideas from yours." Kahn didn't mention that Akali insulted Shen as an incompetent in the courtroom. Maybe Shen didn't care about the angry words of a junior. But it's certainly not appropriate to take it out.

"Do you know that she actually has a senior sister?" Shen suddenly mentioned.

Both Kahn and Kaisha shook their heads and said they were not clear. Akali actually said that she was very sorry for a certain senior sister in the sect, but she did not elaborate on what happened. related.

Shen pulled the rein, let the horse under him slow down, and said slowly: "Akali's senior sister is named Lin, she is two summers older than Akali, and she is a very talented boy. She is also very hardworking and has a good disposition, and she has long been determined by Meimu as the best successor to Shadow Fist, and she herself uses this standard to flaunt herself, as an example to manage other boys in an orderly manner."

The balance of the three ninjas, except for the long-lived Yodel who is responsible for the heart of rage, the remaining Twilight Eyes and Shadow Fists need to be constantly updated.

"In an unexpected situation, Akali was trapped by tree demons in order to save other children, and Lin was also imprisoned in order to save her. When we arrived, it was already too late, and Lin lost a leg forever. Meimu Holding Lin and crying into a ball, Akali blamed herself, she felt that she had let two people down at the same time, and she changed her temper ever since."

From Shen's low-pitched narration, one can hear his regret for the unfortunate broken leg of this proud man. What an excellent seedling, but it stops here, and it is destined to be difficult to achieve.

"Although Akali is hot-blooded and impulsive, she is actually a delicate girl. She knows that Lin has always wanted to become the Shadow Fist, and as long as she stays in the sect, the disabled Lin will definitely not be the Shadow Fist, so she left voluntarily. The purpose of this sect is to give Lin the title of Fist of Shadows."

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Kaisha nodded as she listened. This Lin was good-natured and hard-working, so he was naturally much more pleasing than Akali, who was mischievous and difficult to discipline. And the talent in physical skills is not only not weaker than Akali, but also can cast magic, which is more suitable for training than Akali in any way.

From the point of view of the sect, it is normal for Meimu to take good care of Lin. The sect needs these boys to grow up quickly and stand alone. Akali was two years younger than Lin, so she was two years behind receiving training, and the Kinkou sect at that time couldn't wait that long.

She still had something to say for Akali, though.

"Master Shen, is this what you elders think of Akali?" Kaisha asked, there is indeed a difference between the perspectives of adults and children.

"Do you have another opinion?"

"Akali's mind is gentle and delicate, but that's not the only reason why she left the sect. You think of her too simply."

"How?" Shen stopped his horse and looked at her intently.

"I think Akali's mother should bear a large part of the responsibility for her departure. If the child has not been wronged, why did she run away from home?"

Meimu Guanzhaolin is part of her duties as Fist of Shadow, and because she is too devoted to her duties, she neglects to take care of her own daughter.

When this mother was hugging other girls and crying bitterly, did she find her daughter standing aside and looking at them, thinking how long it had been since she was hugged by her mother like this last time, and she was so sad that she burst into tears?

Mayme might have been a good teacher, but she was definitely not a good mother.

"You think Maym should favor Akali?"

"Just need more love and care to make her feel that she is not superfluous. She is very sensible and doesn't ask for much."

This request is not high, but Shen let out a wry smile after listening.

"When Jie was still there, I didn't get more care from Master Kushuo. In fact, we all came here like this. Perhaps the blood relationship is still too weak in the Balance Sect. But thank you for reminding me. I'll talk to Maym about it."

Shen sighed, there are always so many unsatisfactory things in this world.

Ending this topic, the three of them continued on their way, passing through a human camp.

This camp has only humans, not a single vastaya, and it is so small that it is not even a village. Shen didn't intend to stay, but was stopped by someone while passing the camp.

"Where is Master Shen going? I know this place well, so I can take you there."

The one who stopped the three was a middle-aged man, wearing a turban, with only one face exposed, and greeted Shen with familiarity.

"Don't bother." Shen hesitated for a while and didn't answer, he already knew where to go, there was no need for this stranger in front of him to take them there.

The man said again: "Look at the directions of you guys, this is planning to go to the newly opened arsenal." The man changed the subject, and said again: "I heard that the village near the factory was attacked by demons. Want to see it?"

Shen's gaze focused, and he immediately replied, "Take me to have a look."

It is the Twilight Eye's duty to eradicate the demons that cross the border, and he is duty bound.

"Wait a minute, I'll prepare the horse." The man said, walking quickly into the camp.

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