He Comes From the Void

Chapter 462 Fallen Leaves Return to Roots

The sun shone on the ruins through the collapsed walls, dispelling the shadows, Ku Shuo's expression became serene, and he lay quietly in the ruins.

With a plop, Shen knelt beside the corpse, weeping unrequitedly.

He felt that he had been greatly deceived.

For so many years, he has been adhering to his father's admonition, but his beloved father overturned all the words he said to himself, and partnered with his good brother to deceive him for so long.

The mountain gate is gone, the marriage contract is broken, and so many loyal people of Kinkou have died. In the end, Shen has inherited the title of Eye of Twilight that he has been fighting for in this unexpected way.

But now, she told him that even this location was a deception, a prison...a charity for a group of fallen people before their consciences were annihilated.

He is a complete poor guy, even if he wants to hear him repent before he dies, he doesn't give him the chance.

"Why did you kill him?" Shen asked Jie.

"You will be even more sad if I don't kill him." Jie lowered his head and reached out to straighten Ku Shuo's bun: "He is also my master and treats me as his own. I am also sad and understand your feelings."

"Then why do you still betray him?" Kahn asked, Zed's motive is unknown. He felt that Jie might be playing a bitter scene, but Jie had indeed let water in the previous battle.

Shen was just watching when Kushuo was sneak attacking him, and he was also watching when Kushuo and Kahn were fighting for the black box.

When he was fighting Kai'Sa, he just wanted to hold her back. Even if he didn't want to put himself in danger, he could have his shadow clone help Kushuo, but Zed didn't do that.


"He didn't keep his promise. The ink was used to tattoo the new disciples, but he swallowed it all for his ambition." Jie met Shen's gaze: "He killed Shen, which made me feel that he was deeply involved. There is no cure for Fallen Shadow, but Kinkou still needs someone to lead, he is irreplaceable, but after Shen’s death and resurrection gave me hope, so I made a choice.”

Jie was the first person to come into contact with the black box. He has studied shadow magic deeply and knows that this power will corrupt people, so he uses it very restrainedly and only uses it to practice shadow secrets. Sombra revealed to him other more powerful ancient magics, but he never dared to cross the threshold.

So when he saw that Ku Shuo was occupied by so much thick ink, he knew that he had completely degenerated, and he could only kill him if he had the chance.

"Master was just blinded by the shadow and turned into a fallen and dark existence. He must be in pain, so I let him go."

"Equilibrium is just a cover, he doesn't care at all." Shen had already thrown away the ancestral soul blade, hugged his head, and lost all thoughts.

"He used to care." Jie put a hand on Shen's shoulder: "His admonition was correct, but he changed later."

Seeing Shen raise his gaze slowly, Jie said, "When I was a child, Master once forced me to meditate in front of a spider web. After three full days, he told me...beetles have rough skin and thick flesh. The web cannot stop them because they are strong by nature; the moths die because they are soft by nature. Their struggles only bring more bondage, more pain—until the spider comes."

"Then, Master Kushuo asked me, who was sad, how many insects I had helped to escape during my three days of meditation."

Memories were involved, and Shen also remembered that he also went through that boring practice.

"Not one." Shen and Jie replied in unison.

The two pondered each other's thoughts,

At this moment, neither of them spoke. The silence was prolonged.

Shen did this because it is a natural law for spiders to catch insects, and it does not violate the balance between the two domains, and there is no need for any intervention to do things that are in line with the balance. Moreover, the spiders prey on the pests that steal the crops, so there is no reason to stop such a good thing.

But Zed also did it because...he killed the spiders on the first day.

The two of them didn't know what charades they were playing, but Kaenkasha next to him was confused. I thought Shen and Zed were the beetles and moths in the story, but Ku said it was the spider that laid the web, because his shadow form really looks like a spider... Zed said that he killed the spider, which means that he will one day Will he also deal with the bitterness of becoming a spider?

The silence grew longer, and Shen silently looked at Kusuo's peaceful face, and gradually overlapped with the person who raised and taught him in his mind.

The son will follow in his father's footsteps, but will he really be the same in the end?

"Shen. I killed Master, and now it is impossible to ask for your forgiveness, but I have never forgotten Master's admonition." Jie got up and walked towards the burnt tunnel exit, putting on his mask.

"If you are looking for balance, you must do what is necessary. The way to look at business is to gain insight. Even if the balance is different, the balance is only the most

micro code. If so, and because all things are infinitely good and evil, it is time to judge the situation and give up one to save all. "

"It's called the commandment of the balance."

Killing one to save others is the reason why Jie wants to become an assassin. And he did the same, killing Kushuo, saving those people who were about to be dragged into civil war.

There were dense footsteps outside the exit, and it was the guards who had arrived. Such a fierce battle at the top of the tower must have attracted them all.

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"Let's go quickly, I'll hold you back." After Zed finished speaking, he disappeared into the darkness together with Kayn who had been waiting outside, leaving the three of them in the ruins.

The three did not leave in a hurry.

"Just let him go like this? Kunlong's matter hasn't been resolved yet..." Kai'Sa asked hesitantly.

Although the mastermind behind the scenes said he was dead, Jie was still able to control the entire Shadow Stream. If he becomes another Kushuo, then today will be a waste of time.

"The black box has been destroyed, and Yingliu's going to refine Kunlong will not be worth the loss. Jie should let the disciples stop."

The situation has changed, and Kahn can only look at this matter with the most objective attitude. Now what he cares about is Shen, after knowing the truth, whether he will give up on himself and bring balance to decline.

He turned his head and saw Shen still looking at Ku Shuo's body.

"What are you going to do with it?"

"He died five years ago." The two looked at each other, and Kahn saw the original Shen in his eyes.

There is no fear, no hate, no love in the eyes - nothing to shake the balance.

"Since you can't take it away, let's bury it." Kahn went over and gave Shen something. He took it and saw that it was a seed, something of a carpenter weaver.

Shen understood his suggestion, nodded, buried the seeds under Ku Shuo's body, and arranged his body.

He began to germinate the seeds until the growing roots covered Kushuo's body.

Fallen leaves return to their roots.

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