He Comes From the Void

Chapter 480: Hex Technology Converter

After releasing the commission, Kahn did not leave immediately.

He first took out part of the remuneration as a deposit to Ike, and then listened to how he arranged the plan.

The first step is to mobilize people to search for the location of the almshouse. There is nothing to say about this.

Then let a few younger children use binoculars to monitor the situation in the courtyard in rotation day and night. After finding out the situation and confirming the target, look for opportunities to use his invention of harmless smoke bombs, reinforced catapults and other gizmos to catch the opponent by surprise and bring the hostages out smoothly.

Zaun fans are a group of urchins. They raced in the border market, challenged to climb from the trench area to the dance corridor with bare hands, and squandered endless experience. It should not be a big problem for a group of medical staff who do not have much security.

In addition, Kahn also heard from Ike that tomorrow there will be a lecture by a professor named Heimerdinger in the classroom of Piltover University to introduce his new invention, and Ike is going to observe and observe. He will go to Professor Heimerdinger's lectures every time.

"Professor Cecil B. Heimerdinger was like no other professor in sharing knowledge and in teaching those who aspired to it. His inventions made him famous, but his lively lecture style , and the unpredictable and dreadful teaching demonstrations that left an indelible impression on the minds of the wise minds of Piltover."

Yes, this sentence is translated—Professor Heimerdinger's design concept is correct, and he also gave Ike a lot of inspiration, leading him to make many conscious gizmos. But the works he invented often have problems. Ike went to watch the lectures with the intention of studying and watching the theater. He wanted to see the professor's invention accidentally embarrass the Piltover.

That must have been a great show.

Being in the depths of the ground cannot perceive changes in the outside world, but time will not lie. The third bell of the clock tower told the two that it was getting late. Night in Zaun wasn't much safer than the wild, so they set off to take the elevator back to the surface.

Passing the newspaper office, Kahn spent two copper rings to buy a newspaper, took it back to the hotel and read it slowly.

Piltover has a currency system similar to Bilgewater, which is divided into gold seas (gold hex coins), silver wheels, and copper rings in descending order of purchasing power. The gold coins here do not have portraits of rulers engraved on them. Instead, it is printed with gears, implying that the city is constantly advancing and creating wealth like a huge machine.

Kahn first washed off the dust brought back from Zaun, then lay on the bed and read the newspaper comfortably, while Kaisha, who also came out of the bath, lay in his arms and watched together, with the bathrobe on his chest half open , exposing the delicate collarbone, making people unable to focus on the text.

Luckily Kai'Sa was his eyes.

"Kahn, the time of the lecture is published in the newspaper." Kaisha pointed to a piece of news and said, the accompanying picture was a golden statue in the university, Kahn glanced at it, isn't this Heimerdinger himself?

"At ten o'clock tomorrow morning, let's go too, see if we can get in touch with people from the big family and help Sarah close the business."

The next day, they changed into decent clothes and went to visit the lecture at the famous university in Piltover.

Many people gathered in the meeting place of the school, including businessmen, scholars, journalists, etc. Of course, the most students are the students. Wearing blue-gray uniforms, these students came to the open-air meeting place full of expectations, and gathered together in groups holding books.

Kahn and Kai'Sa held each other's arms decently, and stood at the edge of the crowd, making it easier for them to observe the crowd in the venue. He hoped that there would be some question-and-answer sessions during the lecture, some members of the big family would introduce their identities and ask questions, and then he would talk to these questioners about business.

Then they saw that Ike also came to the venue, but he was wearing an iron helmet to block the cockscomb head that stood out from the crowd.

As the bell of the Sun Gate rang, Professor Heimerdinger also arrived on time. Kai'Sa was stunned when she saw the appearance of the professor's dwarf with big ears.

Thick hair and beard have covered the whole head, if not for a pair of big pointy ears and doubtful height, Kai'Sa would not be able to discover his secret.

"Heimerdinger turned out to be a yordle??"

She was amazed not by seeing a yordle, but by the absurdity that a yordle could be a professor in a human academy.

Kaisha remembered the image of Heimerdinger published in the newspaper, so her ears were only smaller than now, but her head was still very big, as if it was filled with infinite wisdom.

"Although the yordle is different in the perception of ordinary people, but his popularity is so high, isn't it true that none of so many people see his true face?"

"You're still young." Kahn raised his sunglasses: "You may not be able to tell if you see it. Is it good for Piltover to drive away such a great inventor?"

"That's right." Kai'Sa was thoughtful. Heimerdinger didn't work for any chaebol group, and he was willing to share knowledge generously. Such a talent made a huge contribution to Piltover.

Heimerdinger walked to the booth and introduced to a large box covered with a red cloth.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am very glad that you are here to see my latest invention. This time I will bring a hextech product that is completely different from any previous one, and you will never think of it effect."

"So what is it?" Kahn muttered in the audience, listening to Heimerdinger's talk for a long time before getting to the point.

"The invention I'm going to introduce today is called the Hextech Transformer, which can transform a person into another person!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience exploded.

The crowd went crazy, associating many absurd assumptions from this, and one after another of questions drowned out Heimerdinger, who was originally not very loud, and he couldn't calm down no matter how much he called to stop.

Among them are simple things such as "Can it be changed back?" "Are there any side effects?"

The more complicated ones are "If a person becomes another person, can he still retain his consciousness, or does his consciousness completely become another person?" "Can you use this machine to continuously transform?" , so as to achieve the goal of immortality?"

In addition, there are many issues related to morality and ethics, which make people feel terrified to think about it.

Even Kahn thought it was an exaggeration.

Is this really the power of technology? How do you feel this is magic? But magic doesn't have such a mysterious effect, the closest thing is just camouflage, which is much worse than the effect described by Heimerdinger.

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