He Comes From the Void

Chapter 497 Finding Clues

"In other words, before the machine was stolen, was it just an unfinished product that hadn't been tested?"


Several people fell into silence, only the sound of Yumi Ganfan in the laboratory. The kitten only cares about eating, it does not go to work or class, why not let it eat?

The case seems to be stuck here, they are all amateurs in solving the case.

However, Kahn looked at Yuumi and it occurred to him that the problem was not what the cat said, but where the cat went.

After figuring it out, Kahn asked in another direction.

He broke the silence first: "Professor Heimerdinger, do you still know what that cat looks like and where it went?"

"Uh, let me think about it...it was a white cat. I don't know where it came from. It came to my laboratory shortly after the converter was stolen, and left after saying something inexplicable."

Heimerdinger scratched his head as he spoke. This was the last bit of information he could squeeze out.

"Male and female?" Timo asked.

"Ah? How do I know that?" Heimerdinger was dumbfounded. He didn't mind asking about the fur color, but how could he recognize the gender after just meeting him briefly? He doesn't own cats. And it doesn't help solve the case at all!

The kitten can't hear such words.

Kahn looked back at Yuumi while they were talking, and confirmed that there was no balls, it was a female cat. And Kaisha held it on his shoulder. She noticed his little movements, but couldn't figure out what he was looking at.

In order to cover up his embarrassment, Kahn quickly changed the topic.

"Since there is a white cat in the school, we can ask the students if they have seen a similar white cat. Maybe we can get other clues from this cat..."

While Kahn was talking, there was a movement outside. It was the sound of the locked door of the laboratory being opened with a key.

"It seems that my apprentice is here." Heimerdinger looked at his watch. As if remembering something, he suddenly jumped up from the only chair and shouted in a low voice, "Teemo, hide quickly."

Although the appearance of a yordle will automatically be corrected into a human being in the eyes of ordinary people, the height and clothing will not change accordingly.

The clothes Teemo was wearing at this time were very strange, they did not fit Piltover's image at all, and his height was difficult to explain.

Two dwarves rarely appeared in a room. Should Heimerdinger say that his relatives and friends came to visit him? Then tell others that your whole family is a dwarf?

Timo wanted to run into the room, but it was too late, the door was pushed open, and a figure gradually spread out at the door.

Fortunately, he was clever enough to buckle the green hat on the spot and activate the magic to hide in place so that no one could see it. As for Yuumi, as long as it doesn't speak, it is just a cute kitten in the eyes of humans. And what about the Grimoire? Magic Code also has a skill in playing dead, and just lay down on the table without moving.

"Professor, good morning. We have guests here so early." A tall and thin boy walked in, carrying his toolbox, lifted his goggles, and smiled innocently at several people.

"Good morning, Ding." Heimerdinger heaved a sigh of relief and sat back on the chair.

The apprentice named Constantine didn't notice Timo. His so-called guests were Kahn and Kai'Sa who were leaning on the workbench. They nodded to each other, and the dark glasses on Kahn's face made Constantine think he was an undercover policeman from the police station.

Xiaoding came to Heimerdinger, opened the toolbox and took out a breakfast. Every day he would come to deliver meals to Heimerdinger, and then participated in the experiment as an assistant. He never felt tired, thought he had fun and learned a lot.

"I'm sorry, Professor. I don't know you've already eaten, what about the fish and chips..."

"Fish!" Yuumi immediately raised her head when she heard the word, and her bright eyes locked onto the food in Xiaoding's hand instantly.


As soon as Yuumi raised her head, Kahn pressed her down, pinching its mouth tightly with one hand to prevent it from speaking. Its voice just now made Xiao Ding puzzled, and he looked around Heimerdinger: "Professor, is there anyone else in the lab? Why did I hear the child's voice?"

"Cough cough." Kahn coughed, and stroked Yuumi's head as if nothing had happened: "You heard me right, that's my companion's voice, her voice has not yet developed, and her voice is relatively small."

Kaisha kept her mouth shut and gave Kahn a slanted glance.

Why should she be responsible for this blame? Can you not add weird settings to her. This contrast is not cute at all, and she wasn't trying to be cute in the first place.

Although she was reluctant in her heart, Kaisha still tried her best to cooperate with Kahn, holding her throat and pretending to be very young: "I'm allergic to fish, and my reaction is a bit violent, sorry."

To be more realistic, she covered her mouth and coughed, because Yuumi was eating fish just now. She frowned and looked at Yuumi whose mouth was pinched, as if she was saying that it was Yuumi who caused her allergies, and you, classmate, came here to aggravate her condition.

"I'm sorry, I'll leave right away. Professor, I'll come back to see you at noon." After hearing this, Xiao Ding was about to leave with his toolbox, but Kahn stopped him at this moment.

"This classmate, do you know anyone in the school who has a white cat?"

"Professor Feng seems to have raised a white cat." Xiao Ding preconceived Kahn as a plainclothes policeman, answered his question without thinking, and added at the end pointing to Yuumi: "The cat's face is still Flat and round, and fierce-looking, not as cute as this cat at all."

"Thank you, you can go."

When Ding left, Kahn let go of his hand, and Heimerdinger also cried out, his voice completely covering Yuumi's resistance.

"Yes, yes, yes, I remembered, the cat's eyes were very unkind, and it left a deep impression on me!"

"Are you sure it was a deep impression?" Kahn was speechless. If he was really impressed, why didn't he mention it just now.

Seeing that no one paid attention to it, Yuumi bowed her head and went to cook again.

"Who is Professor Feng that Xiao Ding mentioned just now, and what does he do?" Kahn asked.

"Professor Feng Puyi, one of my colleagues, the main research direction is robotics. After all, I didn't even know that he had a cat, and he never told me about it!" TV First @@@

"Have you ever been to his dormitory?"

"No!" Heimerdinger said confidently.

He often stays out of the laboratory for several days. There are a lot of ideas waiting for him to realize. The experimental schedule is full, and he is hardly seen walking around the campus.

"That's it." Kahn shook his head and asked casually, "When was the last time you saw him?"

This question stopped Heimerdinger, and he froze in place suddenly, as if he had stopped thinking. Or, in more complex thinking.

"Looks like I haven't seen him for a while..."

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