He Comes From the Void

Chapter 591: Sealing Again

Karn's eyes searched around the river, looking for something that could suppress Xerath's powerful magic.

But unfortunately, nothing was gained after a lap. I can only rely on myself.

He was quick to wit, using void magic to shape crystal wedges one by one, and then inserted them into the energy vortex. These crystals are similar to those tentacles, and they can also absorb energy. When multiple wedges are driven into Xerath's body, the temperature in the center of the vortex is effectively dropped.

Then Kahn made the skin armor gigantic, and his arms swelled accordingly, forcefully protruding into the center of the vortex, frantically absorbing the mutated magic. As the energy was quickly drawn away, Xerath was also constantly weakening, and he had no strength to resist Kahn.

The reason Kahn agreed to do Nasus to revive Azir was also because he coveted Xerath, who was released with him. If such a pure energy collection was swallowed up, it might save a few struggles. ten years. Although Xerath is strictly regarded as Bakay who failed to ascend, the power of ascension in his body is no less than that of orthodox ascenders, and Kahn has been longing for it for a long time.

That's why he deliberately created this opportunity, which can not only weaken the enemy but also satisfy his own needs, it is regarded as the travel expenses of this trip.

However, the people above saw that Kahn dragged Xerath into the water for a long time and did not come out, and began to feel that something was wrong. Under Azir's signal, Nasus came to the river to investigate the situation, and called Karn's name.

Just when he couldn't wait to jump, Kai'Sa surfaced her head from the water.

"Wait a little longer." She said: "Kan has suppressed Xerath, now find something to seal him, don't let him escape."

Hearing this, Nasus narrowed his eyes and turned his head to look in the direction of the sun disc. Azir's figure cast a stalwart silhouette against the light. After signaling to Azir, the Ascension Emperor bestowed a magical sarcophagus.

This sarcophagus wrapped in chains was used to seal monsters that even the Ascended could not deal with. Under Azir's control, it flew out from the depths of the mausoleum and landed heavily in front of Nasus.

The sarcophagus was very heavy, and Renekton, who had mostly recovered from his injuries, also approached. The two brothers, who had returned to normal size, dragged the sarcophagus to the river bank together, waiting for Kahn to appear.

Not long after, Karn rushed out of the river holding Xerath, who had absorbed enough magic from Xerath. Now the purple light emitted from the texture-like cracks on his skin armor is deeper, and it is not known what else has changed for the time being.

Xerath, who had absorbed the magic, was completely smaller than before. Although the appetite for void skin armor would never be satisfied, if the discomfort was enough, Azir might not be able to give an explanation.

Knowing from Kai'Sa that the Ascenders are already waiting, Kahn immediately took Xerath to fly upwards and landed in front of the two gods. They carried a piece of stone steel twice, while Azir kept a safe distance.

"Void?" When Renekton saw Kahn for the first time, he instinctively clenched the crescent knife and axe, and flicked his tail uneasily.

He participated in the suppression of Icacia, and he is one of the few ascenders who can still maintain his sanity. Perhaps he chose to let Nasus imprison him in the mausoleum, which made him not fight with others The Ascendant degenerates into the Darkin like that, and is eventually wiped out.

"Don't be impatient, he is not an enemy, I will explain to you later." Nasus asked Renekton to keep calm, this matter is difficult to explain, and now is not the time.

As Kahn handed Xerath to Nasus, he was no longer speechless, and said stubbornly: "Do you want to use the same trick on me a second time?!"

"The seal this time will only be stronger than the last one, and you won't be able to escape." Nasus ignored Xerath's accusation, forcefully stuffed him into the sarcophagus, and tied it tightly with iron chains several times. These chains are enchanted with effects greater than those of Demacia's enchanted stone.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Azir approaching, and Nasus told Renekton to stop, not in a hurry to close the coffin lid.

Azir stood in front of the sarcophagus, looked at Xerath, who was already powerless, and cast complicated gazes.

Time was too tight, and he still had a lot of things to figure out. He only knew that Xerath had caused everything. There are so many old accounts to be turned over, and they cannot be written off hastily. There are still some things that need to be clarified with Xerath.

Like his motivation.

"You are already free, but why don't you stop." Azir asked, his voice was bitter and hollow.

"It's too late, friend. It's too late, brother. It's too late for us. Too many things are going on, too many sacrifices are being made, and I can't turn back..."

Xerath didn't answer Azir's question well, even though it was his last chance to defend himself.

Azir felt a burst of disappointment, and Nasus sealed the coffin lid. As the jackal-headed god cast a spell on the coffin, Xerath's voice was completely sealed inside.

"Your Majesty, what should we do next?" Nasus asked.

"Close it first, there are too many things to deal with now, and I will judge him when I have time."

Kahn listened to the conversation between the two, thinking that there might be a day when Azir and Xerath would sit down and talk calmly together.

Azir looked around his capital, besides the two natives Nasus and Renekton, there were only three of them, Karn. There is no one in the huge city, and there is no life at all, just like an empty grave protruding from the sand.

And that disaster still has an impact on the Dawn Oasis, leaving behind sequelae in this city. It can be seen from a certain angle under the sunlight that ghosts of sand and dust appear in the streets and alleys.

They opened their mouths and let out silent screams, turned and fled, fell, crawled... in the desperate silence, they reproduced the appearance of the dying moment again and again.

This is a ghost town, Azir thought painfully. But no matter what, we have to make this place full of living people first.

"An emperor cannot live without people, and a city cannot live without residents. Nasus, we must find a way to revive the Dawn Oasis."

"Your Majesty, the clear water flowing from the Dawn Oasis is continuously pouring into the Mother of Life. When people find that the Mother of Life has been refilled, they will follow the water source to find out. The nomads will be the first to arrive. Needless to say, they will spread the news of your return, and those admirers of the royal family will definitely come to seek refuge after hearing the rumors."

Nasus' answer gave Kai'Sa an idea, and she whispered to Karn, "Why don't we just wait here for Taliyah's arrival, I have a hunch that she will come with the Weaver Tribe."

"Listen to you." Kahn nodded.

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