He Comes From the Void

Chapter 512 Not too optimistic about the status quo

On the platform in the gutter area, there are still many people around here, scrambling to escape the poisonous area with the scream.

It took some effort to squeeze through the crowd, and all the while Kahn felt hands reach into his bag of respirators, opening them all.

After finally squeezing out, there was no time to breathe a sigh of relief.

In the streets filled with poisonous gas, many people with trance-like expressions came out one after another, driven by instinct, just to sit screaming and go to the ground to take a breath of clean air.

In Zaun, there was something in the air, and now, after the gas leak, the air is a pervasive nightmare.

A stare stung his eyes, and he turned his head to see that it was a lonely street orphan with something no better than a rag wrapped around his face. He saw the bag in Kahn's hand and hoped that Kahn would give him a breathing mask and give him a chance to live.

"I'm sorry, I can't save everyone." Kahn avoided his gaze and hurried away from the platform.

There are only so many gas masks in total, he can only choose who to save, he can't save them all.

Arriving at the secret base of Zaan Mitong, he heard a coughing sound before entering. He knocked on the door, went in and saw that the children had almost no protection on their faces, and were directly exposed to the threat of poisonous gas. Some children were already lying on the bed, very weak.

"Don't you know that the poison gas leaked?" Kahn looked angry and worried.

"We know..." The group of children pointed to the exhaust fans in the factory building that were running at full capacity, but now there is no completely clean air in the gutter area, and no matter how they are emptied, they will not be free from the poisonous gas.

"It doesn't work at all! Do you think you can pass this time with patience?"

"Brother Ike is already working hard to make a filter device." Seeing the angry Kahn, Ayuna timidly stood up and explained.

"It's too late."

Kahn turned the bag upside down in agitation, and with a light shake, all the gas masks came out and scattered on the ground.

Seeing the pile of gas masks, the group of children froze for a moment, then realized that Kahn had put the life-saving straw in front of them, and immediately cheered and thanked, but was interrupted by a violent cough.

If you don't wear a gas mask, the chemicals in the air will leave a burning pain in your throat, your throat will become hoarse, and you will cough again and again when you shout hard.

"Okay! Stop screaming, put them on quickly! Kaisha, teach them how to put them on, and I'll go to the next workshop." After speaking, he opened the door and walked out with a gas mask.

"Hmm." Kai'Sa picked up a gas mask, glanced at the group of children, and beckoned to Anna: "You come here first."


When Kahn came to the work room, he saw that Ike was sweating profusely and coughing repeatedly, dismantling a damaged breathing filter device. Without saying a word, he threw the gas mask on the workbench, interrupting his work at hand.

"Put it on, don't die, the children still need you."

Ike stared blankly at him, but when Ike picked up the mask, his first reaction was not to put it on himself, but to ask if the other children had it.

"Others have it, so you should worry about yourself."

Seeing Ike finally put on the mask, Kahn breathed a sigh of relief. For his business, he was really worried.

Now that the gas masks have been distributed to everyone, it doesn't make sense for Ike to disassemble the breathing apparatus.

"I didn't expect you to send a batch of face masks, thank you so much." Ike's gratitude to Kahn was beyond words, and he asked: "Although I am very grateful, I still want to know why you came .”

"I usually have the habit of reading newspapers, and this accident is so big that I can't even think about it. Fortunately, we found out early, and if we came later, the masks would be sold out."

Kahn and Ike went back to the dormitory while talking, and Kaisha had helped the children put on masks, even Mundo.

In fact, with his special physique, it should be very difficult for him to be damaged by this level of poisonous gas. His almost abnormal self-healing ability will not kill him unless he is dismembered.

"There are gas masks, do you need any other supplies? Food and drink? I guess the water source is not clean now, and it needs to be filtered before drinking. There are also medicines. Some children seem to be in serious condition, and they can't bring them now. When they go to the doctor, they can only go and buy some antibiotics to top it off."

Kahn looked around, but he didn't find that there was enough food to survive the disaster. Although the most basic protection problems have been solved, food and medicine are still the resources they need to worry about, and this disaster will not pass so quickly.

"We do need some dry food and medicine, but don't bother, we can just go out and buy it ourselves."

Ike wanted to dismiss Kahn and the others, he couldn't let his benefactor be in danger because of him.

"Is it in Zaan? Because of the poisonous gas leak, I guess the food transportation chain coming down from above has been broken, and the food factories of all sizes in Zaan must have stopped working. You just go out to buy food now, probably already I can't buy anything." Kahn shook his head, disapproving of Ike's approach.

"Or hold on a little longer and ride with us on the Screech," Kai'Sa said.

"No, the top must be overcrowded now. And we already have masks, so we should just stay below, don't go up and compete with others for living space. Even if we go up, there may not be a place to accommodate us refugees." Ai Ke shook his head. The damage to the body caused by the poisonous gas is still unclear, but some of them have already been bedridden due to complications, and someone needs to stay and take care of them.

"Let's bring things down for you from above."

The influx of a large number of Zaun people into Picheng will also have an impact on the ecology above. Going up at this moment is not necessarily a good thing, it can only be said that they are temporarily out of danger.

"Let's go then. I have to go to Fangmu District. My parents work in a factory. I have to visit them." Ike asked the children to stay in the base and left with Kahn. .

"Scream doesn't go to the middle level now."

"The way up is not the only way to scream."

"Why aren't you at home when it's so important? Isn't family important?" Kahn asked. Ike is different from other children. He has a family and parents. He is also a child. He should actually stay with his parents at this moment.

"It's all important." Ike made this very clear. After all, children are not as well-informed as adults, and they will be at a loss when encountering this situation. Inundated with poisonous gas.

"I hope no one dies because of this accident," Ike said. "It's better not to have one."

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