He Comes From the Void

Chapter five hundred and ninety fourth split regeneration

After a brief conversation, the caravan decided to spend the night in the city. Kahn, on the other hand, bought some missing things from the caravan and placed them in his house.

It's not that I don't think there's too much money to spend, it's just that I'm not used to seeing the house empty. Moreover, these things can also be used as a sign of ownership after they leave. Kahn imagined that the emperor would not want to deal with trivial matters such as real estate disputes, so he had to use something to prove that the house belonged to him.

Maybe when Liming Oasis develops, it will really become a "capital house", worth tens of thousands of dollars.

It's just that the Dawn Oasis is still not suitable for settlement. There is no stable food source here, and the only way to solve this problem is to wait for the caravans to bring food one after another. It is foreseeable that Dawn Oasis will become the largest gathering place around by virtue of its water source, and when it becomes a lively gathering place, it will have everything.

Surprisingly, Sivir left the Dawn Oasis with the caravan the next day, saying that the place was lifeless and a place with opportunities was suitable for her. Ryze also had the same idea. He obtained the agreed world rune from Nasus and left with the caravan, continuing to run on the way to contain the rune.

It's really good, it's worth pretending, after all, there are many sources of books, all books,!

Kahn said goodbye to the two with regret, and continued to stay in the city to do his own thing.

The power captured from Xerath has strengthened the various dimensions of the void skin armor. Kahn found that not only has he been strengthened in all aspects, he can even step on the void and float in the air like a witch spirit without doing anything. .

Although the speed of floating is far less than that of flying with dragon wings, it shows that he has been able to distort the laws of physics, which is a huge improvement from scratch.

In addition, the Void Skin Armor has an additional ability to split and regenerate. Now his armor can be quickly detached and recycled from his body.

The crack-like luminescent lines will be connected together first, and a piece of skin armor will be separated from the body like being peeled, but the defense will not be weakened.

Kahn didn't understand the use of this at first, thinking that it was used to escape the golden cicada's shell at a critical moment. Until later, in an accidental attempt, he discovered that the detached part could quickly deform or float in the air under his control... It was like floating cannons floating on both sides of his shoulders.

This is much more useful than using the mind to control two self-destructive bugs to float around. First of all, the creatures he created cannot change their shape and function when they are out of the body, and it takes a lot of energy to control them. However, the separated armor piece can be manipulated and changed at will. For example, if you want to suppress the enemy, you can grow a one-eyed eye and shoot a biolysis ray. After the enemy hides in the bunker, it will transform into a miniature pod to attack and launch a plasma bomb that can strike in an arc.

This ability greatly strengthened Kahn's output ability, and also gave him more ways to deal with the enemy. It's just that he didn't have much chance to practice in the Dawn Oasis, so he couldn't go to Azir to ask for some sand soldiers as targets, right? Come on, he really doesn't know this Ascended Emperor well.

After the caravan left, people discovered this city rising from the gravel one after another. It was nothing more than another caravan, a nomadic tribe, or a bandit group... and Kahn, as the only human in the city, always Come out and tell people about the situation in the city. Until a group of robbers refused to listen to his advice and wanted to occupy this empty city as king.

Then Azir personally came forward to teach this group of robbers a lesson, and asked the sand soldiers to kill their leader in full view, and the rest were expelled from the city, and they were marked. If they approached the city again, they would be immediately sanded. soldiers killed. Although not many people witnessed this scene, Azir's majestic image was initially established.

And after almost a month, Dawn Oasis finally ushered in its first large-scale crowd.

An unusual storm has swept across the desert, driving various tribes to the city of Dawn Oasis. While they were racing against the storm, they saw the sun disc towering in the sky in the distance, this huge landmark. However, there is no second human gathering place within a hundred miles, and these people who are threatened by sandstorms can only choose to go to this ancient city that has never appeared on the map to seek shelter.

But people are always wary of the extraordinary. Even though Azir promised to protect everyone in the city, there were still many people who chose to set up temporary camps outside the city walls, preferring to fight through the storm, rather than go into the city and just find a house to wait for the storm to pass.

About two hours before the storm hit the city wall, Karn and Kai'Sa came outside the city to find someone. Crossing the golden threshold, the city is full of people, and the busy scene is like an anthill before the flood. Though they still hesitated to enter the depths of the great city, the terror on their faces was more from the unearthly storm than from the city or the returning Emperor.

Karn looked around in the crowd, but did not see Taliyah. Kaisha also asked someone, but the result was that no one saw the arrival of the weaver tribe.

Those around were still debating whether to stay in the camp or seek refuge in the old city. Kahn decided to wait a little longer, because he could see that there were still several tribes heading towards the city in the distance, and maybe the Weaver tribe was among them.

It turned out that they really waited until the storm was approaching, and the weaver tribe arrived. Their large herds of livestock slowed the pace, causing the Weavers to almost race against the storm.

Kai'Sa braved the intensifying wind and sand to welcome their arrival, her long purple hair was blown like strips of cloth fluttering indiscriminately.

"Little Master? Sister Kasha? Why are you here?!" Seeing the long-lost acquaintance in this kind of place, Taliyah felt nothing but unparalleled excitement and joy, and even the coming storm seemed insignificant.

"We know that your tribe will migrate with the seasonally changing water sources, so we have been waiting for you to arrive at the source of the mother of life. Long time no see, the little sparrow has grown up." Kaisha smiled and took Taliyah It can be clearly seen that she has grown a little taller, her hair has also become longer, and she no longer looks like a tomboy, but the freckles on her face have not disappeared.

"Come in and say, the city gate is about to close." Kahn interrupted the conversation between the two, his voice was almost overwhelmed by the disturbed oasis and the approaching gust of wind. At the same time, he signaled to Taliyah's parents that he is the chief of the tribe and decides the direction of the tribe.

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