He Comes From the Void

Chapter 507: Fortune and Misfortune

"Come here!" The voice that answered Ike did not belong to Mundo. Although Kahn heard Mundo humming, the voice was obviously another child's.

Kahn was still a little nervous when the door opened, because he knew what kind of virtue Mundo was originally, and when he thought of him being alone in a room with other children, various bloody scenes of dismemberment, torture and killing kept popping up in his mind.

But after the door opened, there was indeed another scene that he couldn't imagine at all.

Under the bright warm yellow candlelight, Mundo is playing cards with some children.

They gathered around a table, which the children had made themselves, in random sizes. And because of his large size, Mondo's elbows are not easy to put on the table, and he dare not put it on it, because the whole small table is likely to be crushed by him. He just sat on the small stool like this, huddled and held the cards in a regular manner.

This deck of cards also seemed to be incomplete, and the missing ones were replaced by self-made cards, which looked awkward in the hand, but Mundo still arranged each one neatly.

The kid sitting at the table opposite him came to open the door and ushered in several people, but Mundo still focused all his attention on the cards in his hand. I don't know if he was too focused and ignored his surroundings, or he was too stupid to be distracted. Juggle other things. He just sat on a small stool and stared at the cards in his hand, thinking about it, which was both funny and weird.

"Is he always like this?" Kai'Sa asked softly, without interrupting Mundo's thinking.

"Mundo usually likes to do some incomprehensible things, such as biting his nails until he bleeds, breaking his fingers until he breaks a bone... We all stop him from doing this, but it seems that as long as he feels bored, he will not sleep. I will think of ways to make myself 'happy'."

"This is an old problem, and it is not so easy to correct it. You have to be patient." Kahn is well aware that this kind of self-abuse is addictive to Mundo.

The fact is true, after people have tasted some kind of happiness, they will never forget the wonderful feeling of dopamine, and try their best to obtain this kind of happiness.

Fortunately, at this stage, Mundo is more inclined to let himself get "happiness" instead of sharing "happiness" with others. Once his psychological needs change and he is no longer satisfied with masochism, but needs more approval, then the situation will become very bad.

So at this stage, no matter what, we have to find a way to correct Mundo's three views.

"I can definitely change it. I have confidence in Mondo." Ike said: "I found that Mondo becomes very focused and serious whenever he learns new things. Although he is not very smart, he learns efficiently. Very slow, but with the best attitude... Don't look at him with muscles, but he is actually a person who is very thirsty for knowledge."

"He will secretly practice the skills everyone taught him in private, so that he will surprise him next time. At this time, he will laugh and seem to be happier than anything else. I think this is very good, usually A lot of practice will take up a lot of his time, and then he will not have much time for self-torture. I hope it will continue until it completely excludes his self-torture time and finally forgets this dangerous habit.”

Even Ike can't deny the fact that Mundo is not very smart. Some things are obviously very simple and Mundo has to learn for a long time. No one who has read the book is as blunt as Mundo.

Ike sighed in his heart and could only take his time.

Even though Ike had already euphemistically stated the problem of Mundo, Kahn still found something interesting.

Unexpectedly, Mondo, who is five-year-old and three-year-old, can match up with being studious and diligent. There is no limit to learning, and he can let Mondo learn from old age and learn to die.

Kahn nodded with satisfaction: "Then buy some books for him to read. Reading more books can help him jump out of the limitations of the environment as quickly as possible. Start with children's literature, fast forward to language, mathematics, geography, history, and the introduction of the two cities." Proud of technology... Remember to give him a test if you have nothing to do, and give him a few more sets of test papers if you have time. If he fails, he will be fined for not studying for an hour, and if he passes, he will be rewarded with another set of test papers!"

Kahn's eloquence shocked Ike. Is this an idea that people can come up with? But listening to him speak so vividly, it feels as if he has experienced this... What a strange person.

Next, Kahn learned the rules of the game from other children, and then stood behind Mundo to watch the game, and sometimes gave a few pointers.

Kaisha looked at the big bed made of wooden boxes behind her and didn't dare to sit down, because there were a lot of Mundo's blue blood on it, so she had to stand with Kahn

They also joined the game later, and Mundo was too focused to notice the change in front of him. Of course, it is also possible that he felt that it was the same with anyone, and playing cards well was more important than who he played with.

Tired of playing two hands of poker, Kahn told them some board game rules he knew, and joked that if it could be made into a board game, it would be a big hit.

If there are one or two children who are willing to remember and practice, he can guarantee that the effort will not be in vain. This can be regarded as teaching them a way out intentionally or unintentionally.

It was getting late, because some people had already gone to sleep next door, so the few people playing cards and chatting lowered their voices. Because of this, the sound of footsteps coming from outside is very clear.

"It must be that kid Ayuna. Every time he gets something, he rushes back to claim credit. It's dark outside and he's not afraid of falling." Ike cursed, but he didn't mean to blame at all: "They should buy Candy is back."

He opened the door, and a figure fell in front of him. Ike was startled, and hurried to help him up.

"I said why are you so rough?"

"It's not good! Ike...Brother!" Ayuna said while panting and coughing non-stop. He reached out to grab Ike, but his hands were empty, and the other little girl who was traveling with him was also gone.

"Where is Anna? Why didn't you come back with you?" As if thinking of something, Ike's voice trembled with fear.

"Anna...cough cough! An accident happened to Anna! She accidentally fell off while picking up the shriek and broke her leg!"

"How? Where is she now?!" Ike yelled, startling everyone.

"Still on the platform, let's go rescue her!"

Ike took a deep breath, opened the door and ran directly outside. Even though Ayuna was exhausted, he immediately got up and ran over panting heavily.

Mundo's attention was finally drawn away by the unexpected incident, but now is not the time, thinking that Ike's birthday has not yet passed, a burst of sadness welled up in Kahn's heart.

Za'an is really a place full of disasters and disasters. Is it difficult to have a safe and happy birthday...

Kahn asked Mundo and a group of children to sit down, and continued to stay in the room without wandering around, and followed Kaisha to check the situation.

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